
Showing posts from March, 2013


went away for the weekend ,so had to stay  in a b&b overnight. we were advised not to stay in one particular one, but it was the only one what was the nearest to the party we were going to , there were other b&b's, but they were really to far away. bur anyway we booked in,shown our room,it was clean the bed linen was freshly washed and the towels ditto. the decor its not to everyone's taste, but it was clean. the breakfast the next morning was good. its was hot and there was plenty  of it. the people who run are very had your usual tea, coffee etc.all we paid for a family room was £55, which i thought wasn't to bad, where as other places we looked at we were looking at £95, or more for the 3 of us. i think you have to make your own mind up, listen to what being said by all means , but take the plunge as it may be ok, but if not at least you tried. we will stay there again if we need to.

spoilt, walk & exam

1. spoilt it! i went for a walk to chase away the blues which worked,came home feeling a bit peckish, instead of having a healthy snack i had 2 fruit,nut and chocolate cookies and they were very nice, also they were the big cookies not the small ones!. never mind there is always tomorrow. so healthy snacks and fruit on the shopping list for tomorrow. 2.enjoyed my walk. i used to walk everywhere at one time. but just got lazy, so i am trying to get into good habits now, at the moment its nice to go for a walk. the weather is cold but dry in my neck of the woods. 3.son has just done his gcse art exam .

water colour, tiffany & hot water.

1.on the bus going to work i noticed that the scenery was like a water colour painting all the colours were merging into one did look beautiful even though it was raining and rather sort of high lighted the greens and browns. 2.i watched breakfast at tiffany's for the very first time and i really enjoyed it. 3.the heating saga. engineer came out was here for a long time, then said every thing is ok , the water should not be to hot now, but he said to phone up if it plays up again. all the thermostats are at the correct temperture, so ok i said.thinking that all is ok . guess what? the water is hotter, so an other call will be made today.

book,fair & monday.

1.just ordered a new knitting book. i have not treated myself to a new  book for ages. once a upon a time i am sure i used to buy books and magazines to come that for the sake of it,but now i take my time and really think about it. but this book will be very useful. 2.went to a craft fair at the weekend. it was really good. 3. its monday start of a new week, hopefully it will be a good one.

mended, mending & time.

1.mended the washing machine door. the screws came loose. all i had to do was to tighten them up. 2.heating people are coming next week to sort out my heating. it is a new system and its not been in long and i have to call them out, so hopefully its just teething problems. 3.seeing my grand daughter and daughter. not having seen my grand daughter for a while, i have notice that she has grown so tall . its unbelievable that she is 3 this year. where does time go?

filling, morning & knitting.

1.had a filling put in. but if the filling comes out again the tooth has to come out. 2.its a beautiful morning. 3.only 13 more squares to do. till last night i didn't pick my knitting up for a week,then i fell asleep with knitting in my hands.i know that knitting relaxes you, but to fall asleep? never mind,i will plod on.

heating,dentist,& spring flowers. new heating system is playing up. not all radiators are working, but the ones which are  , are red hot. plus the timer is playing up and the hot water is so hot,even though its been turned down,so a phone call is now due. 2.going to the dentist today. might have to have my wisdom tooth out, not looking forward to having it done, but it needs to be seen to. 3.saw some lovely crocuses and snowdrops the other day before all this snow .

tooth,door seal & cheerful

1.broke wisdom tooth while having breakfast. dentist tuesday. 2.washing machine is working, but the door seal has gone. 3.but still cheerful.  i know these things are very the past weeks since christmas ,nearly every week something has gone wrong. but still that's life.

garden centre,stock& 50s do.

1.went to the local garden centre. it is open but it it is going a major transformation, and when it is done it will look really great. other foodie. made some stock the other day and used it in dinner last night and it did make a difference.have to make stock a bit more. 3.going to a 50s do tonight it will be a change.

butterfly,files & parcels.

1.while sorting out the recycling i saw my first butterfly of the season and it was a yellow one. 2.buying two files at very cheap prices as they are at the end of the range,covered in ladybirds. they are for my knitting and crochet patterns which i have got so many.its a quiet afternoon job, with tea and cakes for a reward. 3.waiting in for a parcel for once i don't mind, i am just pottering about and had i have gone out i would of missed the yellow there are some good things what happens when you stay in for parcels.

weekend, cats & mondays

1.went away for the weekend, had a lovely son had his first driving lesson ,it was off road as he is only 16,what a great time he had. his instructor he did very well. he really enjoyed himself. more lessons will be soon booked up for him. 2.coming home to be greeted by  one cat. the other two ignored us . but as soon as dinner was dished up for them that was a different story. 3.the start of a new week. i think i must only be the only person on the world who likes mondays.