
Showing posts from December, 2014

Better, better & ugh!

1. Daughter is so much better now thank goodness. 2. Sister had a fall, running for a bus. But she is now recovering, a nasty bruise over her eye. 3. Baby granddaughter has decided to wash the floor with her tongue! Lovely. Bless her.

Singing,slowly & better.

1. Being woken up by partner in the early hours, by his singing. Bless him, but he cannot sing. 2. Getting over the flu bug very slowly. 3. Daughter is still getting over her flu bug very slowly as well but she said its nice to feel just a little bit better.

Hugs, Winnie & bless them both.

1. Granddaughter said nanny I won't give you a hug today I might give you a hug tomorrow , tomorrow came, nanny I am still thinking about giving you a hug! Bless her. 2. Had one of the nicest chats I had in ages with a lady of 90 today in a cafe, she asked if she could sit with my sister and me, as her friend could not meet her today, yes we both said, and she was such a lovely lady, and we spent an hour with her, and she said if she is ever in the cafe again is not to be shy and pop over to hello, and we will. Bless you Winnie , you made us very glad that we met you. 3. Daughter is nearly over her flu, looking better. But  son has caught it! But he never complains, he just gets on with it. Bless him.

Teach, ghost& chocolate .

1. Got a cat who would like to learn how to knit or crochet came in last night to find a few balls of yarn on the floor, I put them away, then this morning I came down and she found some more yarn to play with, so later she and I will sit together and I teach her to knit or crochet her choice. Bless her. 2. Sorry about the emotional post yesterday. I laid down a ghost which has been around for a very long time. 3. Had a chocolate and salted caramel cupcake, it was very rich, but very nice. My friend organised a chocolate fair for the very first time and she and  sellers done very well. Everything on sale was to do with chocolate . Whiskey truffle you yum, sloe gin truffle yet to try. She is organising it again next year, so watch  this space.

Steam trip.

Went on the Union  of South Africa yesterday , all the way to York. Not been to York for over 20 years and I won't leave it that long to go back again. Had a great time. It was a happy but sad time, as the last time I went was with my dad and happy as I have got happy memories of my time there. The NRM has changed but all for the good. You need more than a day there to look around properly, so will go back there in the new year. Saw my beloveded Duchess of Hamilton , my most favourite steam train. When I come down from my high of going on a steam trip to York I will write a proper post

95, school & blows.

1. Went to see my friend who is 95 today, she was in very good spirits. She received a beautiful white cyclamen from the day centre she goes to. 2. Did the school run today and granddaughter goes to the same school I went to and her eldest uncle, it bought back many memories. It has changed but not a lot . 3. One thing that has not changed at my old school, is the wind when it blows across the fields , it blows!

Morning, proud& shelved.

1. Spent the morning with baby granddaughter as mum went to see her big sister's play. Big sister played an angel. Had lots of fun with baby granddaughter . Nice to have her on her own for a little while. 2. Proud of myself resisted buying wool, not once but twice. But it was a bargain but money short at the moment. 3. Scarf afghan has been shelved for a short while, but crochet afghan is coming on nicely.

Busy, lights & lighter.

1. Had a busy but fun day at work,last day for me till after Xmas. 2. Coming home from work in the dark has got it's advanages the Xmas lights are so pretty, some are subtle, some are wow hit you in the face, but all are lovely and brighten up the dark nights. 3.Soon it will be 21st December  the shortest day and then the evenings will start to get lighter.

Bump, bump, thank goodness.

1. Bumped into a very old friend not seen her for 15 years. It was so lovely to see her again, she has moved back into the area. So we are going to have a proper catch up at a later date. 2. With the sun being low and bright  not able to look where I was going bumped into a lamp post. Only my pride hurt. 3. Daughter and baby granddaughter are slowly getting better, thank goodness.

Unable, shoe & polka.

1. Unable to go to granddaughter's school fair, have to wait in for a parcel , so son said I go to the fair instead. Which is good of him, it's only fair as he normally waits in for parcels if I am not around. And he hasn't seen his two nieces for a little while. Eldest niece is going to have a suprise when she sees him. 2. Going out with odd shoes, not odd colours, but one lace up and one strap shoe! How I managed that I do not know. 3. Getting a polka dot gift box to send eldest son his presents, hopefully it will make him smile!

Soup,wrong & trip.

