
Showing posts from February, 2015

Shared,finish,& better.

1. Shared a lemon muffin with baby granddaughter only a little bit, and they were homemade and boy did she enjoy it. 2. Crochet blanket is nearly finished then on to the next project. 3. Feeling a lot better in myself had a lot of problems most of them were small, but had one major horrible one, but that is now behind me I hope.

Things are much the same.

Things are much the same,that is why I haven't posted for a while. The granddaughters are well and the eldest is doing well at school. The youngest one is now walking around the furniture by holding on. Son is fine as well. So are the cats. Just might do an weekly post , not sure, But I do hope you are all keeping well and that life is treating you well.

Peek a boo!

Peek a boo! I see you. Hopefully will be coming back very soon.

Bye for now

It's time for me to go for a while not sure if I be back I will see

Hug,bunch & walk.

1. A very unexpected hug and kiss, just what the doctor ordered. I do miss the person who gave me the hug. Not Seen them in a long while.(kiss on the cheek,i hasten to add) 2. Met other colleagues who i don't work with today and a lovely bunch they were. 3. Went for my first proper long walk this year and loved it and the weather wasn't to bad , just right I would say.

Snow, dinosaurs & walking.

1. Just watching the snow coming down, now we finally got the proper stuff. I don't mind the snow but it's when the pavements ices over and its difficult to walk on, I don't like. If the pavements and roads were cleared, gritted properly we all can get on with our every day business. 2. Eldest granddaughter said she doesn't like dinosaurs but she enjoyed looking at a pop up book of dinosaurs, it's ok nanny you are with me, so I am not scared. 3.Went to see my elderly friend and she is a lot better now, she has been having problems with her walking, don't know what the doctor done, whatever it was it has helped her.

?, look & hats.

1. Youngest son is now18, where did that time go? As we always ask. 2. The look of  surprise on both granddaughters faces when they saw youngest son. They haven't seen him for a while. Shame I didn't have a camera with me. Then the grins and hugs came. 3. One thing about winter,you see some colourful hats all shapes and sizes. The ones with pom-poms,the ones with ear flaps. Saw a man wearing a hat shaped like a cat, and it was a child's hat, but as long it kept him warm why worry. The dark colours hat the really bright neon ones,i can go on and on, but i won't.