
Showing posts from April, 2018

Cat, Monday & May

1. Going to get my missing cat back later . So missed him and his sisters missed him they will be pleased. 2. Gone back to meat free Monday and I feel better for it. But I cannot find the apples I bought. 3. 1st of May has so far started well. Blue sky sun out birds singing . A bit of warmth is needed so hopefully it will come soon.

Cat Is Back

My cat has been found going to pick him up tomorrow. He was taken in and then taken to a cat rescue . Thanks to my daughter who sorted everything out in getting him back.

Cats,Wave & Drizzle

1. My two cats are missing their brother. I done what I can to find him the word is out that he is missing. I have got one cat sitting next to me the one who has never liked cuddles or fuss. I get a little kiss from her now and again. The other cat is on the back of the chair and her tail is around my neck she put it there. 2.Waiting for a bus I saw a friend pass in a car a big wave and smile that done me a power of good. 3. Lemon drizzle kitkats are yummy!

Lost Cat

Went away for the weekend had a great time. But came back to one of my cats missing. The person who looked after my cats said he ran out as soon as they opened the front door, I told the person that he wasn’t to go out the front back yes not front. That cat is blind and no way would he run out the front door , they was told that . Now if I was asked to look after someone’s pets I would do as they instructed me. If I was told that the cat was not allowed outside I would of picked him up and bought him back in. No the person said as it was nice weather they thought they leave him out! He wasn’t to been seen when the person left so they left him out, then left him the next day in fact the person didn’t go back the next day at all. So the person went back on Monday and left me a note. They said they are sorry but he has not come home and no sighting of him at all . So not very happy. And this person is supposed to be a cat lover having cats themselves! And they weren’t that sorry. En

Beautiful, Flip Flops & Out

1. Beautiful sunny warm weather. No wearing of winter coats! 2. My daughter persuaded me to buy 2 pairs of flip flops. Never ever worn those before. First time for everything. 3. Proves it warm washing out on the line.

Forgot, Buses & Busy

1. Friend forgot to tell son that myself and son will be over have to wait in for heating engineer, as he is away. Son and I walked in his son and his girlfriend was cooking their tea! So son and I went out for ours had a lovely meal. Phone friend up and he forgot to tell them we be down, he paid for our meal. 2. Went to a bus rally, lovely to see buses of my youth. Lovely to see so many people out and young families enjoying themselves. 3. So quiet and peaceful here you wouldn’t think that there is a busy road nearby.

Misty .Mug & Daffodils

1. A misty damp morning more of an autumn morning than a spring morning. 2. Bought an other mug , it’s got a picture of a crab on , yes that’s me crabby. Must sort out my mugs ! 3. Bought some double daffodils as usual they add sunshine and warmth to a rather grey colourless day.

Airing, Listen & Peacefulness

1. Started late but cleaned out the airing cupboard out. Not a lot had to be done. Start the clothes tomorrow. 2. Discovering new artists on YouTube. Dominic Halpin and the Honey Bees a swing band very good. Worth a listen. 3. Wanting to have a argument with someone as they annoyed me so much, but the red mist didn’t descend , but peacefulness came over me instead, so glad it did. I am not perfect but I try to do my best in all things. But when some interferes in my relationship, but I save that for an other day.

Toe. Break & Sunrise.

1. One very bruised toe. Bashed it on son's socket set. I saw the socket set and still bashed into it. 2. Had a couple days down daughter's caravan and at the moment it's so peaceful. Needed this short break away. Now to face everything that I have to. My batteries are recharged. 3. A beautiful sunrise a promise of a lovely day.

Marmite,Early & Son

1. Marmite rice cakes, love them just tried them love them! Yes you guessed I love marmite! 2. Actually got up early this morning , feeling better in myself the blues have gone away, I hope. 3. Staying in my daughter’s caravan for a few days . Son is on a course for a few days and the course is near where the caravan is. So mum would you like to spend a few days with me ? Asked my son yes I would I replied. Good said he, now I am going to get my evening meals with a smile on his face. Love him but I don’t mind.

Cuddle, Socks & Candles

1. Had the unexpected pleasure of a cuddle from my youngest son that put a smile on my face. 2. Wearing my Easter chicks socks. 3. Youngest granddaughter had a lovely birthday. The faces she pulled when trying to blow out her candles was both sweet and funny.

Touch , Evening & Granddaughters

1. I wish I could touch the moon which was so low that if I had stood on tiptoes I might of done it. 2. A lovely sunny early evening , hopefully things to come soon. But then the rain came. 3. Last but not least, my youngest darling granddaughter is 4 today and believe me she is no ones April fool . She and my eldest granddaughter are rays of sunshine. So happy birthday sweetheart have a lovely day.