bowling,park & colour

1.had a great and fun afternoon with the family  bowling.long time since i went bowling. i came last as usual,. but that's not important we all had good fun, my 3year old grand daughter well to see her play was really lovely she enjoyed playing  and she told me that she will beat me and she did!my grandson is over in the holidays and boy does he bowls well and he is only 7.
2.before we went bowling we went to the park and as i was sitting down by the pond , i remembered that i fell into that pond head first when i was about 7 or 8. and where  i fell as well .then we walked through the rose gardens, happy memories came back of going to the library with my dad and if the weather was nice he would sit outside and start reading a book while i played in the gardens as there was so many paths and
hidey holes . the imaginations ran riot.
3.lying in bed looking at the pale yellow sun against a blue grey sky, thinking that would make a good colour combination for a blanket. but i am still doing my knitted squares, but the end is in sight.not many to go,must admit i haven't done much knitting , but i will start later on today.


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