
Showing posts from January, 2021


 1. Patio door is opened the wind gently breezes in and blows away the cobwebs of mind and house. Freshens up everything. 2. Dawn breaks with the sound of the birds singing and running to and fro on the roof. 3. Back to making early starts. Missed them .

Up and Down

 A up and down week. But I have got 4 days off work which is much needed, haven’t had a break since last year . Please don’t get me wrong I am very grateful that I am working, I enjoy my work. So after tonight I have 6 days including the weekend off, not really be able to go out and about because of the COVID-19. But it’s youngest son’s birthday soon so I am going to cook him a nice meal he normally pops round to his sister's on his birthday and she cooks him steak and chips, she does a better steak than you mum!  When I am working I do late afternoons and early evenings he does dinner for us, so it’s my turn to cook for him in the evenings. Very good news about my friend who had a stroke while having covid he is doing really really well speech not affected his mental health is very good but he is having trouble walking at the moment but knowing him he will get there in the end. Daughter has recovered from covid being 7 months pregnant it was a worry but baby is doing fine. Not lon

Good News

 1. Friend who had a stroke while having covid is really doing well. No loss of speech. And learning how to walk again .  2. Daughter recovered from covid well even though she is 7 months pregnant. Baby was checked all is well. 3. Snap crackle and pop . 

All Good.

 1. Had first covid vaccine injection. No side affects at the moment. 2. Had no side affects from the vaccine. 3. Ordered more wool! 

Hyacinth Thing

 1. Out of 3 hyacinth bulbs 5 hyacinths. These ones are all white. Think I got a hyacinth thing !  2. Snow fell quickly and disappeared quickly. Just a light dusting . 3. Planning to make an authentic chilli con carne. Herbs and spices here I come ! 


 1. Good news friend who had a stroke while having covid is doing well. Hoping to be home in about 4 weeks time .  2. Unfortunately daughter and partner caught covid, but both are doing well. One more day and they be out of isolation. 3. Sun is shining making life a bit ore brighter and sunnier. Thank you for the small things in life


 1. Happy new year to one and all. Hope all will be well with each and everyone in 2021. 2. Loved the neighbours firework show last night . Really lovely and it didn’t go on to long . 3. New comfort food, crumpets and marmalade.