
Showing posts from 2021

Bumpy Road

 The road ahead is bumpy very bumpy , some of it is my fault , but I have tried to sort things out. Other things are what people threw my way. But I am determined to see this bumpy road to the end. 

Garter Stitch Square

 As promised instructions for a very basic square done in garter stitch.  Cast on 1 stitch. Knit into front and back of  it . 2 stitches made. Next row , knit 1 stitch increase in next stitch. 3sts. Next row , knit to last st increase in last stitch. .  Repeat till you got say 43 sts, Next row knit. Next row knit to last 2 sts  knit them together decrease made, Repeat until 2 stitches remain knit them together.  Then fasten off. Very basic square , plenty of other square patterns online , in books etc. 

Knitting Needles

 Picked up some knitting needles. They are a pair from my late mother’s collection. Uk size 9 . 3/34 in metric not quite sure in American sizes. But anyway they are that old over 60 years ! I have got a lot of small odd balls of yarn and I was asked if I could knit a blanket in garter stitch corner to corner, so I jumped at the request. These particular needles has one  needle with a very slight bend and when I used them for the first time in years my thumb and index finger found the slight bend. Very relaxing and soothing .  I shall write the square instructions out in the next post. Have to make sure it works ok 


 Found my French and Dutch crochet books . Both have charts to follow, I am not one for charts but shall persevere in following them and both have written instructions so I am going to teach myself both in French and Dutch to follow written instructions. Always wanted to do that . Then German will be next. 


 1. Deep cleaned a friends kitchen and bathroom . Friend said why don’t I take on clients , to be honest not sure about that really have to look into it.  2. With the wool son found going to make him a blanket . Got a pattern all sorted. Then after making his blanket will do some knitting . Miss knitting.  3. Got off the bus said thank you , bus driver said you are most welcome and gave a lovely smile. That really uplifted me. Thank you bus driver . I have him again as he is a regular driver on my route . 

Done Me Good

 Went a different way to my destination. Instead of a bus and 2 trains it was 3 buses. Very tiring connections was smooth. While waiting for one bus went into a charity shop and bought 3 books. Ones was a knitting book about cable knitting very useful. One was a book of healthy snacks and the last one was a crime book. So a happy bunny I was. The last bus journey took about 40 minutes. Through country lanes and places I didn’t know existed in my   Part of the world . Done me good . 


 A gentle droning noise from the sky overhead could be heard , looked up and a biplane was flying around in the clear blue sky.  A lovely sight and sound .


 Admired some roses in a garden as I walked by and said so to the man who was de-heading them , he very kindly  cut some for me . So beautiful they are. Thanked him so much . A small but simple gesture made my heart sing. 

Woolaholic Part 4

 Found a pattern for some of the wool what was found a slight twist on a solid granny square not a English or American pattern . It’s in German I can read a bit of German but thank goodness it has got a chart to follow, not a great one to follow charts but I am going to give it a go. 

Woolaholic Part 3

 While out shopping saw some really really lovely wool in a beautiful dusky pink and some dark grey which would go lovely with each other. I must admit it was really difficult not to buy any, but after the big stash which was found the other day I did not , but those colours will go in my notebook for an other time. I know I might not get the exact shades. 

Woolaholic Part 2

 Son tiding out his wardrobe found a big black plastic bag and guess what was in it yes you got it one , more wool! Ho hum . How it got in the wardrobe I do not know. But the wool is staying . Mainly full balls of wool and a riot of colours . So I will not be buying any more wool for a very long time. If I remember correctly the wool shop closed down years ago and was selling the odd balls of wool very cheaply, so I think that is where most of this wool has come from.  To be truthful it was two black plastic bags it’s 100gms balls of wool  I haven’t counted how many yet! But a very happy me . 


