
Showing posts from June, 2014


Ps. Done my chores in record time!  So the rest of the day is mine.

Weekend, together & cramp.

1. Coming home after a weekend away and a very long day out yesterday. 2. Went to a steam train rally. Which was very enjoyable. It is really nice to see families together doing things together and enjoying themselves. 3. Getting rid of very bad cramp in my leg and foot. As I get older the worse the cramp seems to be.

Nanny? Nanny? & yachts.

1. " nanny why do you wear glasses?" " my eyes don't work properly" " you look better without them on" "thank you, but I need to wear them otherwise I won't be able to see you"  " well if I stand right in front of you, you wll see me better" 2. " nanny would you like half of my pig roll"? She asks breaking a pig roll in half  and giving me half. 3. Seeing yachts out sailing. All different shapes and sizes and colours.

Granddaughter for the afternoon.

1. We got to nanny's by flying scooter (bus) as my granddaughter had her scooter with her. 2. I left a little bit of dinner on my plate, "nanny you have got to eat everything up or no ice cream" like a good nanny I ate everything up and was allowed ice cream. 3. Went to get the washing in " nanny I will help you" so we went out to get it in. " nanny I fold it for you, you pass it to me" so passed the washing to her, she folded it and we made short work of it just as well as it started to rain. Then my granddaughter said " nanny I am a great helper " and she is . Bless her. 4. It was a shame she had to go home. I gave her a packet of fig rolls which she loves , but she calls them pig rolls. Love her.

Not nanny,fruit& neighbours

1. Having my eldest granddaughter over for tea tonight after play school. She told her mummy that she wants to stay for along time with her uncle not nanny but her uncle. Bless her. 2. Treated myself to some golden kiwi fruit. And son put in apples , I got a shock as he is not a fruit lover. 3. Saw my neighbour this morning while putting out the recycling, she looks very well. She has been very ill for the most part of this year, so it was very nice to have a chat with her. 4. The other day I saw an other neighbour and had a lovely chat with her, it is only when I see her in her front garden that we have a chat, but that is how our friendship works.

Cats cacti & cats.

1. One of my cats likes lying on her back and wave her paws about. I have tried to take a photo, but as we know about cats sixth sense she jumps up and looks at me, as to say you  will not ever get a photo of me. 2. Going to repot  some cacti. They do need repotting badly . One I think is still in its original pot. This one and an other one I inherited the other one a leaf was knocked off an other plant so I decided ti put it some compost and it grew into a lovely plant. 3. I have not got tree cats sitting next to me all wanting a fuss, this is where I could do with an extra pair of hands.

Back to work.

1. Went back to work. Met 2 new staff, who are really nice. 2. Got greeted by one of the students, by saying it's about time you was back. 3. It was nice to be back. Had a lovely chat with an other student . It was good.

Flintstones, not popular & face paints.

1. Watching the Flintstones. As I am unable to sleep. Also I love the Jetsons as well. Love the Flintstones. 2. Still cannot get over the back garden. Still a bit of work to do. Shame it is so early otherwise I be in the garden, but I will not be popular with the neighbours. 3. Granddaughter painted her mum's face with face paints so that she looks like a tiger.

Early, brave & done.

1. Finally got up at my usual time , in fact got up 15 minutes earlier than my usual time. Been sleeping in lately and it has thrown me out . 2. Done some more decluttering , just closed my eyes and being brave. One corner of the living room is clear. 3. I have found that I get more done in the early morning and early evening.

Knitting old fashioned & sister.

1. Picked up my knitting and decided that I didn't like it. It was on large needles using dk yarn. It didn't look right so I undid it, then using the right size of needles for the dk yarn,I started all over again, but this time doing my own thing. I was following a pattern,it is only for a blanket so size etc doesn't matter. It does look better on smaller needles. 2. Must admit I prefer to use right size needles and weight of yarn. Call me old fashioned. But I know others who would disagree with me, but each to our own. 3. Caught up with my sister. I haven't seen her for a while, but she looks and sounds better. She still not got a job yet, but she seems more positive. Good!

