
Showing posts from 2015

Bye Bye.

Time to say bye bye for a while. Bye bye.

Mother, Busy & Lost.

1. Had to take my mother to the hospital, all is well fortunately. She just needs antibiotics. 2. Busy busy, new job new routine. 3. Lost 7lbs hooray. Slow but sure.

Concert, Squares & Tricks.

1. Went to an open air concert, rain didn't stop play! The sun came out for a very pleasant day. 2. Doing crochet squares now, the hexagons have been put on to one side for the moment. 3. Elderly friend is out of hospital and is up to her usual tricks.

The Shadows.

Watched the Shadows last concert way back in 2004, loved it, I remembered when they first started out . Love them and their music. And not forgetting Cliff, always enjoyed him and his music and still do. An enjoyable evening way past my bedtime and have to get up early, now Foot tapping up to bed!


1. Having chicken normandie in France really lovely. 2. A very good trip to France the ferry journey  both ways was good. 3. Love France.

Fly, Ferry & Busy.

1. Seeing the Red Arrows fly past. 2. Going to France tomorrow by ferry. 3.after a busy week it's nice to sit down with a cup of tea, then a busy weekend ahead.

Finished, Mistake & Definite.

1. Finished my 4 courses. The last one was not to bad easier than I expected. 2. Think I have thrown my raincoat out by mistake! 3. Elderly friend should be out from hospital on Friday for definite.

Miss,Problem & Intense.

1. Going to miss my walks up to daughter's home on a daily basis to check on the cat. So must try and walk a bit more do feel better for it. 2. Younger granddaughter has taken to the swimming pool very well. Which is good. Daughter has got problems trying to get her out of the pool. 3. This week is the last of the course, which I am grateful for, as it is an intense course, it had to be done.


Was given a large tray of windfall plums, so decided to make plum jam. First time I made jam and it turned out not to bad, nice on toast. I wondered why I was collecting jam jars! Had some windfall apples but there is not enough to make apple sauce, but never mind there might be enough to make a apple tart maybe.

Extremely, friend & Art Deco.

1. An extremely busy week. Started a new job. 2. Elderly friend is coming out of hospital Monday. 3. Had coffee with big sis and went to a new place. They had the most stunning lampshades very Art Deco. The coffee was good so was the carrot cake.

Coward,Directions & Need.

1. Both granddaughters like being in the pool with their swimming aids. Glad they are not scared like their nanny. Maybe nanny can book lessons for complete cowards in swimming pools. 2. Make a change of directions in my life, hopefully it's the right ones. 3. Need to pick up my crochet again. I am so near to finishing the hexagons.

Glint,Weekend & Starting.

1. Sunlight glinting on the ripples of the lake. 2. Having a lovely weekend away much needed. 3. Starting a new job tomorrow and meeting new people.

Done,Photos & Walked.

1. Cubbyhole done it wasn't that bad. I didn't realise how much wool I had. 2. Found lost photos so spent time looking at them happy memories. 3. Walked down to town with a friend and felt better for it.

In,Bounce & Hectic.

1. A day in today clearing out the cubbyhole. 2. Watching the rain as it drops down onto the leaves,making them bounce. 3.enjoying the silence after a very hectic week.

Light, Soaked & Eldery.

1. Turning the light on at 5:30pm it was that dark and gloomy. 2. Walking in the rain I got soaked from head to feet. But funnily enough I enjoyed it. 3. Elderly friend still in hospital but doing alright.

Garden& Playing.

1. Not very good news about my elderly friend hope to find out more later. 2. Finally started the garden proper. 3. Had a lovely day with my daughter and granddaughters. My eldest was playing piggy in the middle and the farmer is in his den. So the old games are still being played.

First, Planned & Escape.

1. Done the first 2 parts of the course, next week will be the next 2 parts. 2. Going to visit daughter and granddaughters at their caravan. Eldest granddaughter has got our day planned! 3. Youngest granddaughter is an escape artist! She nows climbs out of the cot so I think a bed is in order.

Brighter, Nearly & Nervous.

1. Update on elderly friend she seemed a bit brighter today, and insisting that she fine and she is not going anywhere, then she falls back to sleep. 2. Hexagons very nearly done! 3. Going on a course tomorrow feeling a bit nervous.

Not good news.

Not very good news my elderly friend is going to go into a hospice. Not a lot I can say really, just bless her and I will send her a prayer.

Damp Knickers.

 When i put washing out i usually put the small bits on my shoulder saves me keep on bending down, I answered the door and the delivery man gave me a funny look i wondered why it wasn't till I closed the door and felt something damp on my shoulder it was a pair of knickers completely forgot about them. And to forget them as well, goodness knows why I forgot and didn't feel them.

Boiler, Early & Long.

