
Showing posts from October, 2012

stew,friends & a big thank you

1.why does stew taste better the next day? 2.met 4 friends this week who i have not seen for ages it was nice to catch up. 3.son really enjoyed his work experience . a BIG thank you to everyone who made it possible.

fridge,slow cooker.& job

1.the fridge is sparkling clean, now to fill it up again. 2.done a big stew in the quick slow cooker. my new slow cooker cooks quite quick. 3.i have now been at my job for 7 months and still enjoying it.

toadstools,angle & fish & chips

1.doing my favourite job in the garden ,clearing up the leaves. noticed some different varieties of toadstools, shame i didn't have my camera with me. 2.sat with my back to the train engine so i was seeing what i was leaving.things do look different at that angle. 3.had fish and chips .made a nice change.i normally have fish and chips at the coast , but these were very good.

son,i.o.w & frost

1.son is really enjoying work experience. 2.had a great time at the craft fair. spent a little bit of money! but could of spent a lot more. 3.the isle of wight is as lovely as ever. had a lovely time. 4.the frost on sunday morning at 6 in the morning was so beautiful. and travelling to portsmouth ,the scenery was out of this world ,with the mist and sunrise . i cannot describe it.

red berries,starfishes & travel

1.watching the rain pittering pattering in the river, then looking further a long and saw a huge mass of red berries on the wall. 2.why is it that little children hands always remind me of starfishes? 3.looking forward to going to a craft fair with my sister,its in ally pally, i do enjoy the journey going there. mind you i have always enjoy travelling long or short  journeys.

spider babies books & assistants

1. my spider plant has had some babies. considering when i bought the spider plant it was in a bad way. so  i am so pleased,that it has picked up. 2. had a bit of spare time before my appointment,so popped into a charity shop and found rumer godden's autobiography both volumes . i bought them both. 3.the other day my partner, bought a new brush cutter and on checking it to make sure that everything was there,he found that there was not a petrol cap,the assistant tried to find it but had no luck, so they said they would try their other branch to see if they got a brush cutter. and they would ring next day. ring next day they did they managed to get another one, the assistant was on the way to get it. they made sure it had everything it should have. partner pick it up and was very pleased. its nice when you have service like that and people putting themselves for you.


1.the last cup of tea of the day.especially when you had one of those days. 2.surprising myself by enjoying maths.i am helping two children with their maths and i really am enjoying it. 3.getting rid of a really sore throat .

sunday lunch,afternoon,learning

1.went to friends care home and had sunday lunch with her. we all enjoyed it. 2.we then took her out for the afternoon as it was lovely weather. at the moment she is still very happy at her new home. 3.learnt a new way of working out long division.


1.having a cuddle with my granddaughter,not seen her a while. 2.son told me about his day at college,without me asking how was your day .i think he has found what he has been looking for.he loves it. 3.when my daughter and granddaughter left, there was a big puddle and granddaughter you guessed right she splashed right in it and made her mum wet .you should of heard both of them laughing.

great time,giggles&college.

1.son had a great time on his school trip. he said he really enjoyed it. 2.son was telling me about the mishaps he had on the trip. he was giggling when he told me about them. it was good to hear him giggle,its not very often you hear him giggle. 3.even though he does not need to go back to college/school today, he wants to as he is really enjoying his course at college.
1.i was going to do some knitting , then one cat sat on my lap&then an other one decided to sit right next to me which is unusual for her,so no knitting got done. 2.a member of the family has finally got out of hospital. its going to be a long haul to get better for them but if they take it slowly and sensibly they will succeed. 3.the last of my lie ins which i have enjoyed.
1.picked up my knitting after a long time . went wrong after 3 rows, but still i wasn't worried, i am back doing knitting. 2.sitting down watching rear window the one with james stewart in. one of my favourite films. must sit down and write down my favourite films. 3.looking forward to son coming home from the  school trip. its been quiet without him, but i think we needed to have a little break from each other.

rabbits tunnel &pears first i thought there was rabbits in the field, but at  a closer look i saw that they were hares. what a wonderful sight. 2.entering a tunnel leaving all the rain behind,then coming out of the tunnel to brilliant sunshine. 3.buying english pears.apples at this time of the year i get from my friend as he has got an apple tree. but no pear tree. so i was pleased to find pears that was grown in england and from kent.
1.we packed holdall and yes if we wanted to we could of put in the kitchen sink  just. 2.i am being moaned at by my other half about leaving my mobile phone at home,he said he would never forget to take his phone with him.guess what? he didn't leave it at home he left it in the car, and its not the first time he has done that, he phoned up from work to let me know. he is unable to get his phone as he is a bus driver and he didn't realise till the last minute and it was to late to go and get it. 3.son is now on his school trip . he is looking forward to it . he will have a great time.