
Showing posts from May, 2013

a quiet week

it has been a very quiet week, but busy ,that is if can understand what i am trying to hopefully next week will be a better week. so have a lovely weekend .

dad, son, & helpful.

1. my dad would of been 90 today. still miss him and think about him lots. 2.going to my son's college for an award ceremony. he does not want to really go, but he decided that he will. 3.problems with the router, then problems with the computer , then the router, then the computer.but everyone i dealt with was very helpful. thank you to them all.

nursery,upbeat & enjoying grand daughter has got a place in nursery school. she starts after half term , for 2 afternoons a week. 2.working with a student the other day, she told me that school is ok and enjoys sports. this young lady i have been told is so down on herself, but i found her a very bright ,willing to learn . and she was so upbeat so hopefully she has turned a corner. 3.enjoying having son home for study leave.

bus,no school,book & router.

1.went to a bus rally had a great time. my son asked his friend and his family along and they had a great time as well. 2.i have come to  the end of an era, no more children at school. my son is now on study leave and has to go in for 4 exams after half term, it is not quite the empty nest , but i feel a bit lost. no more early calls as such , no more hurries up your bus will be leaving in the next 5 mins etc. then son said i have got college in september then you can go back to getting me up early! 3.after saying i will not buy any more craft books , i bought a craft book this time it is a knitting book, not a crochet book. that's mt excuse. 4.yes there is a 4th. i fitted in a new router with just a little help.

duck,wildlife & rainbow

1.walking pass the river to get my bus home ,i saw the duck swimming up and down happily , he saw me and he swam with me till i got to the bus stop, it looked liked that we were having a race. whenever i see him i always have a little chat with him. 2. on the other side of the river is a church and it is teeming with wildlife. so far i have seen blackbirds, thrushes, wood pigeons,magpies,butterflies, sparrows. and i am very sure a robin. 3.when i got off the bus i was greeted by a beautiful rainbow .the colours were so strong and vibrant. stunning!

lawn,lists& cat.

1.wanted to mow the lawn today, but the weather decided to put a stop to me doing so by chucking down. so the next time i want to mow the lawn , i will not say anything ,but just go out and do it. 2.the items of things to do list are slowly being ticked off. 3. watching one of my cats lying on her back with all four paws waving in the air, watching telly. well i like to think she was watching telly.

stocks,simple lunch,& garden

1.the beautiful scent of stocks as i walk pass them. 2.a simple lunch of cheese and crackers, tomato chutney and grapes. sometimes the simples things are the best. 3.started doing the garden. i am not a great gardener, but i am enjoying, but i have to do a bit of clearing up and sorting out. but it is great to be out in the fresh air.

dawn, room & more wool.

1.listening to the dawn chorus. 2.doing the spare room or trying to! 3.not finding the wool needed to finish the squares but found some more wool and pattern to start more squares.

house,study leave & changes

1.having the house to myself for the weekend. lots to do. have to start to do the garden.the honeysuckle is going to be good this year. son is on study leave shortly , i think i mentioned it before where does time go? he will leave this year then go on to college in september. big changes for him and for us, i just wonder where we will all be? say in 6 months time, hopefully somewhere good. changes are good i think at times, otherwise you might find yourself in a rut.

ramble,duck & joining.

1. sorry about yesterday's rambling, but i had to get it of my chest. 2.on the river near the bus stop, i saw my friend the duck has got a new friend. so glad for him. 3.youngest is going to to an golf afternoon with his school today. for a while he would not join in anything at school,but now he seems to be joining in again .good!

the brain and the body.

the brain is in overdrive and the body is in shock! i have been casting my eye over what needs doing in the home and garden. the brain has been making lists of things what needs doing, i won't bore you with them , but you know the ones, i leave it till later, when i got more time and money etc etc , all the excuses under the sun. well the brain said" no more. things have to be done ,start of with the easy jobs then work  up to the ones that need time and maybe help". the body heard this and said to the brain "but this sounds like hard work ", the brain said" hard work won't hurt".  the body replied "as long as i stop for tea i will do my best" the brain replied "this is going to be fun, wait and see. when everything is done you will be so happy that it is done". "huh"! said the body" i am not getting any younger and you know that i have got a wonky arm". "stop making excuses body that's why we start