
Showing posts from February, 2014

A new beginning.

1. I applied for a volunteering job and was successful. Went on the first of a two training day course for the job. I think I have made the right choice. Like all things new, you are not really sure about things. Time will tell. 2. The other volunteers are really nice, we are a mixed bunch and have all something to give. 3. So had to come out of my comfort zone, which is good. I have to travel quite a distance, but it is a really pleasance journey and quite quick. It is a good job that I like traveling.

Colourful, models & vase.

1. A glass full of red, yellow, and orange cherry tomatoes. A colourful sight. 2. Came in and son was doing some model making for his railway. 3. A vase full of daffodils.

Wow, ink & washing.

1. A passenger used their contactless  bank card on the bus for the first time, wow ,super he kept on saying and when he was told that it was cheaper than the cash fare, wow that's amazing. He said that he didn't travel by bus very often and that made his day. It made my day as well to see someone so happy. 2. Was given some ink cartridges for my printer . So I don't have to get any for a while. 3. Seeing washing on the line outside again. At the moment it is bright and breezy.

Self service, connect & chuckle.

1. The self service ticket machine decide  that it was going to issue me tickets going either Clapham junction or Brighton, they were the complete opposite to where I was going. After the fifth attempt I got the right tickets. 2. I got off the train,walked across the platform and my connecting train came in. When public transport works it works and when it doesn't it doesn't. 3. Played catch with my grandchildren. To me nanny , no to me nan. Daughter, said that they sounded like the chuckle brothers. Do you remember them? To you to me!

Breeze ,firm & garden.

1. Enjoying the late afternoon sunshine and gentle breeze. 2. Made a firm decision no more sorting out. Get rid of everything that is not wanted. 3. Cannot wait to get into the garden. Now that next doors drains have been sorted out I can get into my garden. As the workmen  had to get into my garden.

Feet, dry & rebate

1. My feet found comfort in my favourite pair of woolly socks. This damp weather has finally got to them. 2. Waking up to an other dry morning. 3. I will be getting a rebate for my gas bill.

Something Different.

1. Sardine and avocado on rye bread. Lovely! 2. Enjoying the sunshine. But why does it shine where you can see where the dust is? 2. Trying a flower crochet square and using multi coloured yarn and a smaller hook. I wasn't quite sure if it would work but it did. It is going to be a blanket for my granddaughter's dolls.

Cat ,brother & drains.

1. Missing cat came home. After being out from the early hours  till early evening she came home not due to the weather, but to next door has had serious drain problems and had very loud machines and a lot of activity going on. 2. The above cat loves being out in the rain and wind, I kid you not. Her brother well he sits at the door see it's raining and looks at me to say i am not going out thank you. 3. The workmen next door did not tell me that they were working on the drains they told all the other neighbours, so there we are flushing the toilet, using the washing machine, the sink etc. Till they knock on the door to ask to stop doing the above as the drains were filling up, then he looked at me and said whoops we didn't tell you.? Did we? No I said.

Excited, theory & yummy,

1. Met up with my daughter, have not seen her for a while. Granddaughter to be should arrive in 7 weeks time. I am so excited to meet her, 2.son has started studying for his theory test for driving. 3. An other foodie, had a beautiful ham salad sandwich for lunch. It was so fresh the bread , the ham so yummy even the salad was fresh. So it was compliments to the chef. I had the sandwich in one of our favourite cafés. My daughter chicken baguette looked good as well. She said it was lovely

Blood red ruby, patience & hyacinths.

1. Blood oranges are out . They are one of my most favorite citrus fruit. In some shops they are called red oranges, in other shops they are called ruby oranges. When I was growing up they were called blood oranges. That should give you a clue of my age. 2. Teaching myself new patience games. Some easy some difficult. But all fun. 3. Buy some more hyacinths. This time pinks ones. The blue ones are so strongly scented, that when you open the front door the scent just hits you. They are in the kitchen at the back of the house . So hopefully the pink ones will have a strong scent as well.

Music, rum & rail.

1.everyone was out,so I played my music and sang along with it. 2.eating rum and raisin ice cream. 3. The shower curtain rail fell down , I managed to put it up again.

Play mat,splash& present.

1.seeing my granddaughter ,not seen her for a while. She chatted about her new road play mat. Told me all about the different pictures on it . 2. Also the little minx told me that she will splash me next time we go out. And she will. 3. I was bought a little present of a bowl of blue hyacinths. A beautiful present. Thank you.

T.rex, dry & small.

1. Saw a cloud that looked liked a t.rex. 2. Enjoying the 3rd day in a row of dry weather. Hopefully it will last for a while. 3. Having fish and chips for dinner. I was good as I had a small portion.

Chocolate raisins & transport.

1.eating chocolate cake in bed. 2. Porridge with raisins for a change, forgot to buy bananas. 3.when public transport works , it was beautifully. Went visiting yesterday and it was a pleasure. Not like the other day where normally the journey takes under an hour , it took 2 hours, due to roadworks and the bad weather. 4. Back on track with sensible eating. I save a little treat for the weekend, hence the chocolate cake in bed.

Patchwork experiment.

1.changed the bed linen, didn't realise that nothing matched till afterwards. But I like the effect of a sort of patchwork of bed linen. So I have left it. 2. If I was a material I would be a patchwork. Describes me well. 3. The word for me these week is patchwork. I am going to look round  when I am out and about ,indoors whether it material or thoughts ,conversations and see what I can find.