
Showing posts from May, 2018

Coffee Washing& Coffee

1. A mug of proper coffee a beautiful aroma, savouring the taste and aroma. 2. Getting the washing done , washing no problem but drying is the problem. No tumble dryer . 3. Really do not want to go to work later, but will do. Have to go . An other cup of coffee calls!

Awkward Yo-yo & Sleep

1. Bus was terminated at an awkward bus stop due to an obstruction in the road futher ahead. So had to decide which way to walk, good job the shopping wasn’t heavy. I had to choose out of 3 ways, so chose option 2 and I made the right choice I was home in no time. It was not a scenic walk home but it was pleasant  and the quickest especially if you are caught short. 2. Blind cat is coming in out of the back door into the garden by himself now . Nice to see him out in the garden sunning himself. And he is in and out like a yo-yo. 3. Having the best sleep I had for ages feel so much better.

Holidays Placement & Hope.

1. Bumped into a friend while shopping, she just came back from holiday and she looks so well. Life has not been kind to her but she looked so cheerful. That’s the power of a holiday . 2. The job hunting at the moment is not going well, but I got a new placement for voluntary work yay! Start in a weeks time . Hope it goes well. 3. Hoping that the new placement goes well, as where I am now changed so much it’s not the same. If it does go well and if they need an extra day I take it.

Dad, Still & Scent.

1. My dad would of been 95 today. Miss him so much. Daughter spoke about all the favourites things she used to do with him. She has got so many happy memories of him. Bought him in his memory a bunch of stocks and roses. So where ever you are dad love you loads and your grandchildren and great grandchildren do even though one grandson and your 2 great granddaughters never met you. You are loved loads x . 2. Early stages I know but the friend I had a slight falling out with, think things might turn out ok . Still love them . Hopefully a hug will come soon. 3. The living room has the scent of the stocks and roses two of my dads favourite flowers.

Meal , Hug & Love

1. Had the first meal outside this year in the lovely sunshine. Evenings are still chilly. 2. Had a lovely hug from a friend who I haven’t seen for a while. 3. Need a hug from someone special but we had a slight falling out. So I must do something about giving them a hug soon. Miss their hugs and missing them big time. Love them to bits.

Rubbish, Better .Stairs

1. Rubbish day today. Put my rubbish out the wrong way, I put out plastics and bottles instead of black bags and paper. So had to re-do it all . Got it right. My friend who lives in an other county puts out plastic , bottles and paper in the same box , but here we have to separate them . 2. Feeling better after deciding to take little steps. 3. My blind cat has mastered walking up the stairs but not down. Have to talk to him when he coming down them so he is taking little steps.

Little Steps

Been doing a lot of reflecting and thinking not a lot of doing. Reached the crossroads, I know it’s scary to go forward into uncharted waters but if I do little steps at a time I am sure I will get there. So after the reflecting and thinking now the start doing . First of all a cup of tea then start decluttering the house and my life I have to be tough it’s myself I know I can do it. This is a start of a new life, done in little steps.

Beautiful Absolutely & Peaceful

1. A beautiful spring bank holiday. Just me and the cats sitting in peacefulness. Just reflecting. 2. Missing cat settled in so well. Absolutely glad he is back. 3. Was going to start gardening but it would spoil such a peaceful and beautiful day. Saving gardening for an other day! When it rains !

He is back.

My beloved cat is back home. One of his sisters gave him a kiss the other is ignoring him but that’s usual for her. I have been smothered with love from him . He was so well looked aftered . So a big thank you to every one who looked after him the vets who were ace , the recuse lady who is a gem and my lovely daughter for tracking him down.