1. Boiler has passed it's twice yearly check and a small problem was solved at the same time. So it's worth having it checked twice a year. 2. Got up really early at 5am! Done what I had to do then started the housework! A new me? Not sure, but it has to be done. 3. The garden looks ok, the grass is long but with this showery weather we be having it's not surprising. Hopefully I will get it cut soon.

Eldest, Youngest & Record.

1. Eldest granddaughter met her new teacher when she goes into year 1 in September. How time flies, and she liked him and spoke to him which is rare as she normally doesn't talk to people straight away. 2. Youngest granddaughter has grown so quick . Her laugh is so infectious bless her. 3. Done shopping in record time as daughter had to be elsewhere it made a change, couldn't spend so much.

Lock, Decorate & Chat .

1. Locked myself out thought I put the keys in bag, then realised son was in, knocked him up and called through the letter box. He said he has now got a talking letter box. 2. Making plans to decorate the living room. 3. Had a nice chat with the cashier in the supermarket.

Wardrobe Walking & Toast.

1. If anyone asks you to help build a wardrobe,run! We were asked to help build a flat pack wardrobe son and myself and it was very  very stressful. But we done it in the end and it was worth it. 2. Walking in the rain with no rain jacket and wearing sandals pure bliss. 3. Son makes very good cheese on toast.

Connection,Lavender & Deceiving.

1. Went on my first train trip for ages and everything ran smoothly even though my train was late I still managed to get my connection if I had missed that train I would of had an hour wait. 2. The complete change of scenery from my last train trip, everything so green then we passed the lavender field which is in full bloom. 3. But I didn't enjoy the walk up the hill at the other end, it doesn't look much of a hill but it is deceiving.

Meeting, Dress & Itching.

1. Meeting new people is a joy . Met some really nice people in the past few days. 2. I actually wore a dress for the first time in ages and it felt funny and good at the same time. 3. So itching to start my next crochet project but I won't as I need to finish my hexagon afghan. Nearly at the end .

Sad,Bright & Left.

1. Sad occasion today going to a friend's dad's funeral. 2. We have to wear bright colours to the funeral as it was my friend's dad's wish which I think is nice. 3. Left hot water tap on all night!

Slept, Quiet & Nearly.

1. Went to see my friend who is now out of hospital. She slept most of the time I was there. 2. A very quiet day in son was visiting. Had a load of housework to do, did the main bits left the other chores to do for an other day. 3. Hexagons nearly done!

Friend,Alike & Rain

1. My elderly friend came out of hospital yesterday, so hopefully she will pick up soon. 2. Spent sometime with my daughter and little granddaughter. Haven't seen them for a while. I noticed little granddaughter is very much alike her mum when she was that age , a big bundle of mischief. 3. Enjoying the rain at the moment.

Draught Excluder, College & Joy.

1. One of the cats thinks he is a draught excluder,he stretched along the front door like a sausage! It is cooler there at the moment. 2. Son signed on for college. My course did not take place as I was sent the wrong information, but it' has been sort out for next week. 3. Coming out the hospital a lady started to chat to me, she very kindly shared her umbrella as there was a heavy shower. It was a joy to have a chat with her she brightened up my day. Like an other lady the other day waiting for her grandchildren such a beautiful lady inside and out.

Signing,Course & Cooler.

1. Son is signing on at college today. 2. I am going on a course today to do with my new volunteer job. Long time since I have been in a class room. 3. Today is so much cooler thank goodness after the heat of yesterday.

Hot,Cornwall & Uncle.

1. Very hot today, had to go out in a rush this morning, made the appointment on time, by the time I got there I was hot and sticky no time to refresh but it was worth it. 2. Son is of to Cornwall tonight have a lovely time son. 3. One of my son's uncles had a quiet word with him,telling son that he has done a good job at college and carry on at college which son is going to do, it was lovely for son to have a uncle to nephew talk. This uncle is a very genuine one and very supportive. Thanks uncle you made your nephew's day ,in fact year.

Done 2, Age & YAY.

1. While waiting for son to get ready, I did some hexagons done two. 2. Went to a family gathering and when I saw the nieces and nephews with their little ones, it reminded me when they was that age. But it was lovely to see them. 3. Getting on top of the chores. YAY!

Calling Card, Smile & Innocent.

1. Why is it you put your washing out and a bird leaves it's calling card on one item and it was the white wash which has been all done for the week! 2. Went hospital visiting again and son came with me . He cheered up my friend more than I can say. Glad to see her smiling. 3. On a more serious note, with what happen yesterday my heart goes to all the innocent people who got hurt. One of the reasons I write my little ramblings is to keep me sane. I am one of these people who take things in my stride but need to switch off now and again.

Strawberries, Friend & 187.