 1. Went to big sis home . Had a lovely time. And came home with enough wool to last for ages . Don’t think I be buying wool for the rest of the year! Yes she is a woolaholic she knits and crochets too. 2. Was undecided whether to go out or not, but in the end went out. Went to the next big town and had a nice time strolling round. Some of my favourite shops closed down due to the covid. Shame. But had coffee and cake n my favourite cafe,  good to be back,  3. Now to look for patterns for my new wool stash can’t wait I am going to have fun. Notepad and biro at the ready to jot down ideas patterns and what colours etc oh what fun  

Good Tonic

1.  Met up with a friend who I have not seen for a long time. It was a very good tonic for the both of us. It was very good catching up.  Have to do it again. 2. The technology glitch has been solved. I had a break from it. When it works it’s good but when it goes haywire it goes to pot. And that pot being me.  3. The honeysuckle has decided to bloom again but only in one place and the bees are buzzing round it like the proverbial bees around the honey pot.  

Not A Good Day

 Ignore below post. Technology gremlins were at work.  To be honest can’t remember what wrote . Not having a good day. 

Not Sure

 1. A walk down the hill from the bus stop to home passed a lot of gardens with roses.  All the different colours of roses but pink seems to be the favourite then with white following a close second.  2. Crochet squares are going well. Found more crochet books so now decided I have got enough crochet books . Come to think of it I have enough  cookery books as well. Knitting books ? Not sure. 3. Kitchen done uncluttered sides now looks so much better. Now the bathroom. . And I am getting better with throwing things out. Just close my eyes and put the article ina black bag job done ! 


 1. Work has been very busy. But things seem to be pulling together for a change.  2. Ordering coffee and tea then a voice over my shoulder said latte please , turned round to have a go but fortunately it was my brother with his cheeky smile. 3. Re-arranging the kitchen. Part 2 starts today 


 1. Spilt rice is like water goes everywhere. Sorting out kitchen and dropped the bag of rice! It went everywhere. 2. Sitting in the passenger seat in the car drew up to the traffic lights had to stop, the driver in the car in the next lane gave such a delightful smile. Made my day I return the smile and we both laughed.  3. Friend making excellent progress. Walking a few steps unaided now. The friend who had covid then a stroke. Well done sunshine! 

Quiet Times

 1. Rain but no need for a coat . Still warm and muggy. 2. Need a get a new umbrella as the spokes are are dangerous on the 2 I got. Really don’t like umbrellas much.  3 . Crochet squares are going really well. In and I use the old fashioned term in random yarn. Just a plain square but looking good. 


 1. Nanny and grandson was supposed to have a talk grandson looked at nanny and smiled ,it then changed into a nanny and grandson chat. 2. Got of at a different bus stop so a bit of a walk I had to do, but it did me good. Looking at the gardens and seeing all the summer flowers in bloom.  3. Thinking of planting a wild flower corner. Think I thought of doing that last year but never did. Shall look into it . 

New Hobby?

 1. Recycling old cups , mugs and cereal bowls, into holding , displaying or potting up plants. Looked at some pot plant holders and display stands at a garden centre , but at the moment money is very tight so went home and rooted through the cupboards and found the above. But not got any saucers!  2. But treated myself to a very small plant one which was on the bargain shelf  looked sorry for itself, so bought home gave it a good watering and looked at it this morning  it has picked up not bad for a £1. 3. All this is due to me knocking of some leaves of a Christmas cactus, I potted them and they have come up a treat so I thought they need some company. So got some small succulent plants to keep them company. On the side near the kitchen window where they are all doing well. Think I have got a new hobby.


 Of all the mornings to over sleep  expecting the gas check man and usually they come late . In my case this morning he came early still in my nightie good job I wear sensible nighties!  Anyway everything passed. I am usually on the ball if I have to get up early I can , why I overslept I do not know. 

Special Evening

 Sitting by the opened patio door enjoying the the lovely gentle breeze wafting in. Hearing the birds singing their evening songs and for once no traffic noise in the background. Watching the sunset making the the sky a sky blue pink colour. A very special feeling no words can describe. 

Goodness Knows

 1. Big sister is morphing into mother. Little brother morphing into dad. Were  does that leave me ? Goodness knows. 2. Garden front and back beginning to look good. Now to decide what to plant and not what to plant. Library day next week so going to get a gardening book or two. 3. Granddaughter’s birthday soon, special request for uncle to pop over to see her. Every year it’s the same it’s not my granddaughter’s birthday without her uncle. He has got a very good relationship with his nieces and nephew. 

