
Showing posts from May, 2015

Stress, more stress & geese.

1. Rather a very stressful week, but finished off with a good day at work. 2. Getting ready to go away for a week, it's a much needed break life has not been easy these past few months so a week away is what the doctor ordered. 3. Watching three geese fly over head then land in the pond.

Son, Sister & Son.

1. Put it this way if my daughter needs someone to look after the children she should ask son, I don't know what it is but they do love him so, little granddaughter snuggle up against him and fell asleep, when I told mum she was amazed as little granddaughter doesn't do that to her or anyone else. It was so lovely to see, mind you son has always been good with younger children. He will make a great dad. 2. Sister has got an interview where I work, not sure if this is going to work , it's in an other department so it should do. Is it advisable for siblings to work together. But so glad she is going for an interview. 3. Son has decided to stay the extra year at college. Which is good.

Walk,Excellent & Robin.

1. Saw youngest granddaughter walk for the first time. 2. Had an excellent day at work the young student I am working with loves his maths and he is very good. 3. Walk past the tree that the residential Robin lives and he was singing away in the rain.


It's 03.04 in the morning and I am awake due to the worst tinnitus I have had for a long time in fact this is the worst. As soon as I think it's gone it comes back, it's a high pitch beeping noise. It maybe due to the fact I have got an other cold again not sure though. I do suffer with it I usually cope with it ok ,but this time not so good , what makes it worse is at night , during the day there is background noise but when it is night there is no background noise. But I will try and ignore it and get back to sleep.

Losing weight.

Weighed myself today and I have lost a nearly a stone and a bit since  last year, I am doing it the slow way of losing weight no quick fixes for me as I want to lose the extra weight sensibly and keep it off. I looked at what I was doing wrong and went from there, still got along way to go, but I am determined to lose the extra weight but I still enjoy my food , but look at it differently now and still have a little treat now and again. It's not been easy I can tell you. But I will keep trying to be good.

A good day out.

1. Had a great day out at amberley museum. It was a special day as they had steam traction day. And the weather was good which was a bonus. 2. Pop round to see a friend on the way home to look at their model railway, it's fantastic really good one of the best ones I have seen. 3. Had dinner out and it was lovely a nice roast ,beautiful roast potatoes crispy on the out side and fluffy in the middle.

Jokes,Brothers & kittens

1. Son telling jokes and good ones they were. He has got such a dry sense of humour. 2. Met up with my brother for a coffee which was nice, didn't twig that his birthday is coming up.that why he phoned me up so I could give him his present. I wondered why he phoned me up as I haven't heard from him for a long time! Baby brothers. 3. Give him his due my brother and his family they are giving two kittens a home and one of them has a wonky back leg, but it's been checked by the vet and he said that it will be brother said that all other kittens have got homes to go to and this one was left so he decided to have it he has got a soft heart.

Kitten,? & Watching.

1. A neighbour showed me her new kitten . He is white with two ginger spots on his head. He is a darling. 2. Went out today and soon as I went out it started to rain, when I came home it started  to rain as soon as I got in it stopped. Is the weather trying to tell me something? 3. Watching the ducks swimming on the pond in the rain and the wind ruffling their feathers.

Baby shower.

My daughter went to a baby shower, she explained to my granddaughter what it was, but my granddaughter thinks that you go and have a special shower and you have a baby and she is hoping for a baby brother!

Went well, shock & right.

1. The decluttering went well, the bulk of it has been done. 2. Got a shock son asked for help to sort out his bedroom which is not in that bad of state, but you know teenagers! 3. Looking at my honeysuckle bush this is definitely the best year for it. Don't know what I done right .

Declutter,Clogs & Drive.

1. Why is it that helping someone else to declutter is more exciting than doing your own? A friend has to have major work done, hence the decluttering. 2. New gardening clogs are excellent waterproof,light and comfortable. 3. Went out for a drive with son and really enjoyed it. I noticed he is quite chatty when he drives, so I think it relaxes him.

Moan,Update & Pigeon.

1. I may moan about the rain, but I do love it. 2. Update on the crochet hexagons not long and they all will be done. 3. Watching a pigeon having a shower in the rain and it looks like he is enjoying it his beautiful colours are really standing out.