1. Strawberries and cream for a treat. I don't really like strawberries very much but I thought we all deserved a treat as it's been a funny week. These strawberries really tasted how strawberries should. They were small and really red, someone knows how to grow them. 2. Glad it's the weekend . My elderly friend was admitted to hospital, then discharged, then admitted again, then kept in, then supposed to come then , then kept I again, so hopefully I will find out what's going on later when I visit her later. 3. Hexagons, I need 187 not 185. At the moment I am struggling to do some more but I will get there.

Craft,Not & Cream.

1. Went to a craft fair and had a good chat with fellow crafters and bought some goodies but not wool though! I am getting better, 2. The afghan I am making needs 185 hexagons but I know it's a fair amount but I will get there, need to count how many I have done, time and patience is all I need, but I am not staring anything new till I get this one done. 3. Had a cream tea first time in ages and it was very nice.

Favourite,Tea & Fried.

1. Went to most my favourite part of  the country, it soothed my troubled soul. 2. Why is it that some people make decent cup of tea and you can't? Even using the same brand of teabags. Son you made a decent cup of tea. 3. Was very naughty had fried bread for breakfast.

Not Happy Then Happy.

Saw an other side to someone and not sure how to cope with it. It is a rather nasty side. I know we are not perfect certainly I am not far from it, but this has shook me and upset me. Also it's a side I never seen before and what makes it worse it's a member of the family. Not my children thank goodness. One thing it proves that really don't know people even family members. Do I ignore it or say something or what? I am sure the answer is out there somewhere. On a much happier note , youngest son came back home and gave me a cuddle. But he is back on his travels today but it's only for the weekend, then he said when he is back he going to make a plan for the back garden.

Visit, Fractions & Home.

1. Unexpected visit from daughter and little granddaughter bearing gifts, absolutely scrummy birthday cake two lots, as eldest granddaughter's birthday was Sunday and daughter's was on Tuesday . 2. Good day at work, brushing up on my fractions! 3. Youngest son should be home after being away for a few days it will be nice to see him.

27, YIKES!& any ideas?

1. My lovely daughter is now 27. 2. My youngest son's passport came through and it runs out in ten years time and I worked out how old we all will be, all I can say is YIKES! 3. Crochet hexagons are not going well. I think I have got crochet block, but I am determined to finish them before I start a new project. Any ideas how to get over crochet block?

5, Target & Model.

1. Eldest granddaughter said' nanny I am 5 now I am a big girl now and not a small girl anymore' those 5 years have flown by. 2. Youngest granddaughter had her check over and she is doing well, hitting her targets. She loves climbing stairs that one. 3. Son did some model making for his railway, he has not done that for a while.

Theatre,Confident & College.

1. Went to theatre  to see to see Then There Was None, by Agatha Christie, it was good. Son and other half really enjoyed it and it was their first time at the theatre to watch a play. 2. Son is now getting more confident with his driving. He is no boy racer as he said I worked hard to get my license and don't want to lose it by being silly. 3. Son is staying on an extra year at college it was recommended by his tutor as if son carries on he will be a good mechanic. And that's good for someone on the autistic spectrum and was told by many he won't go far. Not blowing his or my trumpet but it can be done.

Good Advice.

Not a lot to write about, life has been very quiet, a bit of an upset but I got over that, it was my fault next time I will listen to the other half and son. Son's advise is think not once not twice but three times before opening ones mouth! Great advice son in future I will take note.

Sun,Friends & Gritting.

1. Went out and caught the sun, why does it make you feel better? 2. Met up with friends felt so much better for seeing them. 3. My very huge error of judgement has been put on the back burner for a while. It's a case of gritting my teeth for a few weeks.

Error,Rabbit & Tornado.

1. Made a huge error of judgement ,it's ok I won't bore you with it, I am so angry with myself! But these things happen, maybe some good will come out of it. 2. Eldest granddaughter received an early birthday present a rabbit. And she was so pleased and happy. I wasn't there when she got it, but son was and he said that look on her face was words could not describe. So one very happy granddaughter. 3. Youngest granddaughter has found her feet, just watch out she is like a mini tornado!

Olives, blues & hexagons.

1. I could never remember what colour olives I liked had a bit of a blind spot about them, and today after munching some , I discovered it's black olives I prefer! 2. Been away for a while and then had to come home one I have got the holiday blues! So out in the garden I shall go as I have a jungle front and back. 3. Crochet hexagons are back on track left them at home while away, but I didn't realise how many I made before I wen t away, still a few to go.

Stress, more stress & geese.

1. Rather a very stressful week, but finished off with a good day at work. 2. Getting ready to go away for a week, it's a much needed break life has not been easy these past few months so a week away is what the doctor ordered. 3. Watching three geese fly over head then land in the pond.

Son, Sister & Son.

