
Showing posts from March, 2022


 1. Red hyacinths are a purple blue colour, but the scent as always is so delicious. 2. The black begonia decided to die completely on me mind you it was sickly when I bought it good job I only paid peanuts for it. 2. Ha! The  begonia has surprised me not completely dead a little green shoot is poking through there is hope. Maybe the red but purple blue hyacinth next to it is encouraging it to grow or the black begonia is jealous anything you can do,I can do better springs to mind. . I wait and see. 

All Things Brilliant

 1. Watching 2 deers crossing the country lane carefully. Such elegant animals. 2. The huge tree that was blown down and completely block a country lane and got tangled up in overhead wire has been chopped up but the wood has been stacked up and hopefully insects and small animals will make use of the wood. 3. A brilliant sunset and a beautiful sunrise does a lot to raise my spirits up. Bliss. 


 1. Having a few days off from work. It’s been pure bliss. Done a lot of thinking and doing . Bathroom looks really nice now. Have to put up new shower curtain then it will be done.  2. Local charity shop is selling brand new wool and the orange just popped at me . It’s not a bright orange nor is it dull but it spoke to me and this was looking through the window ! Payday is soon .!  3. Next stop is doing the cubby hole where I keep most of my wool. Yes! It needs a good tidy up but I leave that for an other day . Today is my day and tomorrow 


 What’s in a name? I know them as blood oranges, they are called in various places they are Red oranges , pink oranges and ruby  oranges and ruby red oranges! I am sure they are called different names in other parts of the world. 


 1. The first bumblebee of the year came buzzing along. Such a beautiful presence. 2. The honeysuckle is beginning to show its leaves . It reminds me of the time when I was little and walking at dusk with my dad and we passed some wild honeysuckle and that scent wow!  3. The black jungle begonia is doing well lost a couple of leaves but it has picked up. Still a way to go but I think it be ok. 

Knitting Book

 1. Looked at a book n a charity shop thought no I won’t buy it. Got home then realised that it was a book I been after for a while , so went back and got it . Bargain price. A knitting book it is. What made me think I didn’t want it in the first place I don’t know. So glad I got it. 2. Back to work after having a few days off. Badly needed. Dealing with red tape to close my aunts estate. Banging my head against a brick wall. 3. Now to go and have breakfast then clean windows inside