
Showing posts from March, 2018

The Blues

Got up done all my chores felt happy, then all of a sudden irritation swept over me and sadness as well. It just came out of the blues. So I went out even though it was raining but that didn’t help, usually going out helps and I don’t mind the rain. So came home and sat down thinking I do my knitting but even that didn’t help normally that’s soothes me. So I just sat quietly and tried not to over think or analyse what caused this. The only thing I could think of could it be the after effect of the flu virus bug thing I had a little while ago? Also the problem with my sister and social worker? I usually cope with things problems reasonably well. Anyway a quiet Easter weekend might do the trick to get my mojo back, I do hope so as I don’t like being like this. I am not feeling sorry for myself really and I do know other people have worse problems than me, it was one minute I was happy then the next bang out of the blue it just came. Life is strange at times !

Solved, Peachy & Claimed

1. Solved problem caused by my sister and the social worker . All it took was one email! 2. Orange hyacinth is really a peachy colour with a light pink stripe . It’s lovely . 3. All my cats went out int the back garden and claim it back from the other cats. They didn’t stay out to long as it’s raining again.

Why Shingles & Heck

1. Why does it have to rain when I take my mother out ? Yet again it rain last time I took her out it rained . 2. All I bought was two cards a get well card as someone I know has got shingles nasty. And the other one was a welcome to your new home. 3. Bought in an expensive dinner tonight , I normally don’t do these things as money is tight, but what the heck just for once a treat.

Favourite, Checked& Summertime

1. Watching my most favourite film Brief Encounter. I do hope they never ever make a remake, but that’s my personal view. 2. My blind cat is enjoying going out into the garden now and one of his big sisters goes out with him  still and she waits patiently for him it’s so lovely to see. He is in good health otherwise, he been checked by the vet. 3. Clocks gone forward lighter evenings now it feels like spring and soon to be summer. But the weatherman predicted snow for Easter!

Orange scowl & nudge

1. Orange hyacinth is brightening up the kitchen a treat. 2. Lady pushes herself in front of a gentleman to get on the bus, he moans, she said well that’s what you do always push yourself forward even if you waited just a few minutes for the bus, you must have a rough idea who catches the same bus as you, he sits down scowling. 3. My blind cat went into the back garden and enjoyed himself, one of his big sisters went out with him and looked after him it was really lovely to see she didn’t leave his side. She gently nudge him and spoke to him .

Good BAD & Good

1. Yes I did go on an adventure nothing grand. Got out of my comfort zone. I shall do it again. 2. Why is it, when the professionals need your help they sort of demand it , but when you do what they ask that’s fine. But when you just ask for an update by phone or email they don’t want to know! An email, letter or phone call is now due by me to complain. It is a vert serious problem actually it’s rather distressing. Won’t go into it here, but between my sister and social services about my aunt, I am not happy and that’s an understatement. 3. I have a new morning mug for my tea bought by my daughter and it’s huge! But enjoying my tea and looking out at the back garden while drinking it.

Stuffing, Pleasant & Adventure.

1. The cold flu virus thingy has really knocked the stuffing out of me, but doing my best to eat ,drink properly and look after myself properly. Doing gentle walking. 2. When having to tell patients that the clinic is running late , got greeted with smiles and to be told that’s fine. That makes a very pleasant change. 3. Debating whether to go somewhere new for my day off. Where is my sense of adventure? It left sometime ago. Ok I go!

Envy, Snow & Try

1. Got over my envy about the bungalow, maybe one day. 2. Came home to a load of snow. Where I stayed at the weekend they usually get hit worse with the snow, they got the sprinkling of snow we got the heavy snowfall. 3. My new cookbook came I can’t wait to try some recipes and very soon I shall try some.

Bowling , Fred &Bungalow

1. Just come back from bowling and son won both games. 2. I learnt bowling from Fred Flintstone. My hero, love the Flintstones 3. A friend is renting a lovely bungalow, how how wish it was mine, not normally envious, but it’s beautiful, but happy for him. He been through a tough time, he deserves it.

