
Showing posts from May, 2014

Busy,bumpy & research.

1. Coming to the end of a busy week. Travelling up to London every day, got the same next week. 2. Bumped into my daughter, son and grandchildren it was lovely to see them, then bumped into my niece. It was a bumpy day! 3. Reading about Richard lll, found it very interesting ,I must do some more research about him, he is very interesting.

Friend, mum & granddaughter.

1. Went to see my elderly friend. I do not see much of her lately as she has quite a busy social life now. From not seeing anybody other than her next door neighbour and me, it is so nice that since she has moved she is doing more and speaking more to people. And she has made friends with a lovely lady in her care home. Ey are good to for each other. 2. Bumped into a mum whose daughter I used to help and it was so nice to see her and have a little chat. A little bit of me would like to go back, but I know I made the right decision . 3. Having my eldest granddaughter over. She took my son to the playground. I don't who was the most tired when they came back. They were gone for ages.

91, my dad & cuddles.

1. Had my dad lived he would of been 91 today. I still miss him very much. 2. Bought a bunch of sweet williams in memory of my dad, they were one of his favourite flowers. 3. Having  cuddle with my grandson. He doesn't normally have a cuddle as he says cuddles are for girls. And it was a very nice cuddle! Ps. My trip up London with my sister went very well.

Strimmer, floods& sleeping cat.

1. Was given a new strimmer for a thank you. It was received most gratefully. So thank you again. 2. Went on one of my favorite train journeys . The fields have recovered from the floods. The only things that you see that tells of the floods are the trees that were cut down. 3. One of my cats has decided that I am not to get up , he has made himself comfortable on me, to get up or not to get up? Not to get up !

Balloon, busy & big sister.

1. Seeing a hot air balloon hovering so low that you could see the people in the basket. And the children next door calling over to them hello over there can you hear us? 2. A busy week ahead for me, have to travel for 2 days, one d up London and one dy to go further into Kent. 3. My big sister has planned the day up London , hopefully I can keep up with her!

Wine beans & challenge.

1. A glass of wine on a reasonable empty tummy is not a very good idea. 2. Putting up bean canes and planting beans. 3. Going up town with my sister as I have to go up there for 2 weeks. I am not a London person, but it is a new challenge.

Garden, foxes and bring in.

1. Started the garden at long last. Still lots to do, but it doesn't matter how long it will take, I have started ! 2. A fox and her cub came visiting this morning. It was a beautiful sight. I do love foxes. 3. Just closed the back door in time, one of the cats was just going to bring something in, not sure what. It is unusual for any of my three cats to catch any thing and to bring it in. Or should that be try to bring any thing in?

Nervous, travel & niece.

1. First day at my new place of work, it was good but I was nervous. The time just flew past and I thought afterwards what was there to be nervous of ? 2. Went by train to work instead of my usual way of bus tram and train, and it doesn't matter which way I go it still takes the same time to get there . 3. Son and daughter spent the afternoon together by the sounds of things thy had a good time. More importantly my son had a very happy niece. She hasn't seen him for a while.

Emails, mistakes & forward.

1. Not reading emails properly , thought I had to go to my new palace of work tomorrow, but good job that I read the email again it is today I go. 2. I had left what I had to do over the weekend to do for today, but as I made the above mistake, need to change my plans. 3. Looking forward to going to work.

Cuddles, laugh & no pain.

1. Cuddling my granddaughters after being away from them a week and also my grandson who I have not seen for ages. 2. Hearing my baby granddaughter chuckle for the first time and see her cheeky smile. 3. Not having ear pain while landing. Normally I get it very bad, but this time no pain.