
Showing posts from July, 2012

coming home

1.coming home from a few days away. missed my cats. daughter came to look after the cats and made friends with the stray ginger cat. 3.having a chat with the brother in law,don't see him very often ,so it was nice to have a serious chat instead of a laugh.there is lots going on in the family, most of it is not to good at the moment. but i am sure happy days will be back soon.

honeysuckle again.

1.i noticed this morning that my honeysuckle is in bloom again, which is unusual as it only blooms once a year. to be honest i thought i lost it earlier in the year it had a sort of greyish mould on it, but i treated it with some stuff and the mould cleared up. so it was a lovely surprise to see it in bloom again. also my roses have done well . 2.going to have my haircut today, with all this hot weather my hair and head really gets hot and sticky.i have got thick hair, nice and warm in the winter. 3.glad to be home , shopping has been a nightmare.traffic, traffic .everywhere.feel better that my hair is cut. have a great weekend.

river walk i don't drive i catch the bus to work. the bus stop where i catch my bus is not my usual bus stop, its about 5to7 minutes father i am exercising a little bit more, so that's  twice a week, so  i am doing about an extra 20 to 28 minutes a week more exercise.and i am feeling better for this. 2.the course what i have been put forward to do, is going ahead. 3.when i get off the bus to go to work i usually cross the road then turn right, but today i crossed the road then turned left, its a nice little walk, there is a river which is so clear. and along the bank it is  covered with pink roses climbing through the railings and butterfly bushes galore. i am glad that i made that small detour.

meteorite other new name for me, meteorite . i could not be bothered to walk round the bed , so i decided to climb over and i stumbled as i was going over and landed on top of himself, i didn't realise that he was asleep, he woke up with a start and said what was that? before i could answer he said that it was a meteorite that landed.then he went back to sleep. 2.getting up at 04.45.enjoying the peace and quiet. 3.taking a lady of 93 to show her new home. she has to go to a warden assisted home ,as unfortunately she has had some serious falls in the past and she is not looking after herself very well. she was very reluctant to go, until she saw her new home and said i think i will be happy here. it is very nice.

my name is not josephine, but i don't mind i left the house my neighbour's daughter said hello josephine, my name isn't josephine,but i didn't mind .i think its a pretty name. she, i think will be calling me josephine every time i see her now. but i don't mind. 2.update on the ginger cat,i think he came from the block of flats that were pulled down , as i can not find out anything about him.he came in last night and went upstairs where he stayed all night. my other 3 don't mind him. also he knows who is boss as he waits for my 3 to eat then when they go he i will still ask round if anyone knows anything about him for the last time, if not i will take him in. 3.snuck upstairs after dinner and read for a while with cat on lap. its cool in the bedroom in the evening.bliss! hot weather and me do not mix very well,but i am not complaining its nice to have the warm weather.

day out

1..i was given a lovely scarf with hedgehogs  all over it. 2.had the best fish & chips for a very long time in littlehampton. i still remember fish & chips being wrapped up in newspapers when i was a little girl & i still think they tasted much better. 3.coming home along the motorway i noticed the beautiful colour the sky was, i can not really describe the many magical colours ,but here goes different shades of pink ,mauve blue orange. they all was a soft hue.

coast, book & positive

1.looking forward to a day down the coast, haven't been down for a while. 2.having a coffee with my sister. she gave her job up a while back as she was being bullied, a long story i won't go into, but she is doing a course brushing up her IT skills.she is really positive now and her confidence is now coming back.well done sis, keep the good work up, i know you will get a job soon.x 3.getting my book through the post today,which i ordered on was recommended by an other blogger. i am taking it with me for the weekend .hopefully i will enjoy it. i think i will.

reading & pinks

1.reading thomas the tank with my grand daughter. and finding out that thomas has got some new friends, whiff, den, dart, luke. and i am sure there are others,so nanny here has to start learning thomas's new friends names and start meeting them as well.. i am looking forward to it. it will be fun. 2.looking at the squares i am knitting and deciding that the colours i have chosen really go well with each other. light blue is the main colour and the contrast is 3 shades of pink. one colour is more than plum colour than a pink,so its 2pink ,1 plum ,not 3 pinks.i just glanced at my knitting now and  said yes that is plum not pink! 3.getting over a migraine, where it came from i don't know, but its gone. i used to suffer badly with them in the past, but they disappeared by themselves and hopefully they will stay away. hopefully this one was an one off one.


