
Showing posts from June, 2015

Hot,Cornwall & Uncle.

1. Very hot today, had to go out in a rush this morning, made the appointment on time, by the time I got there I was hot and sticky no time to refresh but it was worth it. 2. Son is of to Cornwall tonight have a lovely time son. 3. One of my son's uncles had a quiet word with him,telling son that he has done a good job at college and carry on at college which son is going to do, it was lovely for son to have a uncle to nephew talk. This uncle is a very genuine one and very supportive. Thanks uncle you made your nephew's day ,in fact year.

Done 2, Age & YAY.

1. While waiting for son to get ready, I did some hexagons done two. 2. Went to a family gathering and when I saw the nieces and nephews with their little ones, it reminded me when they was that age. But it was lovely to see them. 3. Getting on top of the chores. YAY!

Calling Card, Smile & Innocent.

1. Why is it you put your washing out and a bird leaves it's calling card on one item and it was the white wash which has been all done for the week! 2. Went hospital visiting again and son came with me . He cheered up my friend more than I can say. Glad to see her smiling. 3. On a more serious note, with what happen yesterday my heart goes to all the innocent people who got hurt. One of the reasons I write my little ramblings is to keep me sane. I am one of these people who take things in my stride but need to switch off now and again.

Strawberries, Friend & 187.

1. Strawberries and cream for a treat. I don't really like strawberries very much but I thought we all deserved a treat as it's been a funny week. These strawberries really tasted how strawberries should. They were small and really red, someone knows how to grow them. 2. Glad it's the weekend . My elderly friend was admitted to hospital, then discharged, then admitted again, then kept in, then supposed to come then , then kept I again, so hopefully I will find out what's going on later when I visit her later. 3. Hexagons, I need 187 not 185. At the moment I am struggling to do some more but I will get there.

Craft,Not & Cream.

1. Went to a craft fair and had a good chat with fellow crafters and bought some goodies but not wool though! I am getting better, 2. The afghan I am making needs 185 hexagons but I know it's a fair amount but I will get there, need to count how many I have done, time and patience is all I need, but I am not staring anything new till I get this one done. 3. Had a cream tea first time in ages and it was very nice.

Favourite,Tea & Fried.

1. Went to most my favourite part of  the country, it soothed my troubled soul. 2. Why is it that some people make decent cup of tea and you can't? Even using the same brand of teabags. Son you made a decent cup of tea. 3. Was very naughty had fried bread for breakfast.

Not Happy Then Happy.

Saw an other side to someone and not sure how to cope with it. It is a rather nasty side. I know we are not perfect certainly I am not far from it, but this has shook me and upset me. Also it's a side I never seen before and what makes it worse it's a member of the family. Not my children thank goodness. One thing it proves that really don't know people even family members. Do I ignore it or say something or what? I am sure the answer is out there somewhere. On a much happier note , youngest son came back home and gave me a cuddle. But he is back on his travels today but it's only for the weekend, then he said when he is back he going to make a plan for the back garden.

Visit, Fractions & Home.

1. Unexpected visit from daughter and little granddaughter bearing gifts, absolutely scrummy birthday cake two lots, as eldest granddaughter's birthday was Sunday and daughter's was on Tuesday . 2. Good day at work, brushing up on my fractions! 3. Youngest son should be home after being away for a few days it will be nice to see him.

27, YIKES!& any ideas?

1. My lovely daughter is now 27. 2. My youngest son's passport came through and it runs out in ten years time and I worked out how old we all will be, all I can say is YIKES! 3. Crochet hexagons are not going well. I think I have got crochet block, but I am determined to finish them before I start a new project. Any ideas how to get over crochet block?

5, Target & Model.

1. Eldest granddaughter said' nanny I am 5 now I am a big girl now and not a small girl anymore' those 5 years have flown by. 2. Youngest granddaughter had her check over and she is doing well, hitting her targets. She loves climbing stairs that one. 3. Son did some model making for his railway, he has not done that for a while.

Theatre,Confident & College.

1. Went to theatre  to see to see Then There Was None, by Agatha Christie, it was good. Son and other half really enjoyed it and it was their first time at the theatre to watch a play. 2. Son is now getting more confident with his driving. He is no boy racer as he said I worked hard to get my license and don't want to lose it by being silly. 3. Son is staying on an extra year at college it was recommended by his tutor as if son carries on he will be a good mechanic. And that's good for someone on the autistic spectrum and was told by many he won't go far. Not blowing his or my trumpet but it can be done.

Good Advice.

Not a lot to write about, life has been very quiet, a bit of an upset but I got over that, it was my fault next time I will listen to the other half and son. Son's advise is think not once not twice but three times before opening ones mouth! Great advice son in future I will take note.

Sun,Friends & Gritting.

1. Went out and caught the sun, why does it make you feel better? 2. Met up with friends felt so much better for seeing them. 3. My very huge error of judgement has been put on the back burner for a while. It's a case of gritting my teeth for a few weeks.

Error,Rabbit & Tornado.

1. Made a huge error of judgement ,it's ok I won't bore you with it, I am so angry with myself! But these things happen, maybe some good will come out of it. 2. Eldest granddaughter received an early birthday present a rabbit. And she was so pleased and happy. I wasn't there when she got it, but son was and he said that look on her face was words could not describe. So one very happy granddaughter. 3. Youngest granddaughter has found her feet, just watch out she is like a mini tornado!

Olives, blues & hexagons.

1. I could never remember what colour olives I liked had a bit of a blind spot about them, and today after munching some , I discovered it's black olives I prefer! 2. Been away for a while and then had to come home one I have got the holiday blues! So out in the garden I shall go as I have a jungle front and back. 3. Crochet hexagons are back on track left them at home while away, but I didn't realise how many I made before I wen t away, still a few to go.