1. Two of my girls are very poorly, both with bad colds, daughter and baby granddaughter . 'Mum can you make chicken soup and bring it up please.' Asked my daughter . I will get the ingredients and take them round and do the soup there. 2. Son came home from college the other day and he was telling me that everything went wrong for him but in a funny way. It was so nice to hear him laugh. 3. Dad and son have gone on a steam train trip today and at the moment the weather is cold but sunny, so hopefully they will have a good day. So got a day to myself .

Present, whoops, & any ideas?

1. Sorted other half present. 4x4 experience here he comes. 2. Feeling smug I was this morning thinking I done all the cards and sent them off, then the other half phoned up and said did you send so and so a card. Whoops! Forgot, just going to do it. 3. The colours of the crochet blanket is beginning to work well. Now to find an other colour to go with peach , beige and turquoise or colours I should say. Any ideas?

Stash, teeth & block.

1. Having a quiet Sunday morning in, sorting out my yarn stash. Scarf blanket is still going.just wanted a change, so started to go through the stash, having fun putting colours together for future  blankets, didn't realise how much yarn I had. 2. Baby granddaughter is a lot better, daughter said she is sleeping better, she is still teething, though. 3. Looking at my craft books to give me inspiration for the above yarn, just looking at colours in patterns gives me ideas. I am having a creative block.

Busy chatting.

1. When I got off the bus I had a lovely chat with a lady, we were trying to cross a small road, we have no choice but to cross it, but it is quite dangerous . The lady said that people herself included have written in to complain about that road, all it needs is a maybe lights or a zebra crossing. There have been a few near misses. 2. The lady in the cafe asked what the weather was doing, rain I replied. Oh well she said my hair is going to frizz up like candy floss . We both then had a laugh. 3. Queuing sometimes get boring , but a lady decided to have a chat, she was telling me all about her families birthdays and other celebrations what occurred this year,she said that the icing of the cake was her parents diamond wedding anniversary . Her face just lit up. Bless.

Shirts,blanket,& anxious.

1. Re-ironed some shirts without thinking, I was so busy watching telly at the time. 2. I was watching a Basil Rathbone, Sherlock Holmes film, The Lady In Green, I noticed in one of the scenes a crochet blanket, the background colour was a light colour and it was done in the traditional  granny square. I also have notice a crochet blanket, in a Margaret Rutherford Miss Marple film and a Murder She Wrote episode . I am sure there are more out there, it will be fun to try and spot the crochet blanket in films etc. 3. I have got a very anxious cat at the moment, my outdoor cat who loves being out she sits by the back door and looks out , runs out then runs back in,I have been out to look and cannot see anything that frighting her.but it is nice to have her in for a change.

Bike, special & scanners.

1. A green bike chain up at a lonely country station, it looked sad there in the drizzle. I bet that bike could tell a story or two being there all day waiting for its owner. 2. Baby granddaughter gave her uncle(son) a special smile even though she wasn't feeling to good(pesky teeth) it was one of those moments where you needed a camera quick , such a beautiful smile. Son has got a very good relationship with them both. 3. These self service scanners, what you think of them? When they work ,they work fine when they play up, they play up big time. Three times and all in a row the same firm but two different locations they played up. Needed help, no assistants nearby, no nobody, left the bits there. Sorry to moan.

Ooh, steam trip& tea& cake.

1. The chocolate I got from France was mouth watering , the coffee ones were strong but ooh! Did I enjoy them. 2. Was meant to go on a steam train trip next week, had a email saying that the date has been changed to the next day, as the tickets have been bought i can drop out and son can take my place as he is not at college that day, he is so excited as it's his beloved southern steam train that's going. 2. Baby granddaughter has cut an other tooth, she is ok, but my daughter is not, as she has been up a few nights running, so you can imagine what state she is in. A lot of TLC is coming her way. I offered to do her shopping but she said no, as she wants to get fresh air and baby granddaughter needs fresh air as well. I said I could of taken baby granddaughter out, but she said no, I need tea and cake and a bit of time out. So tea and cake time soon.

Lille, euro travel & snow.

1. Went to Lille France  and had a great time, lovely place to visit. And the people were warm and welcoming. Thank you Lille. 2. The euro tunnel train was different, I would love to go over by the euro star train as a foot passenger  next time. But quick isn't the word. It's seemed like one minute you are in England the next minute you are in France . I really enjoyed the travelling. 3. Daughter just told me we might get some snow at the end of the week. Bah humbug!