1.received my magazines today .hurrah. as much as i like reading books its nice to have a read of magazines for a change. 2. i received a hand written thank you note with my new subscription. it was really nice. so i will email back to say thank you. 3.met up with a friend i haven't seen for a while.i didn't realise that she had some serious problems ,she someone who keeps a lot of things close to her chest,i knew something was wrong,but i had to wait for her to say something if she wanted to. so she did. all i could do was to listen to her. hopefully things will sort themselves out for her. sometimes that's all we need is someone to listen to us.

yesterday and early morning today

1.said thank you to a cashier ,and she said that i was the only person to say thank you to her. 2.having a slice or should i say 2 slices of old fashion ginger cake with a nice cup of tea. 3.waking up to the sun shining and to be able to put the towels and bed linen out as its quite windy so hopefully no rain for a while .

day out

1. why does butterfly bushes, poppies grow on railway embankments ? and in my garden they just wither on the spot. 2. to be able to help my eldest,who has always very independent since the day he was born, even before he was born. 3.had a lovely day went on a steam train, a demu train,plus a leyland national bus.

dancing with slugs and snails

1.with all this rain i am over run with slugs and snails in the back garden and on the front garden path .so i have to tiptoe over them. i wouldn't hurt them but its not easy tiptoeing through them. or should it be tiptoe through the slugs and doesn't sound right tiptoe through the slugs and snails. i was thinking of that song tiny tim used to sing tiptoe through the tulips. oh boy that takes me back, shows how old i am. 2.while i was at work my son brought the washing in as it was raining. thank you son. 3.the little girl who i help to read, is going so well with her reading, its great to see her read with so much confidence, she only been do it for a short time. well done.


i didn't plant the shrubs that will be tomorrows job.
1.waking up to see the sun and a bit of blue sky. 2.wondering if i can put the washing out for a while. and can i plant the shrubs i bought yesterday.but at the moment the rain clouds are playing peek a boo i see you.if i go out i know it will rain and if i stay in it won't.  i will plant the shrubs in the rain that won't bother me. 3.had a lovely afternoon with my daughter and grand daughter. we tried a new cafe we both thought it was very posh so it would be very expensive, but we were both wrong, it was very reasonable,posh yes but we were made very welcomed. so that's is going to be our place from now on.  a few candles to cheer up a gloomy evening. see swans on our local pond. they haven't been on the pond for at least 2 or 3 years,so its nice to see them again. welcome back swans. 3.changing my reading habits , coming out my comfort zone. at the moment i am reading christopher isherwood  mr norris changes trains. i have not long started reading it, so i am not sure if i lke it ,i am keeping an open mind.
1.opening the back door to let in the fresh air, for me i don't mind if its been raining or it is raining, i just love hearing the rain you can gather its raining in my neck of the woods,its that gentle  steady sort of rain. 2.i picked up a travel brochure the other day and looking through it  i started to plan next years holiday,to be honest i might not be able to go on holiday next year, but i can dream. will it be sweden, finland,  denmark, i don't really know but its nice to dream. 3.going out for sunday dinner. great no cooking or washing up for me today. more importantly meeting up with friends who i haven't seen for  a while it will be nice to catch up.
1.taking socks and trainers off after having them on nearly all day. bliss. 2.just having a bit of me time after a hectic week. 3.having to go and cut the grass or should i say try to, ,at the moment i am trying to dodge the showers.
1.even though i work part time i fill in when needed, yesterday was the first day  i worked all day. boy was i tired ,but i really enjoyed it. 2.the men folk have gone away for the weekend, so i am able to sit and watch black and white films and do my knitting. bliss. have peace and quiet for a while.

a job well done(or nearly done!)

1.why is it? that you dread a job you have to do ,but it turns out ok.i had to start to sort my kitchen out, i started late, but got a lot more done than i expected.,still have to do a little bit more that will be done tomorrow. 2.while i was in the garden , i noticed that my rose bush has got 5 buds and 1 is nearly opened.its the 1st time that it has got 5 buds. i also potted up 3 plants as well and they all look good. 3. i am going to the local garden centre tomorrow and see what i can find. i must admit i need new containers and saucers,hopefully i will find something a little bit more exciting.