Good, Tracking & Fleelers

1. After searching for a long time found a good hairdresser. Loved the way she cut the two ladies in front of me hair and did a good job on mine. 2. Tracking my son’s parcel . I do enjoy tracking it . It goes over to the other side of the world. It fascinates me all this tracking information. 3. Went back to work still not sure whether I should be there still or look for a new job, I won’t rush, but I think I start looking and putting out feelers

Order Wonder & Passed

1. Looked on my online orders yes I do have the book I was going to order now to find it I think I know where it is. 2. Had my mother’s day today. Thank for my presents my lovely children and granddaughters. Even a message from eldest son who usually forgets ,I wonder if he had a gentle reminder? It’s just nice to hear from you all. 3. Youngest son passed an important test . Well done son.

Paddington, Out& Order

1. Did a Paddington Bear, had marmalade sandwiches for breakfast on good old fashioned white bread. Yummy! 2. Went out for an hour after being cooped up while having the most nastiest cold flu virus for a very long time, boy was it good getting out in the fresh air. 3. Trying to remember if I ordered a book in the past if so where is it? Must look on my online order history, if not ordered then I am going to order my treat to myself and it’s an other craft book!

Flu Cold Virus?

1. What I caught I do not know flu,bad cold ,virus ? But all I know it floored me greatly. 2. So nt been out just dozing and need fresh air badly so opened patio door  for a few minutes felt a bit better. 3. The shop where I got my multi coloured yarn has got plenty in my favourite colour, when I am feeling better I am going to get some more.

Love of Animals.

Not got a heavy cold, got a bad chest infection and all three cats are sitting near me. That is unusual normally I have one or two sitting near me , so I must be poorly if I have all three. My daughter has got a new dog well she has had him for about two months now and he has worked some magic with my youngest granddaughter who is a pickle, he has seemed to calm her down, she is a little pickle now not a big one like she was. His favourite thing to do is when my granddaughters are colouring in he lies besides them and I think he wants to join in. He was someone else’s dog and kept in a crate for most of the day and my daughter rescued him and he is the nicest dog you could ever wish for. These people get puppies then when the puppies grow up they get rid of them, hopefully they won’t get any more quite a few people know about them and pu the word out about them. But my daughter’s dog is in his forever home.

Money in out and not spent.

1. Went down town put money in, took money out, didn’t spend a penny! That’s a first for a long time, didn’t even pay for coffee. 2. Got a stinking cold, not feeling sorry for myself, but been out to get some fresh air, did me some good. 3. Now for a nice quiet afternoon in . Housework can wait!

No Wooden & Pin

1. Had a no television night and it be repeated. It was good youngest son read I knitted. 2. Bought new wooden spoons as I couldn’t find my ones, cleared a drawer  out and I found them and some more. How they got there I do not know. 3. Found my old wooden rolling pin it’s over 60 years old. Still works a treat.

Annoyed & Bliss

1. Bumped into my sister when I was down town (I feel like a Petula Clarke  song here) had coffee with her, then we went grocery shopping, when I was packing my bag she noticed that I had a new crochet book and she was tugging it out of my bag but she couldn’t get it out completely, so I had to rearrange my shopping as she knocked a few things over. I said to her she most probably got the book anyway. She was interrogating who was it by and where did I get it from? She must always have new crochet books before me, but I am sure she has got it. My next craft book is going to be a knitting book and I have to send of for it and she doesn’t like knitting much she prefers crochet. 2. Rediscovering Mama Cass on YouTube I forgot what a lovely voice she had. Bliss. 3. Sorry about the rant above but it got to me I know it’s a small thing but it just annoyed me I feel better now. Ps Petula Clarke is,an other great singer as well I shall be YouTubing her as well!

Good morning

1. Been shopping got extra supplies, the bus driver drove well . Well done bus driver. 2. The snow is not to bad here .did me good to get out feel a lot better. 3. Next door little girl was having fun out in the snow giggling away bless her, but mum was really looking cold.