
Showing posts from January, 2015

Scent,snow& big kid.

1. I know I mentioned it before, the scent of the hyacinths when you come into the house is so gorgeous. Who needs artificial air fresheners when you have got natures own. 2. Just me and one cat in watching the snow fall, to be honest it's more sleet. 3. Just got a message from daughter it's snowing yay! She is a bit kid at heart. Bless her.

biittersweet,tests& breakfast.

1. A bit of sad news a neighbour died. The about a half hour later a friend told me that her sister is expecting her first baby, happy news. 2. Son did his tests apart from one on Tuesday, they have finished for the time being. He is happy! 3. Being treated to breakfast out and it was lovely, but back to porridge tomorrow. Yes it was a big fry up very rare when I have one and it wil be a very long time till I have the next one.

A special hug.

A very nice and special thing happened to me, youngest son gave me a hug. Mums of teenage boys will understand. He has got two important tests, one today and one tomorrow. Hope all goes well with him.

2,no& 2.

1. 2 cats either side of me and 1 on my lap. 2. A quiet morning in, no form filling in, no making telephone calls. 3. Having a lovely chat to 2 young men who are working for a charity. Lovely to hear about their charity and why they work for it. Well done lads.

Missed, nonsense & raring.

1. One of my colleagues is back to work now after being really ill. Welcome back you have been missed by staff and students. 2. Read  a bit of  Edward Lear . Love his nonsense verses . 3. After a spell of not doing crocheting I have pick it up again and I am raring to go. Can't wait to use the marigold yarn I got last week, but i will be knitting with it.

Sleep,achievements & better.

1. Watching youngest son asleep. He look so peaceful. Not very often he falls asleep downstairs. We had a busy week. 2. Went to a train fair, which was held in a school, while son and partner went round the fair, I look at the achievements the pupils have got and done and are doing. They are doing so well. Well done! 3. Feeling better in myself, I think I have shaken of the blues. That flu really really took hold of me. Never again do I want to go through that again

Crawl,, suprise & out.

1. Baby granddaughter now can crawl and pull herself up. 2. An other brown envelope with a other nice suprise. An invitation to an award ceremony. 3. An night out tonight with friends. A lovely meal to look forward to.


1. Happiness is when dealing with people on the end of the phone and they are so lovely and helpful, makes a lovely change. Thank you to both ladies you made my day. 2. Happiness is having a daughter who support is so helpful that it humbles me. 3. 3 problems solved over the phone is happiness.

Brown, marigold & natter.

1. Good news sometimes comes in brown envelopes. 2. Brought a shade of yarn called marigold. I saw it the other week and kept thinking yes or no to get it and the yes won finally. It's what I call a soft orange colour 3. Had a nice quiet morning in the next town to me and then bumped into my sister and we went for a tea and natter.

Cashier,diary & practice.

1. Had a lovely cashier at the supermarket today, he was so bright and cheerful, certainly brighten up this dull and gloomy day for me. 2. Found a old exercise book, I started to write a diary, it only had one entry, all about it's ok to treat yourself. How old that book is I don't know. But I think I might write my last thoughts of the day in it. 3. And my writing a mess. I must practice doing my handwriting and not scribble and be lazy.

Miss, cheerful & corner.

1. Went back to work, it was so lovely to go back. I do miss going, but after that flu,I just wanted to make sure I was well , as I did not want to pass it on to the children. 2. Son came home from college cheerful. It was one of those Mondays for him. Everything went wrong again, but in a nice way he said. 3. Son got up for college with no problem and left early. Maybe he has turned his corner now I do hope so.

Happiness,rut & glasses

1. Happiness is opening a new pot of face cream. It doesn't promise wrinkle free skin,in fact it doesn't promise anything, but soft skin and for me that's fine. 2. Trying a different routine to do the housework, got stuck in a rut. Not sure if it will work, but need to try. 3. Getting my new glasses today, but they are the same frames as what I am wearing now. It's that I have had some nice frames in the past, but these ones are are my favuorite  frames and the colour are a deep rose pink. Then will be having lunch with daughter.

Girls, work & school .

1. Spent the afternoon with my three girls, my eldest granddaughter  was showing me her numbers and letters. Also she was writing her words. Little granddaughter was very quiet today. 2. Partner went back to work. Came home tired, but otherwise he was ok. 3. Eldest granddaughter was telling me about school,how she enjoys going to school and what she is learning, but best of all she likes playing with her friends.

Mother,mother. & mother.

