
Showing posts from November, 2014

Potato, woke up & jumparoo .

1. Jacket potato with beans and cheese, lovely. Son and other half are not keen on jacket potatoes as they are not here, I indulged. 2. Fell asleep with a cup of tea in my hand, woke up with a start and threw the tea all over me and my knitting, not very happy with myself. 3. Youngest granddaughter bouncing in her jumparoo,where she gets her energy I do not know, but she was laughing away. Normally she is quite a quiet little lady. She is my little thinker that one.

15,000 mess & nicely.

1. Granddaughter  said she done15,000 star jumps! She must of been tired. 2. Youngest granddaughter ate her mum's chocolate biscuit  and got into a mess, but she enjoyed it. 3. Latest update on the afghan it is coming on nicely . Not as quick as a crochet one but it is relaxing doing knitting, not that crochet is relaxing ,but I find for me knitting is more relaxing I think it's slower than crochet.

Star, fair & forgot.

1. Saw both granddaughters, nice to see them again. The elder one is doing star jumps today, for raising funds for her school , hope she has fun. 2. Gave  granddaughter some bits and pieces for her school fair , she decided to keep a couple of things. 3. Still enjoying my walks in this weather. Bought myself some gloves and went out without them.

Challenge , pie dish & giggly.

1. Eldest son works abroad , so I send him a small parcel . It's fun but challenging to find things to send him. 2. Bought a new addition for the kitchen a red and white pie dish. To nice to be used but it will used. 3. Even though it was a wet weekend, it was a good one. It was a fun giggly weekend, just being silly with the family, as only families can be.

Teal,heavy& walking.

1. Seeing my mother's new 2 piece suite, it is a lovely teal colour, she not very keen on the colour, as she is used to browns and beiges. 2. Not having to carry home heavy shopping as the other half is off this weekend and going shopping by car. 3. Started to do a bit more walking even in this bad weather, it is doing my back some good. And my mind as well.

Firm & polite.

 A firm but a polite NO,did wonders. I had the front garden done, I was recommended this chap and he did do a good job,but he kept on asking for money up front and his quote kept on changing the money got more and more. So I asked the neighbour why they recommended him they said that he did do a good job at a price! I made some general enquires and found that he charged to much and he has not got a good reputation about asking for to much money and asking for the money up front. I do realise that times are not good for some people, myself included, but anyway it's done. He knocked on the door and said he do the back for me and I said No, as the price will start low then he will add on again more money. Also he said he would trim the trees , but he done the grass instead, which i told him not to do as I do it and enjoy doing the grass. I wasn't going to argue with him, I know it's not an excuse, but he caught me a low ebb and I wasn't thinking straight, but it's my

Nails, potter&lessons.

1. Went to the bank, the young lady said I like the colour of your nails, she called a colleague over and said look at the colour of this ladies nails, isn't it a lovely colour . Her colleague agreed. I didn't really believe that I was hearing this, after stopping biting my nails for 50 odd years,someone remarked about my nails. 2. In for a day, just going to potter about, it's the first time in ages I am going to be by myself. Bliss. I need to recharge my batteries. 3. The front garden looks lovely now, the chap who done it did a good job, but he stung me though, but I learnt a very valuable , but hard lesson. 4. He came recommended. But sorry I will not recommend him. That is sad really sad.

Pegs, dictionary & snug.

1. Looking at my washing line and seeing all the different colours pegs I got,they are pink , purple green , yellow, red, blue and a few wooden ones, they add a splash of colour against the grey sky. 2. Using the dictionary to spell a word, not using spellcheck . Love dictionaries. Must use it more. 3. A sleeping cat in a shoe box, how she managed to get in I do not know, but she is very snug.

Green, start & blue.

1. Two big green eyes looking in the window to be let in, one of my cats is black and at nighttime you just see his eyes. 2. Doing all my running about this morning , came home had lunch, fell asleep! I have loads to do , so I better start soon. 3. Bought 2 balls of discontinued wool in blue, it's ages since I bought some wool and I don't feel guilty.

Lights,language & bruiser.

