
Showing posts from July, 2020

Sexy Fruit

1. Slicing up a fresh lime. That super fresh tingling sexy scent making my nose quiver. Freshly cooked beetroot and raw carrots makes my taste buds quiver as well. If I put all three together what an explosion of taste and scent. I better bottle those three up! 2. Got given a huge glut of home grown plums , so my morning will be stoning them and cooking them , cake , crumble , jam , but saving a few to eat raw yum! 3. Trying hard not to moan , so thank goodness for the glut of plums!

Body Spray

Kid you not for men a body spray with marmite. Youngest son tried it and you can smell the salty background notes! Not sure if it will catch on.

Healthy? Part 2

1. Going back to work after having a couple days off. Very badly needed. Just pottered about and doing things I wanted to do. And I missed work ! 2. No doughnuts for me today, only grapes and a clementine but sometime they don’t fill the spot. 3. Now eldest son is doing toast the smell is wafting enticingly. Think I have to have some soon with peanut butter. Is that healthy?

Healthy Eating?

1. 2 jam doughnuts and 1 clementine. Sort of healthy eating ! 2. Loving my new haircut . Social distancing and safety was applied very strictly. 3. Day off today so picking up some crochet, the knitted squares are on a break for a very short while. Due to the fact I put the yarn away what I am using and cannot find it!


Not been here for a while as life has been a bit of a rollercoaster. They say bad things comes in threes! And they have 3 very unpleasant things far to personal to put here , especially the last one which I was told of last night. But I sit quietly listen to music , stare out the window and look at nature which seems to have a calming effect on me. Watching the wind blowing through the trees,watching them bend this way and that way. The clouds are moving fast some grey some white some a mixture of colours. Be going out for a walk soon hopefully it will help to blow the cobwebs away.