More Crochet

 An other crochet blanket done. But this one didn’t take to long. It is a blanket for a car seat.  Now to finish a blanket what I started before these 3 blankets came along. While looking for yarn in my stash I found some crocheted squares I done so after this blanket, need to finish the long forgotten squares . Then after that I feel some knitting  would be nice to do for a change .

Cream Tea.

 A very lovely cream tea on a steam train going through the beautiful countryside. Savoury rolls, fresh cream cakes , shortbread, Victoria sandwich cake, 2 fruit scones with jam and clotted cream, as much  tea or coffee as required. The weather really lovely. A nice day had by all. 


 1. Watching the rain splashing into and over the water butt. Making music. 2. Sitting outside undercover having tea/coffee and cake with big sis. Hearing the rain thundering down on the roof. Even though it’s raining it is quite warm . 3. A gentleman shared his over sized umbrella when waiting for the bus home. Try very hard to social distance. 

All At Dusk

 Being serenaded by a wood pigeon nearby. A magpie being chased by a pied wagtail. Snails and slugs finding somewhere cool. Young foxes running about at dusk. And the weather is still nice. In the still of the night the owl calls . 


 A nice gentle stroll through the park. People trying their best to social distance. Watching children in the play area having fun lovely to hear them laugh. Watching some ducks fly over from one pond to an other. Watching water insects hop skipping and jumping. A fallen small branch making its way down stream on the way to the waterfall.  Having a lovely unexpected lunch out. Best fish finger sandwich I had for a long time. And a glass of rose wine to wash it down. Just the one but that was all was needed. Then an other gentle stroll in the late afternoon sun bliss! 


 1. Visited the library for the first time since last year. Only allowed 15 minutes browsing but found what I was looking for . Crochet book!  2. Ordered crochet book online as it’s got a lot of motifs which I find useful. 3. Then I got a Alexander McCall Smith book Piano and Flowers,. My reading has gone to pot for over a year now so I need something to kick start me again. 

Beautiful Start

 1. An unexpected visit from daughter and grandson. A beautiful start to the week and she bought cake!  2. Friend who had covid and a stroke is out of hospital and walking unaided. Slow but sure , but very positive. A few steps at a time.  3. A cabbage white butterfly trying to find shelter in the rain is in the corner of the window now. Sun is trying to get out .


 1. Breakfast outside in the rain but under cover. Refreshing is the word but enjoyed it. Could of waited for a table indoors but opted to go outside. Enjoying meals outside. 2. Grandson second blanket done, same pattern but added stripes and it looks good. Now back to crochet squares old fashion term in random yarn. Leaving the big blanket I am ding for myself need to do something small and portable. 3. Now coping with coming out of this lockdown better. Gave a much needed talk to myself! 


 First train trip in nearly over 2 years. The year before last the route I take regularly had a bad land slide and it took a long time to deal with it. Then last year covid reared its ugly head.  Bit nervous about travelling but needn’t worried everything was well thought out on the station and train. Nice to be back on the train.  Not much was changed in the scenery. Apart from a few safety measures where the landslide was. Missed going on the train. Have to do it again soon. And yes it was essential that I traveled on the train.  But I shall be sensible and look forward to my next train journey. 


 1. Sitting by the opened patio door . Feeling the morning air which is soft and gentle.  2.  The brisk walk to and from the bus stop is very pleasant. Even though I live in a concrete jungle it’s making me aware of what is around me.  3. The walk in the evening home is my favourite. Just like the early evening especially in the lighter evenings . Usually I see the sun setting . And the group of trees near me are a joy to see . A little bit of nature in amongst the concrete soothes the soul.

New Week.

 The beginning of a new week. Wonder what it will hold? Dentist cancelled my appointment a new one made for next mouth. So got a day off to do what I want to do this week. Not sure how to use it I shall ponder . Have to see what the weather is like  and go from there. Not much opened yet but from next week most places will be. .  Still finding it a bit different to get out of this lockdown , last lockdown I had no trouble. I have to give myself a lecture! 

First Makes

 Read an article about first craft makes. Made interesting reading ,so here are mine. 1. A knitted teddy done in garter stitch squares . I was about 41/2 . Taught to knit by my granny . So garter stitch squares always reminds me of granny.  2. Crochet pot holders done in the traditional granny squares . Taught how to crochet by my mother. 3. Binca placemats at school. Cream colour and brightly coloured sewing. 4. A clay pencil holder at school. 

