
Showing posts from September, 2012


1.having the weekend to myself. its the first weekend i have had to myself for a very long time. 2..going to help son re-pack his bags for his trip with the school, he doesn't know that i got him a a new large holdall yet. i saw it recommended on line saying its large enough to take a sleeping bag and practically everything but not the kitchen sink. we will see. sister has passed all her exams.she has now finished all her courses. she has now signed on with a job agency ,which has got a good reputation for getting jobs for people over a certain age. you will get a job sis ,you will.

dance,rose bush, trip

1.we all enjoyed ourselves at the 60s dance. great fun. it was so nice to see every one enjoying themselves .yes i did do the twist ,but i have to practice more 60s dance moves for the next dance. 2.when i went to get the washing in i noticed that my rose bush is in bloom again. 3.son's school trip is back on after it was cancelled last week due to bad weather.

cook books,overalls& the twist.

1.there is an other lady  in blog land who loves reading cookery books, so i am not the only one! 2.buying my son his first pair of overalls,he tried them on and he looks the part. he is doing a mechanics course at college,he gets a day release from school. one minute he was a baby now he is on the brink of adulthood. where has that time gone? 3.we been invited to a 60s afternoon at our friend,new care home, we are looking forward to it, sounds like it will be good.must polish up my 60s dancing up, especially the twist!

dawn breaking

1.i love watching dawn breaking. when i see that pinky glow, or even that inky blue, or whatever colour, i wonder at it. also i think what is going to happen today. 2.listening to some music from my youth,i forgotten how good the 60s music sounded. to me it sounded real good. 3.having a bowl of porridge as its a bit me autumn has arrived. along with russets and coxs apples. but best of all english pears.


1.went to blackpool over the weekend, had a great time. i went up blackpool tower saw the famous ballroom and sat a while watching people dancing then went up to the sky walk. after a few minutes of dithering i went on the sky walk, i do not have a good sense of heights,but i am glad i did it.i took photos which i must down load.. 2.while on the way to blackpool ,saw a bus with its blind saying "we are awfully sorry but this bus  is temporarily out of service" how polite is that? son was to gone on a school trip to wales for a few days, but due to the weather it was cancelled , but hopefully the weather will be ok for next week, he and his class will go then.

getting back to normal

1.seeing wild cyclamen growing under some trees ,in a field partridges having a good feed. son is going to college one day a week now he is in year 11, he is studying mechanics. 3.things are slowly getting back to normal after a horrible 4 weeks.

sun and sunset

1.eating a egg and bacon sandwich in the garden and enjoying the the sun and its warmth. 2.looking at the beautiful sunset. the colours wow! gave me an idea for my next crochet project. 3.hearing a cheery voice at the end of the phone.its been a bad week,so speaking to my friend for a few minutes cheered me up.

trains clouds and cats.

1.falling asleep on the train, knowing that the last stop will be your stop. then get off the train walk a few paces across the platform to get the connecting train home, which came in a minute or two. 2.while on the train looking out of the window and making shapes out of the clouds,i saw a submarine , a alligator, a mother duck and her ducklings ,faces. 3.its not been a good week this week , and my cats seem to know this ,so they  really have been giving their love, thank you  cats x.