
Showing posts from 2011


why is it you have a new hairdresser? and they see you differently from the others in the past had a really super young lady do my hair today and my hair really looks nice! i now have got a new camera and now i have to learn how to use it. being digital i am not sure about it but hey i have to learn. son no2 will help he is good at anything technical . so hopefully in the near future i can download some photos good ones as well as bad ones.

a great weekend

had a great weekend went to the tower of london with my son and sister. it was hot but we all had a great day. the tower of london has really changed since i have been there last. sorry no photos i forgot the camera ! went to my local hobbycraft this morning and spent money on sister gave me a money off coupon so that encouraged me to spend! i am crocheting a blanket with wool from my stash, and i promised myself that i would only use wool from my stash. but i then decided that the colours didn't go to well  with each other, i needed more blue so off i went . got the blue along with some brown and black.then i saw an other brown a cream and a silver grey ,so i had to buy them. i treated myself to a german crochet book and they have got some lovely patterns, my german is a bit rusty, so i am going to teach my self to crochet in german. thats where  the brown ,cream and grey wool  comes in. but i have to do my blue one first.  i am now going to go and have a cup of tea th