Love of Animals.

Not got a heavy cold, got a bad chest infection and all three cats are sitting near me. That is unusual normally I have one or two sitting near me , so I must be poorly if I have all three.
My daughter has got a new dog well she has had him for about two months now and he has worked some magic with my youngest granddaughter who is a pickle, he has seemed to calm her down, she is a little pickle now not a big one like she was. His favourite thing to do is when my granddaughters are colouring in he lies besides them and I think he wants to join in.
He was someone else’s dog and kept in a crate for most of the day and my daughter rescued him and he is the nicest dog you could ever wish for. These people get puppies then when the puppies grow up they get rid of them, hopefully they won’t get any more quite a few people know about them and pu the word out about them. But my daughter’s dog is in his forever home.


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