plum jam

1.  i made plum jam for the first time. in fact it was the first time i made jam. it has always scared me making jam,why? i asked myself to be honest i haven't got an answer. but anyway, jam i made it turned out very well.i was given  some plum windfalls and as there was too many to eat as fresh fruit, i thought i have a go at making jam, for once i had everything on hand and went for it, i am so pleased with the result. daughter told me when my 2 year old granddaughter woke up ,her first words was "nanny is nuts".with a big grin on her face. well as the saying goes out of the mouths of babes.
3.apart from seeing an elderly friend i had the whole day indoors, so i was able to potter about ,didn't achieve much , but it was a nice gentle pottering.


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