1. Put it this way if my daughter needs someone to look after the children she should ask son, I don't know what it is but they do love him so, little granddaughter snuggle up against him and fell asleep, when I told mum she was amazed as little granddaughter doesn't do that to her or anyone else. It was so lovely to see, mind you son has always been good with younger children. He will make a great dad. 2. Sister has got an interview where I work, not sure if this is going to work , it's in an other department so it should do. Is it advisable for siblings to work together. But so glad she is going for an interview. 3. Son has decided to stay the extra year at college. Which is good.

Walk,Excellent & Robin.

1. Saw youngest granddaughter walk for the first time. 2. Had an excellent day at work the young student I am working with loves his maths and he is very good. 3. Walk past the tree that the residential Robin lives and he was singing away in the rain.


It's 03.04 in the morning and I am awake due to the worst tinnitus I have had for a long time in fact this is the worst. As soon as I think it's gone it comes back, it's a high pitch beeping noise. It maybe due to the fact I have got an other cold again not sure though. I do suffer with it I usually cope with it ok ,but this time not so good , what makes it worse is at night , during the day there is background noise but when it is night there is no background noise. But I will try and ignore it and get back to sleep.

Losing weight.

Weighed myself today and I have lost a nearly a stone and a bit since  last year, I am doing it the slow way of losing weight no quick fixes for me as I want to lose the extra weight sensibly and keep it off. I looked at what I was doing wrong and went from there, still got along way to go, but I am determined to lose the extra weight but I still enjoy my food , but look at it differently now and still have a little treat now and again. It's not been easy I can tell you. But I will keep trying to be good.

A good day out.

1. Had a great day out at amberley museum. It was a special day as they had steam traction day. And the weather was good which was a bonus. 2. Pop round to see a friend on the way home to look at their model railway, it's fantastic really good one of the best ones I have seen. 3. Had dinner out and it was lovely a nice roast ,beautiful roast potatoes crispy on the out side and fluffy in the middle.

Jokes,Brothers & kittens

1. Son telling jokes and good ones they were. He has got such a dry sense of humour. 2. Met up with my brother for a coffee which was nice, didn't twig that his birthday is coming up.that why he phoned me up so I could give him his present. I wondered why he phoned me up as I haven't heard from him for a long time! Baby brothers. 3. Give him his due my brother and his family they are giving two kittens a home and one of them has a wonky back leg, but it's been checked by the vet and he said that it will be brother said that all other kittens have got homes to go to and this one was left so he decided to have it he has got a soft heart.

Kitten,? & Watching.

1. A neighbour showed me her new kitten . He is white with two ginger spots on his head. He is a darling. 2. Went out today and soon as I went out it started to rain, when I came home it started  to rain as soon as I got in it stopped. Is the weather trying to tell me something? 3. Watching the ducks swimming on the pond in the rain and the wind ruffling their feathers.

Baby shower.

My daughter went to a baby shower, she explained to my granddaughter what it was, but my granddaughter thinks that you go and have a special shower and you have a baby and she is hoping for a baby brother!

Went well, shock & right.

1. The decluttering went well, the bulk of it has been done. 2. Got a shock son asked for help to sort out his bedroom which is not in that bad of state, but you know teenagers! 3. Looking at my honeysuckle bush this is definitely the best year for it. Don't know what I done right .

Declutter,Clogs & Drive.

1. Why is it that helping someone else to declutter is more exciting than doing your own? A friend has to have major work done, hence the decluttering. 2. New gardening clogs are excellent waterproof,light and comfortable. 3. Went out for a drive with son and really enjoyed it. I noticed he is quite chatty when he drives, so I think it relaxes him.

Moan,Update & Pigeon.

1. I may moan about the rain, but I do love it. 2. Update on the crochet hexagons not long and they all will be done. 3. Watching a pigeon having a shower in the rain and it looks like he is enjoying it his beautiful colours are really standing out.

Clothes,Mojo & Hug.

1. Sorted out my summer clothes and guess what? It's going to rain, so blame me! 2. Think I got my housework mojo back kitchen is done looks lovely. 3. Gave little granddaughter a cuddle she fell asleep on me, big granddaughter came in and her uncle a big hug not nanny.

Cuddle,Students & Maths.

1. Had a cuddle from my very independent little granddaughter. 2. Two new students came to us and very nice they are. It's good to be at work again. 3. Done English and reading no maths. But I really missed maths and at school I hated it. But love it now.

Kitchen,Plants Pleasant.

1. De-cluttering the kitchen ot that bad quite straightforward. 2. The plant what I wanted to put in a nice plant holder is to big, now have to get a new plant holder and a plant in the plant holder which is an awarkward size. 3. No rain at the moment and it's not cold got the back door opened it is very pleasant.

Online, Diner & Rain.

