
Showing posts from September, 2014

Solution, note,& talk.

1. Had a bit of a difficult afternoon with a student. I am very lucky I have got a super boss, so I went to her and we have come to a solution to the problem. 2. Another student wrote a note to another volunteer, saying she is the best teacher she had. That brought a tear to the volunteer eyes and the rest of us as well. 3. Having to go to work today, as there is going to be interviews about volunteering and the boss is not quite sure about if it's going to be filmed or not. I don't mind talking about volunteering ,but to talk to the camera, that's another thing.

Busy, running & money.

1. Had a busy weekend again. Not complaining it's nice to be busy. 2. Told partner that I would like to take up running, he smirked and said I wouldn't do it! I have got a secret weapon, eldest son, have to get in touch with him as he knows all about training and running. I show you partner! 3. Youngest son spent a bit of money on himself for a change and he was very happy to do so. He doesn't want a lot that one, but when he does buy something, it's always good.

Tooth, radio & ice cream

1. Youngest granddaughter has cut her first tooth. 2. Listening to a radio station, which is new to me and playing the sort of music I like. 3. A lovely day in Worthing . A model train in the morning, afternoon was spent on the seafront and on the pier. Son and I enjoy the 2p machines! But the best bit was friend trying to eat a ice cream with flakes, he always gets into a mess when he has one. Don't worry he really enjoys getting into a mess. Next time remind me to say no thank you to a ice cream he said. But he will say please ,because he loves them so much.

Likes reading, apples.

1. Was very nearly run over by a mobility scooter in the supermarket, was going to the travelator think that's is how you spell it and , the person came charging round the corner and very nearly pushed me over. It's not a good thing I know but I was cross.and he was going round the supermarket like  a racing car driver. Rant over. 2. Eldest granddaughter still likes school and she likes to read to herself , only asking for help when she gets stuck. 3. Decided that I do like pink flesh apples, the are not to sweet, with the right amount of sharpness.


Just saw a photo of my eldest. And he is smiling for a change. He normally hates his photo taken. Made my day. He getting to look like his granddad now( my dad). I am so lucky to have my 2 handsome sons and beautiful daughter. Not forgetting my 2  precious granddaughters and grandson. I couldn't wish for a more lovelier family. Bless all 3.

Reading, mission & new friends.

1. Son was reading again, out of my three the youngest son has never been a reader, but lately he has been reading quite a lot. 2. The decluttering mission is still going strong. My bedroom this time. 3. My daughter has made new friends with other parents at school. I think we have been there, where we have been new faces and not knowing anyone, maybe a bit apprehensive . Well done daughter.

Soup, application & school.

1. It must be autumn, had tomato soup for lunch. 2. Asked for a job application, but got told to go on line as they didn't have any in store, so went online, to find out you have to go to the store to get a job application! So will be ringing the store to see if they will have more in. 3. Saw a neighbour and she finally got her daughter a school place. She has a tough time, but she got there in the end.

Pink, wet rain & uniform.

1. Pink fleshed apples. Not sure about them, they have got a slightly different taste to the usual apples and the skin feels different. But I will continue to test them. The flesh being pink is ok. 2. The postman said lovely weather we are having now, yes I replied makes a change to the wet rain we had earlier this year. 3. Son came home, with his new overalls and polo shirts from college. They went missing and now they are found. The college decided that all in the IT unit must have a uniform, it looks smart.

Museum, gliders & impressed.

1. Had a lovely day at amberley museum. So much to see there. Had a ride on the train there. There was workshops of pottery, glass demonstrations the list can go on, there was a lot of exhibitions, my favourite was the radio and tv . Worth going to it is in West Sussex. 2. Watching gliders , glide, they look so graceful. 3. Dad let son drive his car! He said that he never would let anyone drive it, but he changed his mind. Said son drove well , dad was impressed. Don't worry the car is insured properly for son to drive.

Happy, robin & burst.

