big mouth, helpless & tackle. and my big mouth ,the sun is shining i said, its looks like it was going to be a nice day i said. huh! i walked out the front door and guess what ? it was drizzling and it was like that all day. so now i will not say anything about the weather. the weather knew that i was going to have a bit of time to go out in the garden this week and decided that it will play up,but i will get out there.
2.i have bumped into 2 friends i haven't seen for a while and both of them are going through bad times. there is not a lot i can do for them, but just be there for them. it just makes me  feel helpless.
3.tackling the housework after  an other cup of tea, seeing that at the moment i cannot get into the garden.might tackle the garden in the afternoon.
4.sorry this is not a positive post today. today will be a better day.


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