1. Seeing the look of wonder on youngest granddaughter face when seeing the Christmas lights for the first time. Twinkle twinkle. 2. Watching youngest granddaughter playing with her hands and talking away in her own language . 3. Seeing my daughter's cat I haven't seen him for a while as he is an out door cat for some reason he doesn't like staying in a lot, but anyway he is a big bruiser of a cat, and he still likes his cuddles from me.

Knitting,bashed, smile & itching.

1. Finding an old pattern for knitting squares. Actually I found an other one a little while ago and cannot find it. So after the scarf afghan and after the crochet one I want to do , I will be doing the old pattern squares, then it look for the other pattern. 2. Being bashed On the arm by one of the cats every time I walk into the kitchen, 3. One problem closes and an other opens, but this will be solvable. I am smiling really i am. 4. My fingers are itching to try the old pattern square, but I mustn't otherwise I won't get the scarf afghan finished. I had a bad habit keep starting new projects and not finishing the old ones.

Diamond,right size & exam.

1. Had a problem resolved by a lovely man at the end of the phone, he knew what he was talking about, he was very clear,very helpful . He was a diamond. And he made a lot of sense. 2. Finally found the right trouser leg size. Bought a pair of jeans in the wrong leg size, but in the end they are the right leg size. 3. Son is siting an exam today, he panics so much, told him to do his best and try not to worry to much.

Life, stubborn & beckon.

1. Life has it's ups and downs, at the moment it is down. 2. But I am a stubborn whatsit , I will get over it. 3. A fresh cream apple turnover is beckoning.

Smiley, knitting& impressed .

1. Sitting  down having a cup of tea after seeing the dentist in a cafe,a little smiley face popped round the corner where I was sitting, yes my lovely little granddaughter and her mum.  So had an other drink with them. 2. Picked up my knitting up at long last. 3. Showed off my sparkley nails, daughter was impressed.

Nails, fence & scrummy.

1. I have not bitten my nails for nearly a year. To celebrate I had them painted a sparkley blue and purple. 2. Helped to put up a fence today, hard work , but it looks nice. 3. Had Sunday dinner cooked for us and it was scrummy .

Parcel, tiger & peek.

1. Eldest son got his parcel,he is on the other side of the world. And it took only a week. Impressed. 2. Eldest granddaughter had her face painted at her school party. She was a scarey tiger. 3. Youngest granddaughter taking a peek and smiling at her great aunt.

Watching, favorite & knitting.

1. Watching Cagney & Lacey . It used to be one of my favorite shows. Still enjoyable after all these years. 2. Spent time with 2 of my favorite girls today, my other favorite girl was at school. She has got a after school party to go to. Hope she has a lot of fun. 3. Bought myself a knitting magazine, long time I have bought one, usually it's a crochet one I treat myself to. As it's got quite a bit I would like to do. The scarf afghan has really not got anywhere at the moment. Knitting needles will be out tonight.


Sitting here at dusk looking outside,just watching the trees moving in the wind, the clouds moving gently. I am having the trees cut out the front and it looks good and when it's done it's going to look really good. My lovely geraniums are now beginning  to wind down now but they look still good.

Long time, proved & council.

1. It nearly took me 2 hours to get to where I was going, normally it takes me 45 mins max. This was due to buses being turned, had to get off one bus then wait for an other, then a bus broke down in the narrow bit of the high street. Then roadworks after roadworks. So took a different route home , got off  the bus and went and had breakfast and it was lovely. 2. Being proved wrong, so glad. 3. Had a letter from the council to be told that they owe me money! For over payment . I won't get a lot back but hey I don't mind it nice that I am getting something back.

Rubbish,apple pie & thinks.

1. The rubbish out the front has been cleared at long last. Now need to sweep up and do what has to be done. But it does look nice. 2. Son fancied apple pie and cream. So we had some and it was good. 3. Got a cat who thinks she is a geranium. Sitting amongst them.

Tips,out & fireworks.

1. Have to ask Fred Flintstone for bowling tips, got beaten by my granddaughter twice in bowling! It's ok , I play for fun . Daughter, granddaughter and myself had great fun. 2. Didn't want to go out on a rainy Sunday afternoon , but had to. Son came with me and we had a great afternoon out. And had lunch out. Also we didn't get wet, which was a bonus. 3. Watching the fireworks the neighbours had, such lovely colours. My cats didn't even twitch with all the bangs, not even the one who is scared of her own shadow.