1. Spent a lovely afternoon with son shopping who is looking to buy a new jacket. Didn't find one came home found one online! 2. Went to an American diner for brunch and it was excellent the food and drink was lovely, the service was very good. 3. Enjoyed going out in the rain, to feel the soft raindrops on my face.

Tea, Cheeky & Mad.

1. Earl Grey tea with a hint of plum and star anise. Delicious! 2. Having a very Cheeky  but nice son come out with me today. 3.little granddaughter in a high chair having a mad 10 minutes and having a good giggle.

Green,excellent & snore.

1. Got my lovely lace yarn from purplelinda, it's really a lovely shade of pale green. 2. Ordered the above yarn on Tuesday got it Friday that is an excellent service. 3. Hearing one of my cats snoring!

Garden, early & thank you.

1. Went into the garden did what I had to do. Love going out either early morning or early dusk. 2. Son up early again for college and did not have to call him up. 3. My yarn what I ordered online is on the way and I only ordered it Tuesday and that is what I call service. Thank you Purplelinda.

Calm,happy & Warm

1. After my rant over my hairdresser is leaving I calmed down. The honest truth I do not blame her for going. I would as well. 2. Son is a happy chappie at the moment,he has had so much stress lately that it's nice to see him happy. 3. No heating on the weather is that warm! And the back is open as well.

Leaving, colour & garden.

1. My lovely hairdresser is leaving, due to salon being taken over and they want younger stylists. The salon what I used to go to was more for the hate to say it the older person it wasn't loud music you could relax and have a cup of tea coffee or whatever it was a lovely place to go to. Yes they did young people's hair as well and they enjoyed themselves there as well. Rant over. 2. Didn't find a colour I liked in the shops for lace weight yarns, went online and found the colour I like first time and it was in stock, yay! 3. Going out into the garden to start weeding.

Buss, hexagons & shawl.

1. The bus rally season has started went to the first one of the season had a very good day. 2. The crochet hexagons are coming on very well and the colours really work. 3. Yep you guess it! Next project is being lined up ! A crochet shawl done in a spider lace, using lace weight yarn, going to have a look at some today.

Forget, not missed!& son.

1. Forgot the bus I usually get to see a friend changed its route,so went somewhere completely different. But got to my destination in the end. 2. Had a lovely lunch out with my daughter without the grandchildren as they are a way for a few days. Don't get me wrong it was quiet without them and I missed them, but they are not missing mummy or nanny they are having a whale of a time. 3. Got an appointment and son left a message that he will come with me. Bless him.

Dump, Camellias & lawn.

1. A trip to the dump, but not my stuff, someone else's. 2. De heading camellias. 3. The lawn had it's first cut of this year.


1. Son and I did some decluttering . Yes back to that, but this time it wasn't that bad. More books going to the charity shop and just 1 bag of rubbish. 2. Found some more wool! But enough to do an other afghan at a later date. 3. Just enjoying the Easter break and more sorting out later nice to have the time.

Hexagons,Calm & Paw.

1. Enjoying doing crochet hexagons wasn't sure about the colours but I think they work. 2. Calming down after being ratty, not sure what stared the rats of but now calm. 3. One of the cats is sleeping next to me and is waving her paw in her sleep.

Red, nice. & different.

1. Youngest granddaughter looked lovely in her red frock. Really lovely. 2. Had a nice meal out with the family. 3. Nice to go out in the evening and go somewhere really different.

1, no & dentist.

1. Baby granddaughter is 1 today ! Bless her. 2. No April fools here today. Not on this bright clod sunny morning. 3. Big filling came out, I am pleased,as it was very annoying it's a back tooth actually a wisdom tooth! So means a trip to the dentist and have it taken out. Not pleasant I know but was told if the filling comes out again the tooth must come out.

Beamed, pinning & finished

1. Looked after baby granddaughter and had fun. Son popped round and the biggest smile was just for him. She just beamed. 2. Found Pinterest and been pinning away happily. The photos are so awesome what people put up. Makes my humble efforts just that. 3. Finished it the blanket/ afghan! Yes !

No, blankets & yes!

1. Looking after baby granddaughter this afternoon as her mum is on her course with eldest granddaughter. But we won't be playing super heroes ! 2. Manage to wash and put blankets on the line in the good weather of yesterday . Today is rain. 3. Threw some more decluttering out! Yes!

Leak, finish and toast.

1. Very quiet at work , it was just as well as there was a leak and it had to be done straight away. 2. I know it's taken me some time but I am now doing the border on the afghan. So hopefully i will finish it later. 3. Tea and toast with marmalade. Yummy!

Enjoyed, delicious and holiday.

