
Showing posts from August, 2021

Garter Stitch Square

 As promised instructions for a very basic square done in garter stitch.  Cast on 1 stitch. Knit into front and back of  it . 2 stitches made. Next row , knit 1 stitch increase in next stitch. 3sts. Next row , knit to last st increase in last stitch. .  Repeat till you got say 43 sts, Next row knit. Next row knit to last 2 sts  knit them together decrease made, Repeat until 2 stitches remain knit them together.  Then fasten off. Very basic square , plenty of other square patterns online , in books etc. 

Knitting Needles

 Picked up some knitting needles. They are a pair from my late mother’s collection. Uk size 9 . 3/34 in metric not quite sure in American sizes. But anyway they are that old over 60 years ! I have got a lot of small odd balls of yarn and I was asked if I could knit a blanket in garter stitch corner to corner, so I jumped at the request. These particular needles has one  needle with a very slight bend and when I used them for the first time in years my thumb and index finger found the slight bend. Very relaxing and soothing .  I shall write the square instructions out in the next post. Have to make sure it works ok 


 Found my French and Dutch crochet books . Both have charts to follow, I am not one for charts but shall persevere in following them and both have written instructions so I am going to teach myself both in French and Dutch to follow written instructions. Always wanted to do that . Then German will be next.