So Far

 1. So far so good . The week stared quickly but it’s good and busy. 2. Having coffee with big sister out in the cold and wind . Mad ? Yes but it was good. Blew a few cobwebs away. 3. Grandchildren are all doing well. Grandson loves his bath hates coming out of the bath ! 

Better Week?

 1. The first cup of tea at 5.30 . Couldn’t sleep due to tinnitus. A very high pitched squeal. 2. A brand new start to the week. Last week was one of those weeks you was glad to see the back of. But Friday was a good day so not all bad. 3. Try to get the lid off the bottle of plant food. I understand why we need these childproof lids, but when it comes to adult proof! But managed in the end after a struggle. Gave the indoors plants a good feed. The cuttings or should I say the leaves that was knocked of the Christmas cactus took very well, so where does one put them ! 


 1. Strawberries and banana with kerned  yoghurt for breakfast . Really thick and creamy the yoghurt dare I say nicer than cream. That’s my preference. Kerned is a old Somerset word for thickened.  2. Yarn bought ! I shall say no more. 3. Little steps that I am taking to ease myself out of this lockdown is beginning to take shape. I am in no rush . 

Yarn And More Yarn

 1. Sorting out my yarns boy have I got some ! But all have got patterns to go with them. Then saw some yarn yesterday and resisted temptation but who is going tomorrow to get some more yearn yes me !  2. Started to fill in my new craft notebook . So good to write down the patterns and what colour to make the items!  3. Am finding it difficult with this easing of the lockdown so good excuse to get the yarn to get out . So love indoors and before I was out most days. But I am sure I will find a happy medium. 


 Taken a couple of days off . Much needed as there has been a lot of changes and my head is spinning with it all. But it had to be done. So taken time to reflect and sort my life out. There is much needed changes in my life to do, so small steps are required at the moment , big changes are needed but it is not quite the right time . But the time will come soon.  Grandchildren are all fine . The girls are back to school and doing well. They now have the good weather to go to school and come home. Grandson likes to be on the move most times which is good.  Just trying to get used to the lockdown being lifted . I must admit I am finding this one difficult. Spent so much time on my own and quick shopping  that I really got so used to it. At the moment I prefer my own company. But things will change foe me I will do it slowly. 


 The gardens are beautiful with the spring flowers in bloom. A joy to look at. The beech trees are unfurling their leaves at long last. Hear the birds singing but not seeing them and the resident robin is nearby the loudest song at the moment. 

Food & Scent

 1. Hot buttered crumpets for breakfast and I mean proper butter.  2.  Made a sausage chilli, as  found a jar of chilli sauce said it was hot , but it turned out very mild! Good and tasty. 3. Was given some grapefruit scented hand cream really lovely scent. Love citrus scents for me they are so fresh clean and zingy. 

New Project Book

 1.  Brought a new project book. Where I put down colour schemes, patterns , whether it’s either knitting or crochet and what book the patterns are in. Even do my own thing will be going in .  2. Peach wool came sort of a dusky peach blends very well with the other colours I have got, hence the new project book. Can’t wait to start writing in it. 3. A kind word and gesture went a long way . Lots going on and what was said and done cheered me up. So maybe someone is feeling blue  a kind word even if it is a simple hello and smile I know we are wearing masks but your eyes smiles might be all that someone needs to help them a little bit.

Half Price.

 Lockdown slowly is being relaxed. Hopefully we won’t go through an other one.  It has been a difficult time for us all , some more than others.  Friend who had a stroke while having covid is doing very well.he is a fighter still some way to go but still fighting . The blanket is going well and ordered more wool! Well it was half price a flash sale so it had to be done! Lol! Got the colours what I really wanted and one colour I got was the last lot. So a happy bunny I am . 


 1. Granddaughter is 7 today and she is definitely not an fool at all. You don’t mess with her, she is a lovely sweet girl but you push her to far well !  2. Granddaughter no2 is a great second mum to her baby brother really loves him loads. First granddaughter loves him just as much but doesn’t show it.  3. April is here . One of the months I really like , May September and October are also favourites as well.  4. Ordered more wool! Well all three colours what I wanted was on a special offer at half price so why not I thought! Got enough wool to last me sometime now!  And the plans of things to make are shaping up well .

