
Showing posts from March, 2015

Beamed, pinning & finished

1. Looked after baby granddaughter and had fun. Son popped round and the biggest smile was just for him. She just beamed. 2. Found Pinterest and been pinning away happily. The photos are so awesome what people put up. Makes my humble efforts just that. 3. Finished it the blanket/ afghan! Yes !

No, blankets & yes!

1. Looking after baby granddaughter this afternoon as her mum is on her course with eldest granddaughter. But we won't be playing super heroes ! 2. Manage to wash and put blankets on the line in the good weather of yesterday . Today is rain. 3. Threw some more decluttering out! Yes!

Leak, finish and toast.

1. Very quiet at work , it was just as well as there was a leak and it had to be done straight away. 2. I know it's taken me some time but I am now doing the border on the afghan. So hopefully i will finish it later. 3. Tea and toast with marmalade. Yummy!

Enjoyed, delicious and holiday.

1. Partner enjoyed his 4 x4 experience. It was a present from son and myself and we weren't sure if if would like it . He did! 2. Went to a chocolate fair. And it was so tempting to buy loads of proper chocolate,but didn' was so delicious to taste and to look at. 3. Last day at work for the couple of weeks will be the Easter holidays. Got so much to do and ned the time to do it all in.

Robert, underpants & PLANT.

1. It's not batman and robin, it's batman and robert according to my granddaughter. We were playing super heroes, she was batman, baby granddaughter was green lantern and i was captain america! 2. Why do super heroes wear underpants over tights? Asked eldest granddaughter .  Does anyone know the answer? I said to keep them warm. 3. I was given some beautiful purple and white hyacinths and got told in no uncertain terms when they have finished flowering indoors PLANT them out. I have earmarked part of the garden for them and I need to plant the others ones as well.

Last, smart & measure.

1. Just adding the last touches to the afghan, then will start the new one yay! 2. Son went to college very smart. 3. Son says I am shrinking ,I am saying he grown . I will be measuring him later to find out!

Bless all three.

1. Getting a message from eldest son, always cheers me that,bless him. 2. A beautiful top from youngest son, he has got good taste in clothes that one, bless him 3. Meeting daughter in the week for a belated mums day treat, but she bought me a lovely scarf. Bless her. 4. I am a mum who does not need a present on Mother's Day as I am very blessed with all three. Just knowing they are happy etc that is my presents from them

Blanket or afghan.

Blanket is nearly finished or should I say afghan. It's taken a long time to do. The next one will be a Afghan or blanket done in hexagons. Going to use some of my stash of wool got plenty of one colour for the main colour and plenty for the contrasts. Very satisfying using some of my huge stash and to have the colours that go well with each other.

13th,6 & walk.

1. Today is Friday the 13th dare I say it, I am not superstitious but in an other way I don't tempt fate. 2. For the next 6 weeks I am looking after baby granddaughter as my daughter is on a course with eldest granddaughter at her school. Yay!(one afternoon a week) 3. Won't be long and baby granddaughter will be walking then I can't call her baby granddaughter . She has got such a dirty laugh. She is going to be a pickle that one.

Life is ticking over .

Not much to write about. Life is ticking over quietly. It's had its ups and downs, but nothing interesting to write about. So I will come back soon.

Laptop,enjoy& lunch.

1. Son repaired the laptop. 2. Enjoying this lovely weather, 3. Had a lovely lunch with son.

Pattern, feet & lighter.

1. Wrote a pattern  in my new notebook for a knitted square. 2. My feet have recovered from the amount of walking I did yesterday. 3. Lighter evenings means spring will be here soon, lovely.

Lady,rainbow & decisions.

1. Met a lady at the station she was really nice, it was lovely talking to her. 2. Rain and sunshine = a rainbow beautiful. 3. Son has started to make his own decisions now, instead of asking me . Well done son.

Notebook, tea & yay!

1. Bought myself a new notebook, to put my knitting and crocheting ideas in. Got one for my recipes. 2. Had a quiet Sunday afternoon out shopping, but not food shopping then bumped into a friend had tea with them. 3. Near the end of the crochet blanket a few more rows then make it up . Yay!