
 Taken a couple of days off . Much needed as there has been a lot of changes and my head is spinning with it all. But it had to be done. So taken time to reflect and sort my life out. There is much needed changes in my life to do, so small steps are required at the moment , big changes are needed but it is not quite the right time . But the time will come soon. 

Grandchildren are all fine . The girls are back to school and doing well. They now have the good weather to go to school and come home. Grandson likes to be on the move most times which is good. 

Just trying to get used to the lockdown being lifted . I must admit I am finding this one difficult. Spent so much time on my own and quick shopping  that I really got so used to it. At the moment I prefer my own company. But things will change foe me I will do it slowly. 


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