
Showing posts from June, 2013

waterproof,freshness & darjeerling.

1.a walk in the rain .trying out my new waterproof coat. yes! it's waterproof. 2.opening the backdoor after the rain has stopped and to smell the freshness that the rain leaves.also the wonderful smell of the earth and flowers. 3.a mug of darjeeling tea,in a china mug.

bus, busy & hedge

1.the bus i was on went the wrong way. everyone on the bus was ok about it. we had so many diversions on the roads round here, you cannot really blame the driver. 2.busy at work very busy. enjoyed it though. 3.hedge has now been cut looks better. gradually getting the garden into shape .

bees, churchyard & clouds.

1.watching bees buzzing amongst the flowers. 2.a quiet walk in a church yard. 3. something i haven't done for a long time. cloud watching.

car, quiet & life.

1.son is building a car from a kit. 2.enjoyed a quiet morning . 3.making friends across the water. i love hearing about life in  other countries.

adults,chatty & quiet

1.worked with adults .for a change. which was very nice.i usually work with children.really enjoyed the change. grand daughter was in a very chatty mood. telling me all about her holiday. and her favourite part of her holiday was playing on the grandson did not say much other than he had a nice holiday. 3.looking forward to a quiet weekend. hopefully the weather will be ok and i will be able to do some more in the garden.

poppies,shopping mall & good weather.

1.on a long bus journey i saw a field with poppies in, and the sun was shining as well, the sky was so was such a lovely view 2.went to a shopping mall, not very often i go, but i got want i wanted and at the right made a nice change.i am more into the country/seaside person, than going into towns /shopping malls. 3.speaking to my daughter who is abroad and telling her that the weather should be good when she comes back home.its a bit to hot out there for me at the moment so i will potter in the garden later.

rose,restoring & interview.

1.i have not got green fingers, but my rose has bloomed again. it is a peace rose. lovely . the items son asked for. he was given a cash box and it was in quite a state, but he took time and patience and did a good job restoring it. sister had her first job interview in over a year.

little creatures, like& kindle.

1.seeing a caterpillar for the first time this year and a really small red spider. 2.putting on gardening clothes even though it was just to sweep up the grass clippings. i think i am getting to like gardening. 3.downloading free books onto my kindle.

glorious, project & taste.

1.waking up to a glorious sunrise. 2.son asking me to get sandpaper and a wire brush for a project. 3.enjoying a piece of pink rock. took me back to my childhood. it still tastes the same.


1.having fish & chips at the seaside. 2.a stick of pink rock. 3.walking along the beach and taking in the sea air. 4. playing the 2pence machines.

love, Malawi .& scrumptious.

1.seeing a great nan cuddling her great daughter with so much love and tenderness ,it brought a big lump to my throat. 2.a colleague is going to Malawi today for 3 weeks. how lovely. 3.had a piece of chocolate cake which was home made. it was so scrumptious .

greenhouse,doughnut & early.

1.a friend washing his greenhouse in the his words "hah!, you don't bother me british summer" 2.eating a warm jam doughnut. 3.getting back to the routine of getting up early.bliss!

big mouth, helpless & tackle. and my big mouth ,the sun is shining i said, its looks like it was going to be a nice day i said. huh! i walked out the front door and guess what ? it was drizzling and it was like that all day. so now i will not say anything about the weather. the weather knew that i was going to have a bit of time to go out in the garden this week and decided that it will play up,but i will get out there. 2.i have bumped into 2 friends i haven't seen for a while and both of them are going through bad times. there is not a lot i can do for them, but just be there for them. it just makes me  feel helpless. 3.tackling the housework after  an other cup of tea, seeing that at the moment i cannot get into the garden.might tackle the garden in the afternoon. 4.sorry this is not a positive post today. today will be a better day.

sun,telly & holiday this moment of time as i am writing this, the sun is out and it looks like its going to be a good day weather wise. 2.last night we did not have telly on at all. came home from work and son was busy doing things and no telly was really nice not to have it on. grand daughter and grandson are going on holiday this week and i am going to miss them. i do not see much of my grandson as he lives quite a bit a way. but i am happy for them .

two days out & photos

1.went to canterbury . walked along the wall. had lunch ,then done the riverside walk. it has been a long time since i have been to canterbury, so it was nice to go back. did not go to the cathedral this time maybe next time. 2.went to the bus rally in lewes. i never been to lewes before and i really liked it there. had a ride on a bristol  bus. it was for about 40 mins .sitting on the top deck of a bus you can see so much and more. 3.took photos of both day trips now to find the thingy i use to down load with. i take photos but never get them printed or download them. don't know why i don't do it . i will ponder that.

simple,lunch,chef & ladybirds.

1.found a cookery book i have not seen for a long time . flipping through it i found a few recipes i would like to try. one is not really a recipe, all you have to do is to put a vanilla pod into some honey. simple. why didn't i think of it. 2.sitting outside having lunch. why does food taste nicer outside ? 3.spending time with my grand daughter and her other granda . she calls him granda not grandad.had a very good time, she helped to cook dinner and a very good helper she is and dinner was very good. its so nice to see little ones help and it was because she wanted to help. and she ate all of her dinner up, we all did. i think we have got a budding chef on our hands. 4. my grand daughter showed me her ladybird what she done at nursery. it reminded me of the things my 3 done when they were at nursery. happy memories. i still got somethings they done. must look them out.

seasons,chat & exam. is so nice to be able to go out in summer clothes, instead of winter ones. to be honest  i am not to keen on summer. i prefer the spring and autumn seasons,but the weather at this moment for me is really lovely. 2.had a coffee with my ex and our was nice to have a chat. 3.son did his exam.he said it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. well done.

nursery,exams & up a step grand daughter  had her first afternoon at nursery. she had a good time and really enjoyed herself. 2.son is sitting an exam today. next week he sits 3. hope all goes well for him and everyone who is sitting exams. that my son has got his college place and exams are nearly finished, i can start sorting myself out. i have started to make enquiries at colleges for courses that start next year. i am enjoying what i am doing, but i feel that i can go up a step .

lilac. dominoes & confidence.

1.the strong scent of lilac wafted over while i was waiting for the bus home. 2.having fun teaching dominoes to a colleague . 3.seeing students gain confidence with their english and maths.

wonder, effort & lawn

1.watching my cat ,who does not go out very much, out in the garden, she was sitting and looking around her and the look of wonder was so beautiful. it was a shame i couldn't take a picture, but had i done, the spell would of been broken. 2.waking up to the bright sunny mornings. i have been getting up late since my son has been on study leave,and i do not like getting up late so this week i am making an effort to get back to getting up early. as i have been missing the peace and quiet of the morning. 3.nearly finished the front garden, still no idea what to do with the moment its just lawn and a few shrubs. to be honest i could do with a new lawn, as it is very lumpy and bumpy.