
Showing posts from February, 2013

socks again,cats tummy&tuna melt.

1.getting those socks did do the trick , for a short while, the sun did come out for a while. 2. watching one of my cats , laying full stretch on the floor on her back just moving her head from side to side. she is a multi coloured cat and its nice to see the colours of her tummy. 3.the tuna melt i made was a success. my son  said to make it again.that is high praise coming from him. he is not a fussy eater, but he really likes tuna. i am not a great lover of tuna ,but it was nice.

visit,spring colours & tuna.

1.a visit from my daughter and granddaughter. it was really nice to see them both. 2.treated myself to some new socks, i have got plenty but these ones are in spring colours .so hoping that buying them spring won't be to long in coming. 3.trying a new recipe for tuna and potato wedges.i got stuck in a rut with my cooking. so looked in a cookery book and found a recipe straight away .so here goes.

show, no cooking & meeting

1.went to see the show that will be the day, at the weekend. had a great time singing along and dancing too. 2.spent the weekend away which was nice and made a change to have sunday dinner cooked for me. i did offer help but got told" no its your turn to have a rest from cooking", which was very nice. thank you. 3.going to my meeting today, i am looking forward to it.hopefully it will turn out alright.

red&white, son, & weekend. receive a parcel wrapped up in red and white striped paper when opening the items were wrapped up in 3 layers of tissues paper with red and white polka dots ribbon. lovely. 2.son has come home after being at his sister's for nearly a week, he was only meant to stay a few days,but its nice to have him home.also it was nice to have a few days to myself. 3.wondering what the weekend will bring, have a good weekend.

linen,check & brother change the bed linen which is nice and fresh and smells lovely from the fresh air. 2.memo to ones self, before giving or taking books to the charity shops, just check to make sure that there is no books you really want. i was taking some books to the charity shops and by  chance i looked in the bag and found that there was one book what got into the wrong pile. its a knitting&crochet book. in it there is an unusual pattern for a square, knitted from corner to corner and there are some more patterns that i will use. 3.bumped into my brother and his family. had coffee with them .it made a nice change. its not very often that you see them all together . had a lovely chat with my niece. all in all a good day.

passed,meeting & chaos new boiler had a health check, to make sure it was put in and working properly. it passed. 2.being invited to go to a meeting next week to do with my work. looking forward to it,but am feeling a bit nervous as i have not done anything like that before. 3.the chaos indoors is beginning to get in to some order. why am i such a hoarder?, but i have given loads away and thrown things out with my eyes shut. i have been very ruthless, but i needed to do it. still got a bit to do but i will.

reading, schools & lovely day

1.we was read to yesterday by a young lady,in which english is her second language and she read really well, . for she has only been over here a short while.she read a chapter each or nearly did. it was a really good and peaceful afternoon. we all came away feeling happy and peaceful. 2.there was only four of us yesterday and after we read  we discussed schools, one of the young ladies told us about her boarding school in africa  and the other young lady told us about her school in latvia . so in turn my boss and myself told them what school was like here in the 60s/70s. it was really nice to hear about their experiences . 3.waking up to an other lovely day. a day for starting spring cleaning!


1.its lovely to get the washing out and not having to dry it indoors. 2.looking forward to work. after not being able to go to work last week due to the boiler. 3.hopefully things will be getting better. had quite a lot to contend with hopefully, hopefully.


1.enjoying the beautiful blue sky and the warming sunshine. its like a spring day out there today hopefully spring won't be to long in coming. i even noticed that the daffodils are coming through. 2.enjoying a magazine called the simple things. its is really one of the nicest magazines going. 3.there is an article in the magazine, where a lady loves silence so much,i must admit i am like that. i am glad there is someone else like that. not everyone understands that i like being on my own and silence.but i do get involved in every day life, but like today i am on my own and enjoying myself and tomorrow will be back to normal.

got heat at last!

1. i got heat at last yesterday. after not having proper heat since monday. long story, but i will not bore you with it. 2. thank you so much mr engineer for doing the job. he said that the problem would not beat him, it did not beat him. he said it was a very nasty problem.  the first time he has come across it and in a brand new boiler. 3.things and daily routine getting back to normal.


i have finally got heat. since monday i did not have any heat as i had to have a new boiler put in. it was a extremely rare problem i was told. i did have an other source of heat but it was expensive to run. but the heat is back!

not very happy

i am not very happy. i am having a new boiler put in today, the chap was supposed to turn up about 8am , but did not turn up till  about 11.30, he was sent on an other job. i was told that my job will take 6 hours to do, that's fine. he left here about 5pm and i asked him about heat , he said no heat till tomorrow. i phoned up the office i asked if this is correct, yes they said if they are half way through a job no heating and no they don't supply any fires to cover. if i was told this earlier i would of sorted out something. plus i couldn't go to work, my boss is very understanding . but i have sorted something about getting some heating. but why send him on a job before coming to me knowing this job will take 6 hours. rant over. i even had to phone the office to see if he was coming , i  take things as they come and i know there are worst things can happen, . it made me think of the homeless and how do they cope?. but it annoys me when people can not inform you on what&#

job,17 & sister

1.kept putting off a job, but when i done it, it wasn't that bad. 2.finding a beautiful shade of pink yarn i forgot all about. i have the right pattern for that. my squares what i am doing now are coming along nicely . i have got about 17 to do. 3.having a great big sister. i needed someone to talk to and she listened to me. i was upset by someones underhandedness ,but seeing my sister put everything back into perspective.

sunshine, fortunate & soup.

1.enjoying the sunshine. went for a short walk and the wind blew the cobwebs away. 2. i am very fortunate to work with some lovely people. we all bring something different to work, in a positive way. 3.having a bowl of tomato soup.

finances,confidence & forward.

1.managing my finances better. 2.just having a quiet sunday in and making plans for the future. feeling a bit more confidence in myself, in making these plans. 3.for once looking forward to a new week.

16,cold & aston martins

1.the youngest is 16 today and a lovely 16 he is. long last this nasty cold is beginning to go and the horrible cough. 3.having a chat about aston martins with my youngest, he really loves them.