
Showing posts from February, 2018

Background Colour

 Finding a very old crochet pattern, which is older than me,and that’s saying something! But it doesn’t look out of date at all. Can’t wait to try it out, but my knitting I must complete which is going well. The old crochet pattern is for squares a variant of the traditional granny square not seen it before, but it’s most probably out there somewhere in crochet land, anyway it makes use of scrap yarn and only needs the background colour, which I am sure I have, the scrap yarn I have no problem with. So while I am still knitting my squares I am designing my next project , sorting out my colours in my head and thinking I know I got some background colo somewhere, this is going to be fun.

Rosy,Gloss & Dirty .

1. Snow is falling quietly and gently. Was out in it and it was nice to be out there in it. Rosy cheeks have i. 2. Trying out a new lip gloss , as I get older my lips crack up more so far so good. I do not like wearing lipstick, so lip gloss it is and so far so good. 3. Youngest granddaughter wanted to try my lip gloss, so bought her and her sister some each. She wanted to be like nanny! And she has inherited the famous dirty look that runs through the family. Thanks dad at least I inherited something of you and your great granddaughter has too. I can hear chuckling dad.

Snow Pigeon &Not

1. Snow snow quick quick snow. 2. The pigeon sitting on the fence looked liked he was trying to catch the snowflakes. 3. Seeing youngest granddaughter unexpectedly and she told me all about the snow and having her photograph taken at playschool and she didn’t smile for her photo , she laughed. Also she said there wasn’t enough snow to build a snowman, not impressed was my granddaughter.

Idea Slow & Glorious.

1. Frost highlighting the brow;of the earth in the distant gave me an idea for a future knitting or crochet project. Must jot down in my project book. 2. Thank goodness for slow cookers dinner is ready for when we come in. 3. A glorious day out weather was cold but bright makes you feel so much better.


1. Found some new recipes using avocados as the main ingredients must try. 2. Youngest son has passed his assessment for getting his bus licence and now has to do a four day intensive course. Really am proud of him as he is autistic and find tests exams difficult. 3. Eldest son who lives and works abroad has been very chatty . It’s lovely to hear from him.

An other tip.

An other tip what was given to me is, when you empty your purse or pockets at the end of your spending week count it up and no matter what change is left halve it even if it’s a few pence, put half back into your purse or pocket and the other half into a jar, at the end of the month count how much is in the jar and that can go into savings. Does anyone still unravel knitting and crochet, winding the yarn into balls or hanks to reuse ? Just a thought, my mother did this a lot when I was younger and it was me who would have to sit there with arms stretched out yarn/ wool around my hands and my mother winding it into balls.

Saving or frugal tips the start!

Been reading quite a few articles about saving money or as some say frugal tips, whatever you call it, some of the tips are good. Mind you i didn’t realise that I do a lot of them already without thinking, like batch baking , cooking a basic mince recipe for splitting up to make spaghetti  bolognasie s,savoury mince with carrots etc. But one of my worst habits is forgetting to take bags out wth me and having to buy them out , so what I do now is to put in my bag is two bags the thin bags that fold so small that they don’t take much room in my bag. And every time I use them I put 10p as the average plastic bag is that and put it in the jar, I haven’t counted it up yet I haven’t done it for week yet and it be interesting to see how much I save by doing this. Must remember to return the empty bags to my shoulder bag. Also that cuts the plastic bags down as well. Which I have a lot of! But I recycle them . Some places have bins where you can take them and recycle them .

Good Morning

1. Hot cross bun, coffee and a new anagram game for coffee break. 2. Daughter’s finger has healed up beautifully. 3. Writing this blog, read that it was good to do this, must agree. I am nor worried if anyone reads it it’s does me good. I am more of a word person than a photo person.

Fast Yarn & Nearly

1. Knitting as fast as i can to reach the end of the last bit of yarn, every knitter and crocheter will understand. 2. Out of the first ball of yarn(50 grams) I got 4 squares they are big garter stitch squares ,the 2nd ball I got 3/34 and it is the same make of yarn and dye lot! Bought at the same time. 3. Finally sorted out my finances out nearly there.

orange story & purple

1. Walking home from work in the rain, the raindrops look like miniature oranges as the street lamps shine on them. 2. Spending time with both granddaughters they were so good reading their books till daddy comes in and then that was a different story. 3. Getting my new glasses, purple and blue they are and I love them !

weekend away.

1. Weekend away done me good, nice to get away if you can just nice to have a change of routine. 2. Nice to come home especially when one of the cats really ignores me till I give her  her dinner. 3. Beautiful weekend weather wise both days was like spring sun out warm just lovely.

Bun Finger

1. First hot cross bun this year. Used to make them with my older son, now I found my favourite cook book where I got the recipe I shall make some very soon. 2. Daughter’s finger very much better, but she was given a lot of looks as it’s her middle finger what is bandaged up so you can think what people thought. 3. A lovely spring day and quite mild what’s the betting rain tomorrow?Bet.

cheese, nasty and limited

1. Stayed in all day didn’t get much done but made a lovely cheese and potato pie best one I made for a long time. Extra mature cheese was on special offer and that made the difference don’t need a lot but yummy. 2. Daughter still not having a good time , little granddaughter arm infection is clearing up beautifully, but she fell and has got a nasty cut. This half term has not been good for them. 3. Had to choose new glasses as my second pair the prescription could be put into the frames I chose. The new frames I much prefer and was told they are new out and I am the first person to get them and they are a limited edition.

Not A Good Start.

1. Smallest granddaughter has got an infected arm due to the pre school booster. Sorry but the nurse was at fault won’t go into details as there is an inquiry going on. Not a happy nanny. 2. Daughter’s fingernail was ripped off by her dog well it was hanging off went to a&e with her good job we did as it worse that we thought, but all patched up now. 3. Eldest granddaughter fell and whacked her elbow nearly a a&e job , but it’s ok.

Won Taste & Abacus

1. Fighting my way home with umbrella in hand , rain and wind won. 2. Forgot how jam and rice pudding taste. Reminds me of my dad. 3. Finding my daughter’s old abacus, watching my granddaughters playing with it and #howing them hoe to make a diamond shape, happy memories.

Yay! X 3

1. First lot of washing hung up on the line of this year. 2. Teacher was pleased with the cake me all made 3. My new glasses are ready ! Yay! Picking them up tomorrow.

A good afternoon

1. Did baking with both granddaughters and mum, we had fun . This is what memories are made of. 2. Cake turned out well. 3. Been sort changed! Had a blood orange, (ruby , pink orange) but not red in it at all came out of the same pack as the others!

Honey Garden & Fruit

1. Baking with granddaughter for a school project making a Egyptian honey cake. 2. Son is helping to do daughters garden , he is a very good gardener very patient. 3. Losing a bit of weight not a lot but losing it very gradually.  Ought more fruit and feeling better for it.


1. The cat who sat on the lap usual for her. 2. The blind cat who went outside I forgot about him till I went to put the rubbish out, called him in he came. 3. The cat who looked at me and I swear she was smiling.

popcorn,glasses& lmpluse

1. Eating popcorn on a quiet Sunday night in. 2. Buying two pairs of glasses. Left eye has got a lot worse , so decided to have two pairs of glasses as I have to wear them everyday, so it’s essential, but in an other way a treat to myself. 3. Saved £37 by not impulse buying for things I really didn’t need. Quite scary really impulse buying so I decide I keep this up for a month and see how much I saved by not buying on impulse and put what I saved into savings for a rainy day, for things I really do need like getting the house decorated.