
Showing posts from July, 2015

Done,Photos & Walked.

1. Cubbyhole done it wasn't that bad. I didn't realise how much wool I had. 2. Found lost photos so spent time looking at them happy memories. 3. Walked down to town with a friend and felt better for it.

In,Bounce & Hectic.

1. A day in today clearing out the cubbyhole. 2. Watching the rain as it drops down onto the leaves,making them bounce. 3.enjoying the silence after a very hectic week.

Light, Soaked & Eldery.

1. Turning the light on at 5:30pm it was that dark and gloomy. 2. Walking in the rain I got soaked from head to feet. But funnily enough I enjoyed it. 3. Elderly friend still in hospital but doing alright.

Garden& Playing.

1. Not very good news about my elderly friend hope to find out more later. 2. Finally started the garden proper. 3. Had a lovely day with my daughter and granddaughters. My eldest was playing piggy in the middle and the farmer is in his den. So the old games are still being played.

First, Planned & Escape.

1. Done the first 2 parts of the course, next week will be the next 2 parts. 2. Going to visit daughter and granddaughters at their caravan. Eldest granddaughter has got our day planned! 3. Youngest granddaughter is an escape artist! She nows climbs out of the cot so I think a bed is in order.

Brighter, Nearly & Nervous.

1. Update on elderly friend she seemed a bit brighter today, and insisting that she fine and she is not going anywhere, then she falls back to sleep. 2. Hexagons very nearly done! 3. Going on a course tomorrow feeling a bit nervous.

Not good news.

Not very good news my elderly friend is going to go into a hospice. Not a lot I can say really, just bless her and I will send her a prayer.

Damp Knickers.

 When i put washing out i usually put the small bits on my shoulder saves me keep on bending down, I answered the door and the delivery man gave me a funny look i wondered why it wasn't till I closed the door and felt something damp on my shoulder it was a pair of knickers completely forgot about them. And to forget them as well, goodness knows why I forgot and didn't feel them.

Boiler, Early & Long.

1. Boiler has passed it's twice yearly check and a small problem was solved at the same time. So it's worth having it checked twice a year. 2. Got up really early at 5am! Done what I had to do then started the housework! A new me? Not sure, but it has to be done. 3. The garden looks ok, the grass is long but with this showery weather we be having it's not surprising. Hopefully I will get it cut soon.

Eldest, Youngest & Record.

1. Eldest granddaughter met her new teacher when she goes into year 1 in September. How time flies, and she liked him and spoke to him which is rare as she normally doesn't talk to people straight away. 2. Youngest granddaughter has grown so quick . Her laugh is so infectious bless her. 3. Done shopping in record time as daughter had to be elsewhere it made a change, couldn't spend so much.

Lock, Decorate & Chat .

1. Locked myself out thought I put the keys in bag, then realised son was in, knocked him up and called through the letter box. He said he has now got a talking letter box. 2. Making plans to decorate the living room. 3. Had a nice chat with the cashier in the supermarket.

Wardrobe Walking & Toast.

1. If anyone asks you to help build a wardrobe,run! We were asked to help build a flat pack wardrobe son and myself and it was very  very stressful. But we done it in the end and it was worth it. 2. Walking in the rain with no rain jacket and wearing sandals pure bliss. 3. Son makes very good cheese on toast.

Connection,Lavender & Deceiving.

1. Went on my first train trip for ages and everything ran smoothly even though my train was late I still managed to get my connection if I had missed that train I would of had an hour wait. 2. The complete change of scenery from my last train trip, everything so green then we passed the lavender field which is in full bloom. 3. But I didn't enjoy the walk up the hill at the other end, it doesn't look much of a hill but it is deceiving.

Meeting, Dress & Itching.

1. Meeting new people is a joy . Met some really nice people in the past few days. 2. I actually wore a dress for the first time in ages and it felt funny and good at the same time. 3. So itching to start my next crochet project but I won't as I need to finish my hexagon afghan. Nearly at the end .

Sad,Bright & Left.

1. Sad occasion today going to a friend's dad's funeral. 2. We have to wear bright colours to the funeral as it was my friend's dad's wish which I think is nice. 3. Left hot water tap on all night!

Slept, Quiet & Nearly.

1. Went to see my friend who is now out of hospital. She slept most of the time I was there. 2. A very quiet day in son was visiting. Had a load of housework to do, did the main bits left the other chores to do for an other day. 3. Hexagons nearly done!

Friend,Alike & Rain

1. My elderly friend came out of hospital yesterday, so hopefully she will pick up soon. 2. Spent sometime with my daughter and little granddaughter. Haven't seen them for a while. I noticed little granddaughter is very much alike her mum when she was that age , a big bundle of mischief. 3. Enjoying the rain at the moment.

Draught Excluder, College & Joy.

1. One of the cats thinks he is a draught excluder,he stretched along the front door like a sausage! It is cooler there at the moment. 2. Son signed on for college. My course did not take place as I was sent the wrong information, but it' has been sort out for next week. 3. Coming out the hospital a lady started to chat to me, she very kindly shared her umbrella as there was a heavy shower. It was a joy to have a chat with her she brightened up my day. Like an other lady the other day waiting for her grandchildren such a beautiful lady inside and out.

Signing,Course & Cooler.

1. Son is signing on at college today. 2. I am going on a course today to do with my new volunteer job. Long time since I have been in a class room. 3. Today is so much cooler thank goodness after the heat of yesterday.