Granddaughter for the afternoon.

1. We got to nanny's by flying scooter (bus) as my granddaughter had her scooter with her.
2. I left a little bit of dinner on my plate, "nanny you have got to eat everything up or no ice cream" like a good nanny I ate everything up and was allowed ice cream.
3. Went to get the washing in " nanny I will help you" so we went out to get it in. " nanny I fold it for you, you pass it to me" so passed the washing to her, she folded it and we made short work of it just as well as it started to rain. Then my granddaughter said " nanny I am a great helper " and she is . Bless her.
4. It was a shame she had to go home. I gave her a packet of fig rolls which she loves , but she calls them pig rolls. Love her.


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