1. Partner enjoyed his 4 x4 experience. It was a present from son and myself and we weren't sure if if would like it . He did! 2. Went to a chocolate fair. And it was so tempting to buy loads of proper chocolate,but didn' was so delicious to taste and to look at. 3. Last day at work for the couple of weeks will be the Easter holidays. Got so much to do and ned the time to do it all in.

Robert, underpants & PLANT.

1. It's not batman and robin, it's batman and robert according to my granddaughter. We were playing super heroes, she was batman, baby granddaughter was green lantern and i was captain america! 2. Why do super heroes wear underpants over tights? Asked eldest granddaughter .  Does anyone know the answer? I said to keep them warm. 3. I was given some beautiful purple and white hyacinths and got told in no uncertain terms when they have finished flowering indoors PLANT them out. I have earmarked part of the garden for them and I need to plant the others ones as well.

Last, smart & measure.

1. Just adding the last touches to the afghan, then will start the new one yay! 2. Son went to college very smart. 3. Son says I am shrinking ,I am saying he grown . I will be measuring him later to find out!

Bless all three.

1. Getting a message from eldest son, always cheers me that,bless him. 2. A beautiful top from youngest son, he has got good taste in clothes that one, bless him 3. Meeting daughter in the week for a belated mums day treat, but she bought me a lovely scarf. Bless her. 4. I am a mum who does not need a present on Mother's Day as I am very blessed with all three. Just knowing they are happy etc that is my presents from them

Blanket or afghan.

Blanket is nearly finished or should I say afghan. It's taken a long time to do. The next one will be a Afghan or blanket done in hexagons. Going to use some of my stash of wool got plenty of one colour for the main colour and plenty for the contrasts. Very satisfying using some of my huge stash and to have the colours that go well with each other.

13th,6 & walk.

1. Today is Friday the 13th dare I say it, I am not superstitious but in an other way I don't tempt fate. 2. For the next 6 weeks I am looking after baby granddaughter as my daughter is on a course with eldest granddaughter at her school. Yay!(one afternoon a week) 3. Won't be long and baby granddaughter will be walking then I can't call her baby granddaughter . She has got such a dirty laugh. She is going to be a pickle that one.

Life is ticking over .

Not much to write about. Life is ticking over quietly. It's had its ups and downs, but nothing interesting to write about. So I will come back soon.

Laptop,enjoy& lunch.

1. Son repaired the laptop. 2. Enjoying this lovely weather, 3. Had a lovely lunch with son.

Pattern, feet & lighter.

1. Wrote a pattern  in my new notebook for a knitted square. 2. My feet have recovered from the amount of walking I did yesterday. 3. Lighter evenings means spring will be here soon, lovely.

Lady,rainbow & decisions.

1. Met a lady at the station she was really nice, it was lovely talking to her. 2. Rain and sunshine = a rainbow beautiful. 3. Son has started to make his own decisions now, instead of asking me . Well done son.

Notebook, tea & yay!

1. Bought myself a new notebook, to put my knitting and crocheting ideas in. Got one for my recipes. 2. Had a quiet Sunday afternoon out shopping, but not food shopping then bumped into a friend had tea with them. 3. Near the end of the crochet blanket a few more rows then make it up . Yay!

Shared,finish,& better.

1. Shared a lemon muffin with baby granddaughter only a little bit, and they were homemade and boy did she enjoy it. 2. Crochet blanket is nearly finished then on to the next project. 3. Feeling a lot better in myself had a lot of problems most of them were small, but had one major horrible one, but that is now behind me I hope.

Things are much the same.

Things are much the same,that is why I haven't posted for a while. The granddaughters are well and the eldest is doing well at school. The youngest one is now walking around the furniture by holding on. Son is fine as well. So are the cats. Just might do an weekly post , not sure, But I do hope you are all keeping well and that life is treating you well.

Peek a boo!

Peek a boo! I see you. Hopefully will be coming back very soon.

Bye for now

It's time for me to go for a while not sure if I be back I will see

Hug,bunch & walk.

1. A very unexpected hug and kiss, just what the doctor ordered. I do miss the person who gave me the hug. Not Seen them in a long while.(kiss on the cheek,i hasten to add) 2. Met other colleagues who i don't work with today and a lovely bunch they were. 3. Went for my first proper long walk this year and loved it and the weather wasn't to bad , just right I would say.

Snow, dinosaurs & walking.

1. Just watching the snow coming down, now we finally got the proper stuff. I don't mind the snow but it's when the pavements ices over and its difficult to walk on, I don't like. If the pavements and roads were cleared, gritted properly we all can get on with our every day business. 2. Eldest granddaughter said she doesn't like dinosaurs but she enjoyed looking at a pop up book of dinosaurs, it's ok nanny you are with me, so I am not scared. 3.Went to see my elderly friend and she is a lot better now, she has been having problems with her walking, don't know what the doctor done, whatever it was it has helped her.

