New Hobby?

 1. Recycling old cups , mugs and cereal bowls, into holding , displaying or potting up plants. Looked at some pot plant holders and display stands at a garden centre , but at the moment money is very tight so went home and rooted through the cupboards and found the above. But not got any saucers! 

2. But treated myself to a very small plant one which was on the bargain shelf  looked sorry for itself, so bought home gave it a good watering and looked at it this morning  it has picked up not bad for a £1.

3. All this is due to me knocking of some leaves of a Christmas cactus, I potted them and they have come up a treat so I thought they need some company. So got some small succulent plants to keep them company. On the side near the kitchen window where they are all doing well. Think I have got a new hobby.


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