1. Son came home from college happy, first time in a week. There have been problems with tutors not turning up, overalls and polo shirts not turning up, lads who don't want to be there causing problems. Son was ready to give up, told no just grit your teeth the bad patch will past, so he is gritting his teeth. Proud of him. 2. When I was out a robin popped out the bush had a good look at me then he popped back to where he came from. Didn't like the of me! 3. Trimmed the honeysuckle ages ago after it finished flowering, now it's burst into leaf again. It's looking good.

Flowers, boiler & so on.

1. Bought some flowers to cheer the kitchen up. They are yellow and orange mums. 2. Boiler past it's 6 months check. Must admit didn't want new boiler, but glad I did as it is so economic to run. Shh don't tell anyone, as I get told you so. 3. Update on the scarf afghan, it's coming along nicely. Got the next project in mind and the yarn has been sorted. It's going to be crocheted. Then the next project after that is going to be knitted and so on. That way I don't bored in doing all knitting or all crochet.

Boiler,found & found again.

1. Still waiting for the boiler man. He was supposed to call between 8am to 12pm. Had a phone call he is going to be late. Used the time well while waiting. Yes more decluttering ! 2. While searching through some bags I found £5.00. So before you throw out bags check them. 3. Found son's missing work boot . It was in the room what I call the cubby hole. How it got there I don't know.

Smokey , wool & dirty.

1. Smokey bacon doughnuts are ok , but won't be buying them again. 2. Yes I bought more wool. But didn't go silly. 3. Baby granddaughter  when she saw her uncle was all giggles and grins. She has got a dirty laugh that one.  No one had a look in  when uncle is about not even mum.

Found , finances & busy

1. Found the wool I was looking for and found some more which will go with it,but still I might buy a ball or two. 2. Straightened up my finances, still lot a lot in the kitty, but hey that's life. 3. Had a busy weekend, my weekends seems busier than the week and I work, how does that work?

Free, wool & world.

1. Weekend free of TV, busy in the garden, not mine. Mine is going to be done tomorrow . 2. Was going to treat myself to some wool, then I realise that I have got the colours I want, but have to find them. 3. Busy in the garden, I heard a little voice, it was next door's little girl playing in her play house, she was very happy. She was in her own little world.

A great dad and grandad

For me September is a sad month in a way, I lost my most beloved dad . But I have many happy memories of him., he taught me by example how to be a good grandparent. He was a good granddad to my two eldest children, but he never met my youngest who was born a year after he died, but he would of loved him to bits and his two great granddaughters as well. In his words I am tickled pink. But in an other way September  is a happy month for all the happy memories . So dad just for you , I will buy some bulbs or something nice for the garden to remember you by.not that I need to buy anything , but I would like to. Your little family is blessed very blessed. Love and miss you. X

Meeting, school & Kentish.

1. Great nan & new great granddaughter finally met. They both took to each other straight away. A lovely morning had by all. 2. Eldest granddaughter had a good first full week at school. She said she likes school. 3. Kentish russets, cox orange pippins and Kentish pears. Yum yum. 4. Yes I am Kentish very proud of my Kentish roots and heritage.

Lilac, warm/cold & bus stops.

1. Saw a beautiful lilac rose in full bloom, really stunning. 2. Having to wrap up indoors, but when I went out it was really warm. I have got a cold house. 3. Went to a different bus stop, and why I don't know the people always say good morning or hello etc. but at my usual bus stop people look at you if you say anything. So I think I go to the other bus stop, it's about 5 mins walk extra than my normal bus stop. Yes I do need the exercise. So that's the plan. And the bus stops are quite near to each other , strange.

Unexpected, 3, & 2 .

1. Daughter popped in unexpected , for a quick cup of tea and brought one of the most biggest bath buns I have seen for ages and it was good very good. Good job I didn't have breakfast. 2. Found 3 of my favourite books 1 craft , 1 cookery and the last one is a bit of both. Happy now, I thought I threw them out long ago by mistake. 3. Then I found a knitted patchwork afghan done in garter stitch squares, I put that on the back of the settee straight away. Then I found a crochet chevron or zigzag (what ever you prefer to call the pattern) afghan, I put that on son's armchair.

