
Showing posts from October, 2014

Girlaugh , decs & pumpkin.

1. Son said his neck is as long as a girlaugh ! 2. Granddaughter  found some Christmas decorations. She has put them up, mum said it was way to early, granddaughter said she put them up to make it nice for daddy's birthday, which is today. 3. Having a pumpkin and chocolate muffin. Which is very nice, very moist and light. And a pretty pale orange colour, with chocolate drops studded through..

Dentist, ex & show.

1. Went to the dentist, my usual one is on maternity leave, so her stand in is really lovely.explained everything. Told me I could improve my teeth cleaning, but she didn't put my back up. Told her how lovely she was, and she was surprised . 2. Bumped into my ex, had breakfast with him. We share eldest son, daughter and granddaughters. We still get on which is good. 3. Looking forward to the Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons show.

An excellent day.

1. Had a very good day with son and his friend. We went to the imperial war museum, then went to the transport museum. Very thought provoking the iwm. Son's friend really had a good time. So did son and myself. 2. Plus the weather was really good that was a bonus. 3. The train journey and bus was excellent no problems, really ran smooth.

Eldest, confusion & early tea.

1. Eldest son may be able to come home in January , due to his work commitments he is not sure at the moment. It would be lovely to see him. 2. This putting back the clock an hour caused confusion this morning. Other half is a shift worker, he had to leave at 4am, so he set the clocks back an hour, set the alarms. He set the spare mobile phone alarm as it is a rather loud alarm, but he couldn't remember if the phone changed the time automatically , so he changes it an hour back. It goes of at the time it was set, but it didn't tally with the time or other alarms. So he was confused did he set the time correctly or not, so I phone the speaking clock, got the correct time. The mobile phone was 2 hours behind not the one hour behind it should be. 3. Had a cup of tea at 3:30am.

Rock friend & test.

1. Other half came back from his break and he said that he had a good time,but it's nice to be home. The first night the weather was bad, the caravan was rocking quite a bit. 2. Son's friend is coming out with us, which is very nice as he hates going out, he is autistic as well. So looking forward to seeing him. 3. Son has been told to put in for his driving test.

Ran away, ordered & slow.

1. Ran away from home for a few hours. Life has been a bit stressful , so I decided to run away. It done me good. 2. Had a lovely cheese scone and coffee in my favuorite cafe, just what the doctor ordered 3. Picked up a slow cooker book. It has got a lot of good recipes for me to try, most of them I have not seen before. And it was a bargin.

Rolling,lovely & discount.

1. Watching baby granddaughter rolling around the room, boy is she quick! 2. Seening eldest granddaughter for the first time in ages, since she started school, so lovely to see her. She said she still enjoying school. 3. Remembering to use a discount card. I usually forget them or throw them away. I have save quite a bit with it.

Growls,waving, manage, & shuffles.

1. Baby granddaughter growls like a teddy bear with a growler in its tummy. A giggle and grin morning with her. 2. Didn't realise that grandpa had eldest granddaughter with him in the car he till he went past, I caught a glimpse of her of her waving, I was walking down the hill in a world of my own. 3. Managing to go out to me my daughter, granddaughter & sister, before the winds come  down this way and do the shopping. 4. Baby granddaughter puts her bottom in the air and shuffles backwards.

Pfeffer nusse, tutor & gone.

1. Son bought me some pfeffer nusse. We went shopping and saw them,I said no I won't buy any. No one else likes them in the family. So I went back to get something I forgot, came back son said I bought you some so you have to have them! Eating some while I am writing this. A very happy mum and tum. 2. Had to talk to son's tutor, he is having a few problems, his tutor is so positive about him and will do everything he can to help him. Brought tears to my eyes. He knows son is autistic  and said if he hadn't of known he thought he was a regular guy, to him he is a regular guy. While son is at college his tutor will br there for him. Thanks tutor, you have helped. 3. Other half has gone away for a short break with a friend and have only been gone for a couple of hours had a phone call and text already ! Not complaining but it could of been dealt with when he gets to his destination, when he rings me that he got there safe. Bless him.

Fuzzy, better & fortunate.

1. Seeing the world in a different light. Went downstairs to make the first cup of tea of the day,forgetting to put my glasses on,so had to put on my reading glasses on and the world was rather fuzzy. 2. Granddaughter is feeling better and has done her homework. 3. Son has decided to come out with mum and dad.we are fortunate that he still likes coming out with us and he is not embarrassed not like some teenagers.

Changed, bumped & 2 beauties.

1. According to red tape I am a MR, not a MRS, , MISS nor even a MS. When I changed sex I do not know! But I wished someone told me. 2. Bumped into a neighbour who told me her daughter got a place in a special needs school and she has been fighting for so long. 3. Went to see my 2 sleeping beauties. Eldest granddaughter is not at school as she has got a tummy bug. She so wanted to go to school. She sent her mummy to school to get her some homework. Younger granddaughter is being a pickle .