Fun aero & waking.

1. Did no knitting, as went to baby sit my two granddaughters, while their mum and dad had a night out. And it was fun with them both.son came with me, as my eldest granddaughter asked if he would come to see her and play with her. 2. Happiness is eating a peppermint aero  in bed. 3. Waking up to a blue sky few clouds and the sun shining.

Knitting, lovely daughter & tea.

1. Going to pick up my knitting later, I have not done any for 3 weeks. Longest I have  left it. 2. My lovely daughter is 26 today. As always time has flown, she is a mum to  my 2 lovely granddaughters. She is a great mum, she has got 2 very happy girls. 3. Getting a new brand of tea. These ones are supermarket own brand and they are nice, plus cheaper to.

Having fun in Hastings.

1. Enjoyed my day at Hastings. My granddaughter put me to shame by going on the rides, so next time I will go on the rides with her.  2. It was lovely to see her having fun ,laughing and smiling. Mind you she is a very happy girl. 3. Had the best gin and tonic in ages. We just missed our train home, so had to wait an hour, so it was decided that we go for a drink, found a pub near the station and who ever done the g&t knows how to make them. We made sure we didn't miss this train.

Bed,bed times & rain.

1. Eating peaches in bed. My new little treat. 2. It is a rule  that no cats upstairs at bed time, but one snuck up and she would not come down, so when I tried to get her down she hid under the bed. So I left her. When I woke up this morning she was at the foot of the bed, she got up and said good morning. Now at the moment her brother is making a fuss as I think he is jealous. 3. Hearing the rain hammering down about 3 this morning, then remembered that I haven't brought in the washing, then I went back to sleep.

Summer, book & sandals.

1. Wearing summer clothes. 2. Treating myself to a new book and a author I have not read before. 3. Coming in and taking my sandals off. Bliss.

Peaches quiz & pay back.

1. Squashed peaches aka doughnut peaches , flat peaches. Really are my favorite fruit at the moment. Best time for me to have some  is  in the morning, when I am by myself. 2. Done a quiz online for which country you are compatible with, my country came up as France, which is a good choice. Mind you I do love Belgium had many happy holidays there with my dad. 3. Having money owing to me being paid back earlier than expected, by a big company. Still waiting for some money to be paid back by an other big company for over payment. They are still dragging their heels. Why is it when you owe them money they demand you pay them straight away? But when they owe you money that is different? I will give them a few more days, then ring them. It is well over the time limit they gave me. So Monday I will give them a ring. 4. Well done the big company that paid me back earlier. If you can do it why not others?

Seaside, hedge& coast.

1. Put my favourite bed linen on. It is blue and a sandy beige colour. It always reminds me of the seaside. 2. Done the hedge and it does look good ,even though I say so myself. 3. Looking forward to the weekend as I am going to the coast with my granddaughter and family, not driving down, going by train , so it will be a big adventure for her. Really looking forward to it.

Work, college & nice.

1. Done the lawn. Looks ok, but work still needs to be done on it. Slow but sure. 2. Son has finished college for now, he past all his exams and has a place on next September course. Not bad for someone who was written off because he is autistic, everyone apart from his form teacher and  his sister and myself, said he will never do it.he won't get any where. Well he has proved them wrong. Well done son. And if there is anyone out reading this post and you know someone in a similar position, please give them all the help and encouragement you can as it does make a difference. My son wanted to do it for himself and he did. 3. Had a lovely day out with family and friends and it was good. It was nice to catch up we do not see them very often so it was doubly nice.

Commuters, spider& happy.

1. My busy week up town is nearly finished, well 2 weeks to be exact. Hats of to all the commuters who do it day in , day out. 2. Watching a tiny red spider on the window ledge, going about its business. 3. Seeing my lovely granddaughters , made one very tired nanny very happy and now can face the world again.