
Showing posts from July, 2018

Enjoying , Photo & Birds

1. Hurry up you are getting wet , me I am enjoying this rain and getting wet after all that hot weather. 2. Accidentally sending a photo of my feet to my son, why I don’t know how I took it I don’t know. Tried to delete it before he saw it, to late. He said it was better to see my feet than face. He was being cheeky! Have to send some photos of the family he asked. 3. Birds were singing at dawn today, the cooler weather seems to suit them

Cramp,Postman & Own

1. Slept  well as the storm really cleared the air but woke up with severe cramp! 2. Wished my lovely postman best wishes for the day. He not having a good year so far but he always has his lovely smile and a kind word for everyone. Bless him. Do hope life gets better for him. 3. One of my cats has taken ownership of one of the crochet blankets so I didn’t waste time making it,. You never do waste time making things do you?


1. Having a good old fashioned thunderstorm this is round 2 first round was quite quiet , round is louder and the lighting is really strong. 2. One of my cats is actually sitting out in it . In all that heavy rain and lighting she loving it. And she not flinching when it thunders. 3. The coolness after all,that heat is most welcome it’s cooled down quite a lot.

Late Chat & Dress

1. Got up late due to going to bed late, the neighbour over the path had emergency gas work done at 2am . It had to be done . 2.  Had a lovely chat with my postman.  Told me it’s his birthday soon and how old he is going to be and you can easily take 10years of . 3. Sounds sloppy but still in my nightdress which is cotton the only coolest thing I got to wear in this hot weather, pretending it’s a summer dress!

The Three Twos

1. Two of the cats even though it’s very hot have decided to sleep right on top of me. 2. Two loads of washing done and outside to dry before I go to work. Up early very early. 3. Two more squares done in about ten minutes at this rate my blanket will be done. Next project?

Red Lovely & No

1. Red Arrows just flew over very low they were. Love them. 2. Had problems with a self service till lovely young lady helped out as no staff was about. 3. Went into a book shop and came out with no books!Ted

Shed, Cream & No

1. Helped finishing a shed for a train layout. Lots of hard work went into it. Now for the train layout but I won’t be helping my help,is not required, but I do not mind. 2. Had a lovely day yesterday was treated to a cream tea on a steam train and a walk round a beautiful garden with stunning trees and a huge lake 3. I told everyone that after a certain birthday that’s it no more birthdays for me did anyone listen no they did not but had a lovely day thank you.


Youngest granddaughter graduated from her preschool. She was upset . She is going to big school in September with her 2 best friends and they are going to be in the same class. Eldest granddaughter is looking forward to her sister going to school with her.

Sweat, Flash & Happy

1. I am sure other people said the same thing if all this sweat was fat it would fall off in this heat. 2. I was told that a part of the country had flash flooding but in about 10 minutes it was practically dry. A steady fall of rain is needed. 3. One very exciting niece spoke to her uncle as he went out on the phone and did she chat to him it was lovely to hear. Her other uncle decided to text me and we had a nice chat as well. So one happy niece and one happy mum.


A refreshing uplifting breeze came along unexpectedly just what was needed.

Boy, Foul & More

1. The kitten is a boy kitten not a girl so new name is needed! As it can’t be called Bella as my granddaughter said. 2. Youngest granddaughter is in a mood most foul. I am not nanny I am grandma when she is in a mood. She is just like her mummy when her mummy was that age. Say no more I wish my daughter luck. 3. Slow but sure the crochet squares are coming along. Found more yarn what I tucked away. It’s random yarn so have to find ideas to use it.

Rule, Butterfly & Where

1. Daughter’s new kitten hissed and swipe their dog nose and the dog ran off and hid! We know who is going to rule the roost. 2. A cabbage white butterfly land on the back of the sleeping cat it’s stays there for a while. 3. Daughter is filling in forms for when youngest granddaughter goes to school. Where has that time gone?  September is not far off.

Unexpected Kitten & Busy

1. Unexpected meal out with family nice to have a catch up. Had a small dessert and coffee and that was just the right size portion after main meal of course. 2. Daughter and family have a new kitten because the person who was supposed to have the kitten didn’t want her! I won’t say much about that. One of my three was supposed to go to someone else but they didn’t wanted her, glad they didn’t I had her instead and she is one of the nicest cats you could have. And when you put her food down she always meows I like to think she is saying thank you. 3. A very busy day at work very busy but I am not complaining from going doing nearly nothing to being busy is bliss really bliss.

Sit, Treat & Meditate

1. Sitting in the quiet of the morning it’s a no rush morning. 2. The crochet squares are going a treat only 3 rounds so they are small, lots to be made. 3. Without realising I been meditating for years, all the self help books etc say meditate and I been doing that for years love doing it it the morning and at dusk. Does me good puts things into perspective .

Angel, Think & Huge.

1. Being called an angel! Me a angel never ever an angel. I the bit between the blue sky and the blue sea. 2. Thinking about doing an extra morning at work, really have to think about it, would like to but can I give up my Wednesday morning? Must think this out properly. 3. Had a nice smile and wave from a young man old enough to be his nan but made my day. Walked down the hill with a huge smile on my face.  

Curtain Kicking & Peaches

1. Put up new shower curtain and inner curtain, a small thing to do but transformed the bathroom. Ocean colours looks good. 2. Little granddaughter said to grandad when are you going to have your baby and put her ear to his tummy and said I hear it kicking! 3. Eating flat peaches squashed peaches ,sister forgot to take them home so said eat them .Eat them I did.

Busy Using &Mastered.

1. So busy in my new placement. Loving every minute, but missing some of my friends in my old place, must do a catch up soon. 2. Learnt so much in the short space of time in my new placement my brain actually thank me for learning and storing, but most importantly I am using my brain. Which is good. 3. Blind cat has mastered jumping onto the arm of the armchair and now sits next to me.

Visit, Roses & Peacock

1. Visited a stately home, which I haven’t seen for a while. It’s a bit run down but it was nice to revisit it. 2. Saw 2 climbing roses in the above stately home. One was a deep soft pink with a slight scent, the other was a light lemon one. Both beautiful to see. There is no room in my garden for 2 but one can dream and make plans. 3. A beautiful peacock came over and eyed my ice lolly but decided the people at the next seat had more exciting food.