Special Request

 1. 2nd covid jab done. For me no side effects with either jabs. 2. Special request via his mummy grandson asked for an other blanket in same colour and perhaps a bit of white? And same pattern. Consider it done grandson . 3. Easing out of lockdown gently. Fingers crossed it won’t go wrong.

Is Here

 2 weeks early but otherwise very healthy baby grandson is  here . Mum is doing well. Big sisters love him to bits. 


 Not been here for a while . Life has been a mixture recently. Good news about friend who had a stroke while battling covid, he is doing really well . It’s been a tough journey for him and his family but he continues to battle on.

Blocks Have Ended

 1. Having a social distancing coffee for me tea for sister in the rain sitting on plastic bags.  2. Reading block now gone reading a murder mystery . Enjoying at the moment.  3. New crochet project is going nicely a blanket for me  I hope. Quick simple pattern .  Had a bit of a crochet block. 

3 S’s

 1. New staff at work new friends. Which is good. 2. Saw sister first time in ages . She looks well and coping with the lockdown well.  3. Snow is thawing nicely and not at all slushy as usual. 


 1. Crown fell out phoned dentist thinking that I have a long wait to be seen . No! Tomorrow. Not complaining glad to get it sorted quickly. 2. Baby blanket is now freshly washed and put safely until the little man arrives but hopefully I be able to give it to his mum before he does arrives . 3. Started the next crochet project a blanket for me ! Cream and purple . Easy pattern . 

Snow Raven

 1. Crochet blanket  done. Really enjoyed making it  I think that’s why it took a long time making it and the yarn was really soft and nice to work with. 2. Snow has landed but not much but it’s landed. 3. A raven sitting on a chimney pot is now a snow raven covered all over with snow, must be enjoying the snow..


 1. Patio door is opened the wind gently breezes in and blows away the cobwebs of mind and house. Freshens up everything. 2. Dawn breaks with the sound of the birds singing and running to and fro on the roof. 3. Back to making early starts. Missed them .

Up and Down

 A up and down week. But I have got 4 days off work which is much needed, haven’t had a break since last year . Please don’t get me wrong I am very grateful that I am working, I enjoy my work. So after tonight I have 6 days including the weekend off, not really be able to go out and about because of the COVID-19. But it’s youngest son’s birthday soon so I am going to cook him a nice meal he normally pops round to his sister's on his birthday and she cooks him steak and chips, she does a better steak than you mum!  When I am working I do late afternoons and early evenings he does dinner for us, so it’s my turn to cook for him in the evenings. Very good news about my friend who had a stroke while having covid he is doing really really well speech not affected his mental health is very good but he is having trouble walking at the moment but knowing him he will get there in the end. Daughter has recovered from covid being 7 months pregnant it was a worry but baby is doing fine. Not lon

Good News

 1. Friend who had a stroke while having covid is really doing well. No loss of speech. And learning how to walk again .  2. Daughter recovered from covid well even though she is 7 months pregnant. Baby was checked all is well. 3. Snap crackle and pop . 

All Good.

 1. Had first covid vaccine injection. No side affects at the moment. 2. Had no side affects from the vaccine. 3. Ordered more wool! 

Hyacinth Thing

 1. Out of 3 hyacinth bulbs 5 hyacinths. These ones are all white. Think I got a hyacinth thing !  2. Snow fell quickly and disappeared quickly. Just a light dusting . 3. Planning to make an authentic chilli con carne. Herbs and spices here I come ! 


 1. Good news friend who had a stroke while having covid is doing well. Hoping to be home in about 4 weeks time .  2. Unfortunately daughter and partner caught covid, but both are doing well. One more day and they be out of isolation. 3. Sun is shining making life a bit ore brighter and sunnier. Thank you for the small things in life


 1. Happy new year to one and all. Hope all will be well with each and everyone in 2021. 2. Loved the neighbours firework show last night . Really lovely and it didn’t go on to long . 3. New comfort food, crumpets and marmalade.