?, look & hats.

1. Youngest son is now18, where did that time go? As we always ask. 2. The look of  surprise on both granddaughters faces when they saw youngest son. They haven't seen him for a while. Shame I didn't have a camera with me. Then the grins and hugs came. 3. One thing about winter,you see some colourful hats all shapes and sizes. The ones with pom-poms,the ones with ear flaps. Saw a man wearing a hat shaped like a cat, and it was a child's hat, but as long it kept him warm why worry. The dark colours hat the really bright neon ones,i can go on and on, but i won't.

Scent,snow& big kid.

1. I know I mentioned it before, the scent of the hyacinths when you come into the house is so gorgeous. Who needs artificial air fresheners when you have got natures own. 2. Just me and one cat in watching the snow fall, to be honest it's more sleet. 3. Just got a message from daughter it's snowing yay! She is a bit kid at heart. Bless her.

biittersweet,tests& breakfast.

1. A bit of sad news a neighbour died. The about a half hour later a friend told me that her sister is expecting her first baby, happy news. 2. Son did his tests apart from one on Tuesday, they have finished for the time being. He is happy! 3. Being treated to breakfast out and it was lovely, but back to porridge tomorrow. Yes it was a big fry up very rare when I have one and it wil be a very long time till I have the next one.

A special hug.

A very nice and special thing happened to me, youngest son gave me a hug. Mums of teenage boys will understand. He has got two important tests, one today and one tomorrow. Hope all goes well with him.

2,no& 2.

1. 2 cats either side of me and 1 on my lap. 2. A quiet morning in, no form filling in, no making telephone calls. 3. Having a lovely chat to 2 young men who are working for a charity. Lovely to hear about their charity and why they work for it. Well done lads.

Missed, nonsense & raring.

1. One of my colleagues is back to work now after being really ill. Welcome back you have been missed by staff and students. 2. Read  a bit of  Edward Lear . Love his nonsense verses . 3. After a spell of not doing crocheting I have pick it up again and I am raring to go. Can't wait to use the marigold yarn I got last week, but i will be knitting with it.

Sleep,achievements & better.

1. Watching youngest son asleep. He look so peaceful. Not very often he falls asleep downstairs. We had a busy week. 2. Went to a train fair, which was held in a school, while son and partner went round the fair, I look at the achievements the pupils have got and done and are doing. They are doing so well. Well done! 3. Feeling better in myself, I think I have shaken of the blues. That flu really really took hold of me. Never again do I want to go through that again

Crawl,, suprise & out.

1. Baby granddaughter now can crawl and pull herself up. 2. An other brown envelope with a other nice suprise. An invitation to an award ceremony. 3. An night out tonight with friends. A lovely meal to look forward to.


1. Happiness is when dealing with people on the end of the phone and they are so lovely and helpful, makes a lovely change. Thank you to both ladies you made my day. 2. Happiness is having a daughter who support is so helpful that it humbles me. 3. 3 problems solved over the phone is happiness.

Brown, marigold & natter.

1. Good news sometimes comes in brown envelopes. 2. Brought a shade of yarn called marigold. I saw it the other week and kept thinking yes or no to get it and the yes won finally. It's what I call a soft orange colour 3. Had a nice quiet morning in the next town to me and then bumped into my sister and we went for a tea and natter.

Cashier,diary & practice.

1. Had a lovely cashier at the supermarket today, he was so bright and cheerful, certainly brighten up this dull and gloomy day for me. 2. Found a old exercise book, I started to write a diary, it only had one entry, all about it's ok to treat yourself. How old that book is I don't know. But I think I might write my last thoughts of the day in it. 3. And my writing a mess. I must practice doing my handwriting and not scribble and be lazy.

Miss, cheerful & corner.

1. Went back to work, it was so lovely to go back. I do miss going, but after that flu,I just wanted to make sure I was well , as I did not want to pass it on to the children. 2. Son came home from college cheerful. It was one of those Mondays for him. Everything went wrong again, but in a nice way he said. 3. Son got up for college with no problem and left early. Maybe he has turned his corner now I do hope so.

Happiness,rut & glasses

1. Happiness is opening a new pot of face cream. It doesn't promise wrinkle free skin,in fact it doesn't promise anything, but soft skin and for me that's fine. 2. Trying a different routine to do the housework, got stuck in a rut. Not sure if it will work, but need to try. 3. Getting my new glasses today, but they are the same frames as what I am wearing now. It's that I have had some nice frames in the past, but these ones are are my favuorite  frames and the colour are a deep rose pink. Then will be having lunch with daughter.

Girls, work & school .

1. Spent the afternoon with my three girls, my eldest granddaughter  was showing me her numbers and letters. Also she was writing her words. Little granddaughter was very quiet today. 2. Partner went back to work. Came home tired, but otherwise he was ok. 3. Eldest granddaughter was telling me about school,how she enjoys going to school and what she is learning, but best of all she likes playing with her friends.

