welcome home

1.one of my cats disappeared for a few days. we did find her living in the dog kennel, which is used by all animals.but she would not come in at all. what frightened her, i do not know,any way i was sitting in the back talking to her , in the rain ,she didn't run off . after a while i left her as i had to go out . when i came back i asked my son have you seen tigerlily he said yes ,she sitting on the box, about 5 minutes later she decided to come in. she look at me and miaow as to say i am back. she is the cat who i would say is highly strung,her brother and sister are laid backed.so it was unusual behaviour for her normally she goes out then comes back about 10minutes later. but she is back.
2.my sister just phoned to say that our aunt is being moved to a hospital which is nearer to where my aunt lives. which is much better for her,she is on a slow but sure road to getting better.
3.just having happy memories of my partners mum. she has not got long, but i have loads of happy memories of her. she is a super mum and nan . lovely lovely lady.
4.all the above happened in that order, so please don't think that i put the cat first and was more important ,its how events unfolded . and its helped me to write it this way.


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