
Showing posts from April, 2014

Cheeky, clear up & equipment.

1. Had 2 cheeky smiles from my baby granddaughter. 2. Operation clear up and get the garden straight has begun. 3. Feeling better that the  garden is being done, but need new equipment so have to do the best I can with what I got for now.

Soothes, sandals & away.

1. Knitting really soothes me. Did a little experiment, done 2 crochet blankets , enjoyed making them was going to start a new one, but decided to knit one, picked up my needles and yarn away I went and I really felt the tension leave me. 2. Bought my self a pair of sandals for £6.00 . They are last year's fashion but I am not worried, never have been fashionable. 3. Looking forward to a few days away. But why is it you try and get things done and get sorted it does not always work out? 

Cold, magazine & blog.

1. Feeling better after a very nasty cold. Why does a cold sometimes drains you? 2. My most favorite magazine came through the post. Enjoying someme time reading it. 3. Found a lovely blog called my rose valley . And it was asked are you a thinker or a doer? Iam a thinker, but I have got lots to do, like the lady who blog it is , I think I have to start small and do.

Blankets, grandchildren & cuddle.

1. The crochet blankets for my granddaughters turned out very well. Now doing a knitted garter stitch blanket, in  many colours. 2. Spent a lot of my time with my daughter and baby granddaughter, while my other granddaughter and grandson were away. They had a brilliant time. I had a brilliant time getting to know my new granddaughter.  It is nice having the other 2 back it was so quiet without them. 3. Having a first cuddle with my baby granddaughter.


1.enjoying the walk to town with my daughter and granddaughter, with this lovely weather we are having at the moment it is bliss. 2. My other granddaughter and grandson are on holiday with their other grandparents and are really enjoying themselves, but my granddaughter wants her mummy to go and cook their dinner. 3. Going into my daughter's place is so quiet without the other 2 . Baby granddaughter is a sleeper at the moment.

Tea,watching & craft.

1.changing tea brands. The one I am using at the moment is just s good as the named brands. In fact I was told it was better than the named brand. And it is a lot cheaper. 2. Coming home by train in the late evening and watching the sky go from dusk to night. 3. Brought a new craft book. I was not going to buy any more, but this one has got so many patterns and ideas I have not seen before.

Stranger, lock & treat.

1. Kindness of a stranger. 2. Locking my son in by accident, I was very lucky he saw the funny side, but have to sort the lock as he should of been able to unlock the door from inside. 3. Seeing a steam train pass my train , an unexpected treat.

Watching, looking& staying.

1. Watching the cat watching the rain. 2. Looking forward to seeing my two granddaughters. 3. Son staying away from home. With him being autistic this is a big step for him.


Granddaughter to be is now here. Will be seeing her later . Cannot wait, I am so excited. I sound like a big kid! But I am not worried.

Caffe latte,minx & better.

1. Cafe latte chocolates my favourites. 2. Granddaughter to be is not been born yet today is her due date, but the little minx doesn't want to come yet. 3. After some uncertain at work, things look to be getting better.