Ahem , rolls & eyes.

1. Ahem ahem coughed little granddaughter, she wanted some attention. 2. Little granddaughter showed me how she rolls over . 3. My daughter showed me some photos of when my eldest granddaughter was youngest granddaughter age, you would think that they would be twins, the only way you can tell who is who is by the colour of their eyes, eldest has brown eyes, youngest blue.

Scrunch, back & well done.

1. Scrunch scrunch through the beech nuts. 2. Went back to work after being away for a time. It was lovely to be back. 3. Granddaughter likes school. In the short time she has been there she has come on in leaps and bounds. Well done sweet heart.

One broken down train.

1. One broken down train caused chaos for an complete afternoon and evening . What normally takes about an hour from home to where I visit this time it took me four. That's with the bus we wanted to get to the station was cancelled, then the bus driver on the bus we caught had problems with children late leaving, missed  two trains now, but when we got to the station the next train we can get to catch our connection was cancelled, thinking what other route can we travel to get where we need to be. Young man who works on the station, apologises says there will be no trains till after five and then they will be all late. Asked us where we are going, told him , best bet go up to London they should be able to help you. Where we go it's not a popular stop and it's out in the sticks. To be honest nobody really new how to get there, one station staff hasn't heard of the place we needed to get to. But we got there in the end. 2. Went through parts of London I haven't been

Started, full days & fighting.

1. Warned son to start sorting his clutter, but no he hasn't started, so I have started , can't throw that out or this I still need that, he said. So he has started. We are a family of hoarders, as you can guess, my sister included . We inherit this from my dad's side of the family. 2. Son now has 3 full days at college now and starting in October he will have 1 day work experience   , so he will have a 4 day week from then. 3. Fighting the big energy guys to get back what's owing to me. Now fighting the council for overpayment. ,

Peace,uniform & busy afternoon.

1. Made peace with someone I was with odds for a while. My fault. 2. Went to pick up granddaughter up from school with her mum. She had a good time, hopefully she will like school. She looked so lovely and grown up in her uniform. 3. We went to the big park on the way down town.  Granddaughter had a good time. It's been a while since I have been there and they got new or new to me apparatuses . Granddaughter was climing,swinging , roundabouting, racing me, her on the slide me running. That is one of her favourite games , her sliding me running. I earnt my coffee . And I forgot the seesaw.

Grins,most & cheerful.

1. I said to son look at that sky it's beautiful, I don't like pink skies  he said, actually it's a pinky apricot coloured sky he remarked. That's the artist in me he grins. 2. My most favourite magazine came through the letter box. 3. Son is more cheerful of late, I think going back to college tomorrow is helping.

School,asked & time.

1. Granddaughter has now got everything ready for school tomorrow , her very big day, a big lump is in my throat already. Hope she has a good start, as that is so important. I think she will. 2. I asked for help not for myself, but for someone else and got help, which was very nice. Thank you. 3. Going to spend the afternoon with my daughter and granddaughters as it will be the last time for a while to be able to spend time with all three, as the eldest one is going to school, plus they spend weekends at their caravan too make the most of the summer.

Granddaughters growing up.

1. Eldest granddaughter is starting school on Thursday . 2. Youngest granddaughter can roll over and her new game is roly poly. 3. Nanny is going to sit down and have a cup of tea to get over the shock of my 2 granddaughters are growing up so quick. Like son 2nd year at college which he starts on Thursday . It wasn't that long ago he was just starting school.

Busy morning, ignore & pleased.

1. Did not want to go out this morning  but glad I did, saw a neighbour who I haven't seen for a while, then bumped into a former work colleague , who now has a full time job, well done Ayo . Then bumped into my sister, then saw an other friend had a chat, then went to have a coffee with my sister and saw an other friend. All I went out for was to do a quick shop. Not complaining it was really nice to see everyone and have a chat. 2. My cat who usually ignores me had a go at me this morning you should of heard her, because I ignored her, well I was busy sorting out my bank account. I can't win. 3. Looked at the back garden and very pleased with what I have done so far, still a long way to go though.