
Showing posts from September, 2017

Not Good

Life has not been good these past few months , but it's onwards and upwards but it's a struggle though. I am a person even though I am down I put a smile on my face when out in company etc . But when I get home the mask slips. Maybe that's what I am doing wrong by keep smiling I don't know. Which way do I go now? I find it difficult to ask for help as int he past when I did ask for help I got told you are a strong person you can cope, maybe I am a strong person and can cope , but sometimes we strong people need help and someone to talk to . These are just my thoughts for Noe written in black and white, I most probably delete this post soon but I am going to leave it for a while and look back on it soon and think selfish woman . I have got a load more thoughts but I won't depress myself or you anymore there are worse problems out there.