Up and Down

 A up and down week. But I have got 4 days off work which is much needed, haven’t had a break since last year . Please don’t get me wrong I am very grateful that I am working, I enjoy my work. So after tonight I have 6 days including the weekend off, not really be able to go out and about because of the COVID-19. But it’s youngest son’s birthday soon so I am going to cook him a nice meal he normally pops round to his sister's on his birthday and she cooks him steak and chips, she does a better steak than you mum!  When I am working I do late afternoons and early evenings he does dinner for us, so it’s my turn to cook for him in the evenings.

Very good news about my friend who had a stroke while having covid he is doing really really well speech not affected his mental health is very good but he is having trouble walking at the moment but knowing him he will get there in the end.

Daughter has recovered from covid being 7 months pregnant it was a worry but baby is doing fine. Not long until he is here.

Granddaughters are doing well at online school they both miss their friends but they are enjoying the online school. 

Thinking about ordering more wool! I have got plenty but the wool and the colour I like is on special offer  at the moment no projects in mind for it shall I ? Shan’t I ? Decisions ! 


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