Eldest, confusion & early tea.

1. Eldest son may be able to come home in January , due to his work commitments he is not sure at the moment. It would be lovely to see him.
2. This putting back the clock an hour caused confusion this morning. Other half is a shift worker, he had to leave at 4am, so he set the clocks back an hour, set the alarms. He set the spare mobile phone alarm as it is a rather loud alarm, but he couldn't remember if the phone changed the time automatically , so he changes it an hour back. It goes of at the time it was set, but it didn't tally with the time or other alarms. So he was confused did he set the time correctly or not, so I phone the speaking clock, got the correct time. The mobile phone was 2 hours behind not the one hour behind it should be.
3. Had a cup of tea at 3:30am.


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