
Showing posts from January, 2014

Weight, rain, & guess.

1.still losing weight. Slow but sure . Feeling better for it. 2.trying so hard not to mind the rain. 3.found a knitting pattern for triangles using Aran wool. Great as I have a load of Aran wool to use up. Guess what I will be making after I done  the crochet blanket I am doing for my cats?

sunset,son & dress size.

1.enjoying the golden sunset , set against a grey misty sky. 2.son had last off road driving lesson, as he will be 17 soon and his first lesson on road will be on his 17th birthday. which is this week. 3.since i have change my eating habits for the better, i have gone down one dress size, i am doing this the slow but steady way, as i would like to keep the weight off for good. and i am beginning  to feel better for it.

4good reasons to be cheerful.

1. Went to craft fair. Really enjoyed it. It was so nice to see a lot of people enjoying themselves. And also talking to you about your craft and what do you do? Made the world a nicer place and it brought people together. 2. Listening to the birds sing while waiting for the bus. Heard a robin, blackbird, thrush. There was one I was not sure of. 3. Done some more walking now the weather is better. Used to walk a lot, but got lazy, now getting into the habit of walking, am enjoying it and feeling better for it. 4. One side of the high street had rain, the other side had no rain, but sunshine. Love our weather.

Blanket, sweetie, & no rain.

1. Just doing the last round of edging of the blanket. 2. Being called sweetie from someone,who I never expected from. 3. No rain today so far.

wool, work & computer cat.

1.brought more wool! i have decided on a simple crochet blanket after i finish the knitted blanket ,nearly sewn it up. taking my time as it is a bit tricky to sew up. 2.went back to work. really nice to go back. was off for 3weeks. 3,sitting at the computer making a fuss of one  the cats. life has been a bit stressful in the pass few days,i think i should change her name to computer cat.. as she usually sits next to me when  i am on the computer.

hijacked,blanket & weather

1.the computer was hijacked by a service called and it was a pain, i do not use computer speak as such, but son managed to get rid of it. so beware when downloading stuff, as that's the only thing we can think of what caused this to hijack us.we didn't agree to terms and conditions. so be very careful. 2.i am sewing up the blanket for grand daughter to be.i am taking my time as it is a bit tricky, beause it is a lacy pattern and also i am sewing the squares in a diamond  shape. 3.the weather has been really nice till sunday afternoon so made the most of it.

pigeon, size & no rain.

1.watching a pigeon drink from a puddle. 2.dropped down a dress size. rain yet.

scans no telly & hat.

1.seeing some 4d scans of  my grand daughter to be, 2.not having the telly on. makes a lovely change not to have it on. 3.buying a new hat. it is purple,silver and black and i got it in a sale, bargin.

squares,project & college

1.i have to make 2 more squares for the blanket, then i have to sew it together. then have to get pink ribbon to tie around it. 2. i have to decide what i am going to make afterwards, do i do an other knitting project or crochet. i think i do crochet and after that knitting and so on. 3.son's first day back at college. he was up and ready and looking forward to going back.

a new year.

1. i do hope that everyone has a happy new year. is exciting when the new year comes and hopefully it will be good. 3.nice to look on the year just gone. the good, the bad, and hopefully 2014 will be good.