One broken down train.

1. One broken down train caused chaos for an complete afternoon and evening . What normally takes about an hour from home to where I visit this time it took me four. That's with the bus we wanted to get to the station was cancelled, then the bus driver on the bus we caught had problems with children late leaving, missed  two trains now, but when we got to the station the next train we can get to catch our connection was cancelled, thinking what other route can we travel to get where we need to be.
Young man who works on the station, apologises says there will be no trains till after five and then they will be all late. Asked us where we are going, told him , best bet go up to London they should be able to help you. Where we go it's not a popular stop and it's out in the sticks. To be honest nobody really new how to get there, one station staff hasn't heard of the place we needed to get to. But we got there in the end.
2. Went through parts of London I haven't been through, so that was nice. Made the journey a bit less stressful
3. I usually have a back up plan and usually leave well in time to get where I am going, but this time all failed. All because of one broken down train. It caused chaos up in London on that line , as well down this end.


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