
Showing posts from August, 2012

laughter and tears

just today a lovely lady passed away. i will always will remember her with fond memories.with tears of laughter and happy times.

two frogs

1.i helped to clear a shed yesterday and found two frogs .i do not know who was most surprised them or us.but they hopped to safety . 2.enjoying the wonderful smells after its been raining .that wonderful smell of the earth. 3.most important,to all the people who work in hospices a very big thank you.

plum jam

1.  i made plum jam for the first time. in fact it was the first time i made jam. it has always scared me making jam,why? i asked myself to be honest i haven't got an answer. but anyway, jam i made it turned out very well.i was given  some plum windfalls and as there was too many to eat as fresh fruit, i thought i have a go at making jam, for once i had everything on hand and went for it, i am so pleased with the result. daughter told me when my 2 year old granddaughter woke up ,her first words was "nanny is nuts".with a big grin on her face. well as the saying goes out of the mouths of babes. 3.apart from seeing an elderly friend i had the whole day indoors, so i was able to potter about ,didn't achieve much , but it was a nice gentle pottering.

cucumber and beetroot

1.buying a new cookery book . i have earmarked a few recipes to try. 2.enjoying the cooler weather. while we had the hot weather, why is it that some people looked cool as a cucumber and i looked like a beetroot? 3.treating myself to a new top. i don't really like buying  new clothes, but i got a bargain the other day a lovely top in a soft peachy colour for £8.00 instead of £29.00 .it was the last one in my size.

good news

1.getting good news ,my partner does not have bowel cancer. 2.getting back to normal after a very hectic week.having a quiet cup of tea and a bowl of weetabix. 3.having a good day at the spa valley railway.enjoying our beautiful countryside.

welcome home of my cats disappeared for a few days. we did find her living in the dog kennel, which is used by all animals.but she would not come in at all. what frightened her, i do not know,any way i was sitting in the back talking to her , in the rain ,she didn't run off . after a while i left her as i had to go out . when i came back i asked my son have you seen tigerlily he said yes ,she sitting on the box, about 5 minutes later she decided to come in. she look at me and miaow as to say i am back. she is the cat who i would say is highly strung,her brother and sister are laid it was unusual behaviour for her normally she goes out then comes back about 10minutes later. but she is back. sister just phoned to say that our aunt is being moved to a hospital which is nearer to where my aunt lives. which is much better for her,she is on a slow but sure road to getting better. 3.just having happy memories of my partners mum. she has not got long, but i have loads of happy me

thank you

1.getting a hand written note to say thank you for subscribing to a magazine. it's a pleasure. cat raven thank you for your love, during this difficult time. the young lady who made my son's day.

day out little grand daughter having a chat with the ducks and having a good laugh with them as well. 2.seeing children of all ages having fun in the sunshine. proof not all children play computers games etc all the time.they had water fights , playing football, cricket,playing on the slides,swings was good to see every one having a good time. 3.waking up to a cool fresh morning.

trains smiles & green

1.went to tunbridge wells today. had a lovely time, first stop as usual was hoopers, to have a cheese scone and coffee.  for me they are the best cheese scones going.popped into oxfam bookshop but i didn't see any books i wanted,then went into the secondhand one just a bit down the road, but i didn't have enough time to have a proper look round, but i will make sure next time. 2.i went by train and the train drew in and a man in front of me said after you and i replied thank you very much, he gave me such a lovely smile that my legs turned to jelly.all i can say is wow! i was looking at the scenery , i realised that there is so many shades of green . we have got such a beautiful countryside .

grass & rain

1. i managed to cut the grass front and back before the rain came and tidy up the garden. but for got to put the hedge trimmer on charge. 2.watching my grand daughter splashing in the puddles and hear her laughing.its fun she said. 3.met up with daughter for lunch and to see her face and my grand daughters face when they see who came with me. youngest son decided to come  with me  and to have lunch with us. they haven't seen him for a while. the look of surprise was a picture. shame i didn't have a camera ready.

peaches & tomatoes daughter.for just being there in this difficult time. 2.eating a peach, which taste like peaches should do. and they are juicy as well. other foodie delight, kent pink plum tomatoes. and they were grown in kent . they are really nice. they are a sort of a pinkish red.have to get some more. the son who doesn't like tomatoes very much likes these.

de-cluttering & photos

1.done some more de-cluttering . i read a little while ago, that for every new magazine you buy , throw 2 old ones out.i had 3 new magazines this week,but threw out more than 6. youngest downloaded my photos for me and when i have a bit of time i will sort them out. i didn't realise that i had over 200  photos on my camera. first sunday lie in since i do not know when. sunday is normally a busy day , but its going to be a quiet sunday , today.