
Showing posts from March, 2012

feeling better now

i am feeling better after my outburst the other day. had a lovely day yesterday went to brooklands museum and it was brilliant. i have never been there before, but we will be going again soon. from the young man in the ticket office and to the other lovely people, who made us so welcome a BIG THANK YOU!. going back to my outburst,it was being taken for granted, i am not perfect, but i always try to treat people with respect and try never to take any one for granted. and if i do then i will always apologise,i am not a smug person, it was the way i was bought have a lovely weekend, i helping a friend with hedge cutting over the weekend which i enjoy.its my job to clear up and put it the compost bin . sorry that's part of my thumb there!

i am angry!

i am so angry angry angry! i thought if i put words down it might calm me down but it hasn't help. so i will have lunch a cup of tea then go out in the garden then just then i might calm down. that's me a storm cloud. in the end i didn't go in the garden i did some decluttering i feel better now and i found some books i forgot about and  one i thought i lost! yes result.
have a lovely weekend
a unexpected thursday afternoon in the park.  these pictures were  taken with a phone camera. please dont use my pictures with out me knowing, not that they are that good.!. its only polite.