Saving or frugal tips the start!

Been reading quite a few articles about saving money or as some say frugal tips, whatever you call it, some of the tips are good. Mind you i didn’t realise that I do a lot of them already without thinking, like batch baking , cooking a basic mince recipe for splitting up to make spaghetti  bolognasie s,savoury mince with carrots etc.
But one of my worst habits is forgetting to take bags out wth me and having to buy them out , so what I do now is to put in my bag is two bags the thin bags that fold so small that they don’t take much room in my bag. And every time I use them I put 10p as the average plastic bag is that and put it in the jar, I haven’t counted it up yet I haven’t done it for week yet and it be interesting to see how much I save by doing this. Must remember to return the empty bags to my shoulder bag. Also that cuts the plastic bags down as well. Which I have a lot of! But I recycle them . Some places have bins where you can take them and recycle them .


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