1. Met my mother today for the first time in a month. She had this horrible flu bug as well, even though she had her flu jab, she still caught it but she said it wasn't as bad as it could of been. 2. My mother has decided to reach 95, she is 87 at the moment. My sister said that my mother up till now kept on saying that she hasn't much time for this world. And when she spoke to me she wants to get to 95 then see after that what age she wants to get to. 3. I said to my mother sorry I haven't been around but as I had the flu, I didn't want her to get it from me. That's alright she said I caught it of your sister instead, who didn't get it from me.

Sale, chips & fig.

1. Buying three books in a sale, the cost for all three was £3.94. Two were cookery books and the other one was a knitting book. 2. Partner bought me a actifry for a present, I am sure he bought it for himself really. Does do good chips. 3. Fig jam on salt and pepper bread.

Cough, routine & shooked..

1. Had a cough free night and the best night sleep in about 3 weeks. 2. Bumped into 2 friends I haven't seen for ages, some people like to hibernate in the winter, all this was due to a change of routine. 3. I thought your blue gloves were red and your red gloves were blue said me to son. Son just looked at me sadly and shooked his head.

Strike, listen & changeable .

1. Went to the big town near me and it was very quiet, due to the bus strike. It made a nice change and partner got what he wanted. 2. Partner is so much better now. He said he should of listened to me in the first place. But hey we are all guilty for not listening at times. 3. Enjoying the changeable weather at the moment, from dark to light , from rain to sun.

May,passed & felt.

1. Booked a holiday for May . 2. Son passed 2 exams. Well done. 3. Had a walk in the fine rain and wind felt better for it.

Tunnel,busy & happy.

1. The weather just before going into the train tunnel was fine, got through the other end and it was very misty. 2. Baby granddaughter can sit up by herself now and with her crawling now, she has had a busy week. 3. Eldest granddaughter had a good week back at school and was happy to see her friends again.

Tasty,patched & listen.

1. Cheesy mash, beef stew , all nice and simple, but very tasty. 2. Youngest son and I patched up our tiff,mainly my fault. Don't like being out of sorts with him, but you know teenagers , just have to have more patience with him. 3. Partner has got more antibiotics, but he is so much better. He is now getting irritable, that means he is on the mend,he wants to be doing things but his body won't let him. Told him to listen to his body rest and it won't be long and you will be better, don't listen to your body and you will take longer to get better your choice.

Stew ,bubble & race.

1. Making a stew for dinner today in the slow cooker. Need it today with all this rain. 2. Made bubble and squeak last night ages since I made it and it went down well. 3.having 5 mins to myself, watching the raindrops on the windows racing with each other. It's quite relaxing.

Son , crochet & son.

1. Eldest son not coming home till March now. In one way I am glad as he won't catch this horrible flu bug. But in other way I was so looking forward to seeing him, but March is not to far . 2. Picked up my crochet first time in 3 weeks, due to this bug I have had. Did a few rows , it was so nice to do those few rows. 3. Son went back to college and had a good day back, even though  he was late!

Lunch, back & slowed down.

1. Saw 2 of my girls today daughter and baby granddaughter , we had lunch and done some shopping. Daughter looks so much better and baby granddaughter well she just looked as lovely as ever. 2. Eldest granddaughter went back to school today and had a good day back. Daughter said that eldest granddaughter wanted to go back to school last week. 3. Had an eye test today, just need a slight change for my distant otherwise my eyes are ok. For the past 2 eye tests my eyes where rapidly going downhill, but was told today they have not changed to much they have slowed down. Hooray!

Sensible,sweets & crawling.

1. Partner is feeling better, but he is being sensible he is not going to work, he is silly if he did. He has got a very nasty chest infection. 2. We finally opened a tub of sweets what was bought for Xmas . 3. Baby granddaughter is crawling now. So mind yourself as she is so quick.

Ugh, worse & vee.

1. Daughter recommended a cough mixture, it's quite nice she said, ugh that's all I can say. 2.  Partner is getting better , I think he has got over the worse. Thank goodness. 3. Treated myself to a vee shaped pillow hoping that it will help me sleep, but partner has taken it over, now to get an other one, I won't use that , that's for old people he said!

Rubbish ,hugs & 2015.

1. Got up early to put out the rubbish , I thought today was rubbish day, but I checked it's not today it's tomorrow. 2. Daughter has recovered from her flu, but partner and son have got it now both are very ill with it. I am sending gentle hugs out to any one who is ill and hope you recover soon. 3. Hopefully 2015 will be a good year for everyone. Good health and happiness to each and everyone.