Catch up, different & asked.

1. Meant to have a day to myself, doing what I wanted to do, but it didn't work out, waskedas dealing with red tape and other things this morning. Had enough and popped out for a while in the afternoon, but bumped into a friend I haven't seen for ages, in her words it's was nice to have a catch up. Felt better . 2. Yesterday I had to go somewhere by a different bus route, one I have never been on before, and it was really lovely going through places I haven't been through before. You really don't realise what is on your doorstep until you go on an other way. I will certainly go that way again and drop off  in a couple of places . 3. Was brave and asked son how college is now, it's ok now he said getting better,.there was a few teething problems still the beginning  of term. But at the moment his student card doesn't work, but he is not the only one who has got that problem. But it won't get sorted till next week as ther system is down!

Gone, shopping, & alike.

1. Gone back to walking now that the weather is cooler. Beginning to feel better for it. Don't mind walking in the rain. 2. Remind me not to go food shopping with son! This looks good that looks nice he says. To be honest I don't mind it's nice to see him take an intrest in the shopping . 3.  Youngest son had his hair cut didn't realise how much he looks like his big brother.  He had his hair cut really short like his brother, but when it's long he doesn't look like his brother, how does that work out?

Help, pies & pleasant.

1. My elderly friend is recovering from a slight heart attack. She has finally agreed to me helping her with her housework. I am looking forward to helping her. 2. Lovely mince pies. 3. Spent a pleasant afternoon doing shopping with the other half and we had coffee afterwards.

Parcel, out grown & weather.

1. Waiting in for a parcel, it was delivered to a neighbour instead! The neighbour said this is not no 6 this is no 8, no6 is over there, but the courier still dumped the parcel and ran. So no8 came over straight away and explained . I must admit I have got some lovely neighbours. 2. Baby granddaughter has out grown her 6-9 months clothes and she has not long turned 6 months. But when you look at her she doesn't look that big. 3. Having a quiet weekend in, but got a busy week ahead. So making the most of the quietness, but still unable to do what I would like to do in the garden, just read that the weatherman says next week will be warm and sunny. They never seem to make their minds up do they?

Pink,jazz, & read.

1. Buying a bright pair of pink socks, they will cheer up these grey days. 2. Listening to light jazz, not my usual sort of music, but enjoyed listening to it. 3. Treating son to a book, when he was at school they moaned that he would not read, but now he reads quite a lot.

Moon, knock & rubbish.

1. Looking at the pale yellow full  moon  against a pale grey morning sky. Beautiful . 2. Someone was knocking on the front door, went to answer it and found it was one of the cats. 3. Hoping that the refuse collectors , bin men or whatever they are called, are happy because it's the very first time in a long time I have put out a minimum amount of rubbish which can not be recycled at all , 1 small bag ,also the food waste bin only had 1 small bag in it.

Amazing,report & forgot.

1. Had a good afternoon at work.  I do work with some amazing students. 2. Granddaughter had a good first term report. She has settled in well at school. Bless her. 3. Who forgot to bring in the washing yesterday? Yes me! Had I brought it in  yesterday it would of been dried, but instead it's soaking wet as I bought it in this morning and it's been raining heavily.

Covent Gardens.

1. Went James Bond in Motion Museum in Covent Gardens. It was good plenty to see. Then we joined the hustle and bustle of Covent Gardens. A nice place to be on a Sunday . 2. Went on  a boris bus, son was not impressed at all. Been on one, don't want to go on one again! He said. 3. Watching and listening to the performers at Covent Gardens , it was lovely to see people enjoying themselves . Love listening to some musicians , wonderful music. 4. All in all a lovely day .

Lovely, snap & sunshine.

1. Spent a train journey with a lovely young lady called Leah till she got off at her station. It was a nice sparkly chat we had. She is a credit to her parents. There are some good young adults out there, but you don't hear about them to often. 2. Eldest granddaughter has been playing snap all day. 3. The sunshine after the rain and walking up the road and it stopped raining.

Teeth,layout & clothes.

1. Youngest granddaughter has cut 2 teeth and mum said she is really good. 2. Son has been designing a layout for his model trains. 3. Found winter clothes and now do not need any clothes for winter. That will save some pennies.

1st,achieve,& plans.

1. 1st October already, where did that time go? I have been reflecting on the past months. What I have achieved, what I would like to do in the coming months . 2. One of my achievements was starting decluttering, I have done so much, and in a short space of time. As you can gather I am a hoarder, but it has been hard, but it's been worth it in the long run . It's nice having my home back and space. Even decluttering my emails, the ones I used to subscribe to. 3. Enjoying the warm weather, not closing the back door  till late in the evening. Lovely! Plus an other achievement was sorting the garden out properly. Plans for next year for the garden are forming.