Mother,mother. & mother.

1. Met my mother today for the first time in a month. She had this horrible flu bug as well, even though she had her flu jab, she still caught it but she said it wasn't as bad as it could of been. 2. My mother has decided to reach 95, she is 87 at the moment. My sister said that my mother up till now kept on saying that she hasn't much time for this world. And when she spoke to me she wants to get to 95 then see after that what age she wants to get to. 3. I said to my mother sorry I haven't been around but as I had the flu, I didn't want her to get it from me. That's alright she said I caught it of your sister instead, who didn't get it from me.

Sale, chips & fig.

1. Buying three books in a sale, the cost for all three was £3.94. Two were cookery books and the other one was a knitting book. 2. Partner bought me a actifry for a present, I am sure he bought it for himself really. Does do good chips. 3. Fig jam on salt and pepper bread.

Cough, routine & shooked..

1. Had a cough free night and the best night sleep in about 3 weeks. 2. Bumped into 2 friends I haven't seen for ages, some people like to hibernate in the winter, all this was due to a change of routine. 3. I thought your blue gloves were red and your red gloves were blue said me to son. Son just looked at me sadly and shooked his head.

Strike, listen & changeable .

1. Went to the big town near me and it was very quiet, due to the bus strike. It made a nice change and partner got what he wanted. 2. Partner is so much better now. He said he should of listened to me in the first place. But hey we are all guilty for not listening at times. 3. Enjoying the changeable weather at the moment, from dark to light , from rain to sun.

May,passed & felt.

1. Booked a holiday for May . 2. Son passed 2 exams. Well done. 3. Had a walk in the fine rain and wind felt better for it.

Tunnel,busy & happy.

1. The weather just before going into the train tunnel was fine, got through the other end and it was very misty. 2. Baby granddaughter can sit up by herself now and with her crawling now, she has had a busy week. 3. Eldest granddaughter had a good week back at school and was happy to see her friends again.

Tasty,patched & listen.

1. Cheesy mash, beef stew , all nice and simple, but very tasty. 2. Youngest son and I patched up our tiff,mainly my fault. Don't like being out of sorts with him, but you know teenagers , just have to have more patience with him. 3. Partner has got more antibiotics, but he is so much better. He is now getting irritable, that means he is on the mend,he wants to be doing things but his body won't let him. Told him to listen to his body rest and it won't be long and you will be better, don't listen to your body and you will take longer to get better your choice.

Stew ,bubble & race.

1. Making a stew for dinner today in the slow cooker. Need it today with all this rain. 2. Made bubble and squeak last night ages since I made it and it went down well. 3.having 5 mins to myself, watching the raindrops on the windows racing with each other. It's quite relaxing.

Son , crochet & son.

1. Eldest son not coming home till March now. In one way I am glad as he won't catch this horrible flu bug. But in other way I was so looking forward to seeing him, but March is not to far . 2. Picked up my crochet first time in 3 weeks, due to this bug I have had. Did a few rows , it was so nice to do those few rows. 3. Son went back to college and had a good day back, even though  he was late!

Lunch, back & slowed down.

1. Saw 2 of my girls today daughter and baby granddaughter , we had lunch and done some shopping. Daughter looks so much better and baby granddaughter well she just looked as lovely as ever. 2. Eldest granddaughter went back to school today and had a good day back. Daughter said that eldest granddaughter wanted to go back to school last week. 3. Had an eye test today, just need a slight change for my distant otherwise my eyes are ok. For the past 2 eye tests my eyes where rapidly going downhill, but was told today they have not changed to much they have slowed down. Hooray!

Sensible,sweets & crawling.

1. Partner is feeling better, but he is being sensible he is not going to work, he is silly if he did. He has got a very nasty chest infection. 2. We finally opened a tub of sweets what was bought for Xmas . 3. Baby granddaughter is crawling now. So mind yourself as she is so quick.

Ugh, worse & vee.

1. Daughter recommended a cough mixture, it's quite nice she said, ugh that's all I can say. 2.  Partner is getting better , I think he has got over the worse. Thank goodness. 3. Treated myself to a vee shaped pillow hoping that it will help me sleep, but partner has taken it over, now to get an other one, I won't use that , that's for old people he said!

Rubbish ,hugs & 2015.

1. Got up early to put out the rubbish , I thought today was rubbish day, but I checked it's not today it's tomorrow. 2. Daughter has recovered from her flu, but partner and son have got it now both are very ill with it. I am sending gentle hugs out to any one who is ill and hope you recover soon. 3. Hopefully 2015 will be a good year for everyone. Good health and happiness to each and everyone.