Happy,cats,motto& small.

1. Son had a good afternoon at college. Tutor was pleased with his homework. Came home happy.
2. Have two cats sitting on me, one on my lap, the other one across my arm and chest. I cannot move, but I need my cup of tea! I will sit for a while longer, then I get up, I really don't want to disturb them,so tea has to wait.
3. Back to decluttering , I must admit my living is looking a lot better. It's funny how a bit of rearrangement does a world of good to a room. Still got a bit to do, slow but sure. That's my motto, saying for this latter part of the year slow but sure ( but not to slow, but really sure!)
4. It's really down to the spider plant and pot I bought a little while back, it's funny how something so small can help to sort out the room.


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